account_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | business_profile_mcc | business_profile_name | business_profile_product_description | business_profile_support_address_city | business_profile_support_address_country | business_profile_support_address_line_1 | business_profile_support_address_line_2 | business_profile_support_address_postal_code | business_profile_support_address_state | business_profile_support_email | business_profile_support_phone | business_profile_support_url | business_profile_url | business_type | capabilities_afterpay_clearpay_payments | capabilities_au_becs_debit_payments | capabilities_bacs_debit_payments | capabilities_bancontact_payments | capabilities_card_issuing | capabilities_card_payments | capabilities_cartes_bancaires_payments | capabilities_eps_payments | capabilities_fpx_payments | capabilities_giropay_payments | capabilities_grabpay_payments | capabilities_ideal_payments | capabilities_jcb_payments | capabilities_legacy_payments | capabilities_oxxo_payments | capabilities_p_24_payments | capabilities_platform_payments | capabilities_sepa_debit_payments | capabilities_sofort_payments | capabilities_tax_reporting_us_1099_k | capabilities_tax_reporting_us_1099_misc | capabilities_transfers | charges_enabled | company_address_city | company_address_country | company_address_kana_city | company_address_kana_country | company_address_kana_line_1 | company_address_kana_line_2 | company_address_kana_postal_code | company_address_kana_state | company_address_kana_town | company_address_kanji_city | company_address_kanji_country | company_address_kanji_line_1 | company_address_kanji_line_2 | company_address_kanji_postal_code | company_address_kanji_state | company_address_kanji_town | company_address_line_1 | company_address_line_2 | company_address_postal_code | company_address_state | company_directors_provided | company_executives_provided | company_name | company_name_kana | company_name_kanji | company_owners_provided | company_phone | company_structure | company_tax_id_provided | company_tax_id_registrar | company_vat_id_provided | company_verification_document_back | company_verification_document_details | company_verification_document_details_code | company_verification_document_front | country | created | default_currency | details_submitted | individual_id | is_deleted | metadata | payouts_enabled | requirements_current_deadline | requirements_currently_due | requirements_disabled_reason | requirements_errors | requirements_eventually_due | requirements_past_due | requirements_pending_verification | settings_branding_icon | settings_branding_logo | settings_branding_primary_color | settings_card_payments_decline_on_avs_failure | settings_card_payments_decline_on_cvc_failure | settings_card_payments_statement_descriptor_prefix | settings_dashboard_display_name | settings_dashboard_timezone | settings_payments_statement_descriptor | settings_payments_statement_descriptor_kana | settings_payments_statement_descriptor_kanji | settings_payouts_debit_negative_balances | settings_payouts_schedule_delay_days | settings_payouts_schedule_interval | settings_payouts_schedule_monthly_anchor | settings_payouts_schedule_weekly_anchor | settings_payouts_statement_descriptor | tos_acceptance_date | tos_acceptance_ip | tos_acceptance_user_agent | type | ||
0 | 1234 | 2022-12-06 14:19:07 | 737 | Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry | NaN | Hogwarts | US | 123 Street | Apt 123 | 12345 | CA | | NaN | | | NaN | active | NaN | NaN | active | NaN | active | NaN | active | NaN | active | NaN | active | NaN | NaN | NaN | active | active | active | active | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | US | NaN | usd | True | | NaN | False | NaN | True | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | file_asdfasgas | #0030ff | NaN | NaN | NaN | Hogwarts Inc. | America/Los_Angeles | | NaN | NaN | True | 7 | daily | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | standard |
balance_transaction_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | available_on | connected_account_id | created | currency | description | exchange_rate | fee | net | source | status | type | payout_id | |
0 | txn_0IV4rIig6peNXzgDK3XAFbaN | 2021-03-15 02:21:18 | -18759 | 2021-03-16 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-03-15 01:04:36 | usd | f39657a1847db73d9a2abb0bad3d31ae | NaN | 0 | -18759 | po_0IV4rIig6peNXzgD51VFKdaB | pending | payout | po_0IV4rIig6peNXzgD51VFKdaB |
1 | txn_0IDYgiig6peNXzgDuNvLeoLR | 2021-01-31 02:21:08 | 2040000 | 2021-02-01 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-01-25 17:17:15 | usd | d267c9d09a2d1e50f12635bd2b56ed29 | NaN | 59190 | 1980810 | ch_0IDYghig6peNXzgDhuOFKdTS | pending | charge | po_0IFUKBig6peNXzgDZQM7WPAo |
2 | txn_0IG5fvig6peNXzgD8jemrxAp | 2021-02-07 02:21:12 | 117524 | 2021-02-08 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-02-01 16:54:54 | usd | 0662d6089789e1fabd56c6d55e91ef09 | NaN | 3438 | 114086 | ch_0IG5fuig6peNXzgDzZkrO949 | pending | charge | po_0II1gGig6peNXzgD4BxKEJJJ |
3 | txn_0ILGCbig6peNXzgDqjp7xaaX | 2021-02-21 02:21:08 | 7239375 | 2021-02-22 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-02-15 23:09:59 | usd | 612942eb1230077a0b1d066de5aba0db | NaN | 209972 | 7029403 | ch_0ILGCZig6peNXzgDw4eVbq0v | pending | charge | po_0IN6L6ig6peNXzgDu7m6fhRI |
4 | txn_0IO6DWig6peNXzgDF8qNjZNX | 2021-03-01 02:21:13 | 255360 | 2021-03-02 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-02-23 19:06:41 | usd | b8de27e00022f92981c965125c15c22d | NaN | 7435 | 247925 | ch_0IO6DVig6peNXzgDgTOGtdeD | pending | charge | po_0IQ08Sig6peNXzgDC6UG0Oxc |
5 | txn_0IROZoig6peNXzgDRsBjph8K | 2021-03-10 02:21:13 | 438750 | 2021-03-11 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-03-04 21:19:18 | usd | d3c18c425369d3c6b26126b7f791cf3f | NaN | 12754 | 425996 | ch_0IROZmig6peNXzgDwohSYaPj | pending | charge | po_0ITGUHig6peNXzgD78pmjvio |
6 | txn_0IT7uhig6peNXzgDolTgmiUJ | 2021-03-15 02:21:18 | 19350 | 2021-03-16 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-03-09 15:56:02 | usd | a29cfd524867f29bd7eddcb21fdf6e3b | NaN | 591 | 18759 | ch_0IT7ugig6peNXzgDh9iGZed7 | pending | charge | po_0IV4rIig6peNXzgD51VFKdaB |
7 | txn_0IUBwDig6peNXzgDCYCHC7gd | 2021-03-13 14:21:36 | 3519960 | 2021-03-19 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-03-12 14:26:00 | usd | e8be2b872cd9d14ddf3b5cd89860d551 | NaN | 137308 | 3382652 | ch_0IUBwCig6peNXzgDTOTEw24B | pending | charge | None |
8 | txn_0IUIaVig6peNXzgDoGvsNC17 | 2021-03-13 14:21:36 | 7499999 | 2021-03-19 00:00:00 | NaN | 2021-03-12 21:32:01 | usd | 9b8159d008204266ff7f2df19843d5b4 | NaN | 217530 | 7282469 | ch_0IUIaTig6peNXzgDhyoZBxWv | pending | charge | None |
card_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | account_id | address_city | address_country | address_line_1 | address_line_1_check | address_line_2 | address_state | address_zip | address_zip_check | brand | connected_account_id | country | created | currency | customer_id | cvc_check | dynamic_last_4 | exp_month | exp_year | fingerprint | funding | is_deleted | last_4 | name | network | recipient | tokenization_method | metadata | |
0 | pm_0IB5RYig6peNXzgDEpJNTma5 | 2021-01-24 20:21:25 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | SG | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 12 | 2024 | dBtxWQhL5E69vKaA | credit | False | 6002 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
1 | pm_0ICE3kig6peNXzgDaIknpelY | 2021-01-24 20:21:25 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | US | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 6 | 2025 | 8zjMKolROJb2DOfU | credit | False | 1019 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-55485215151"} |
2 | pm_0IBsCaig6peNXzgDJizDwm5N | 2021-01-24 20:21:25 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | US | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 12 | 2023 | vPwaBFU1Wv1CQqVm | credit | False | 1101 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
3 | pm_0IB5SCig6peNXzgDnoOeWOM2 | 2021-01-24 20:21:25 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | SG | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 12 | 2024 | dBtxWQhL5E69vKaA | credit | False | 6002 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
4 | pm_0ICQWNig6peNXzgDdRO1sgVD | 2021-01-24 20:21:25 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | US | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 5 | 2022 | 4Z2iVx6VARCRpNa1 | credit | False | 1074 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
5 | pm_0IDYghig6peNXzgDayKTgvhk | 2021-01-25 20:21:09 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | US | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 6 | 2021 | kfKa2SdMc7wknRvo | credit | False | 7029 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
6 | pm_0IEiyEig6peNXzgDQKMy0e9r | 2021-01-29 02:21:11 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | US | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 11 | 2024 | 0RngWb400WEDhlk0 | credit | False | 1003 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
7 | pm_0IEj3Nig6peNXzgDca8CkzmS | 2021-01-29 02:21:11 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | US | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 10 | 2025 | tfeM21vlpK28vge1 | credit | False | 7001 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-44455582c"} |
8 | pm_0IOPFAig6peNXzgDe1tz420v | 2021-02-24 20:21:16 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | US | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 3 | 2021 | SHqULdMTagzWt3dY | credit | False | 65 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
9 | pm_0IOsAdig6peNXzgDvt1wyFWD | 2021-02-26 02:21:09 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | SG | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 12 | 2024 | dBtxWQhL5E69vKaA | credit | False | 6002 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {} |
10 | pm_0IRmpUig6peNXzgDiWmECRTW | 2021-03-06 02:21:12 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | AU | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | usd | NaN | pass | NaN | 3 | 2024 | CbPvCaPZuJyEx9Fl | credit | False | 1006 | NaN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25554515"} |
charge_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | amount_refunded | application | application_fee_amount | balance_transaction_id | bank_account_id | captured | card_id | connected_account_id | created | currency | customer_id | description | destination | failure_code | failure_message | fraud_details_stripe_report | fraud_details_user_report | invoice_id | livemode | metadata | on_behalf_of | outcome_network_status | outcome_reason | outcome_risk_level | outcome_risk_score | outcome_seller_message | outcome_type | paid | payment_intent_id | receipt_email | receipt_number | receipt_url | refunded | shipping_address_city | shipping_address_country | shipping_address_line_1 | shipping_address_line_2 | shipping_address_postal_code | shipping_address_state | shipping_carrier | shipping_name | shipping_phone | shipping_tracking_number | source_id | source_transfer | statement_descriptor | status | transfer_data_destination | transfer_group | transfer_id | calculated_statement_descriptor | |
0 | ch_0IMDAfig6peNXzgDJYQKfT3B | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 3293232 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hr3Oyig6peNXzgDkOfs9Dqm | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:07:57 | usd | cus_IRb688lkE0TnTM | 068dfcec35b4d2eb8e5655783b40608e | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDAfig6peNXzgDnE8UotlM | 32beaaeef4e37a5d19f8bafc1a1631c2 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
1 | ch_0IMDAVig6peNXzgDHlr1zyyW | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 2040000 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hj3Mhig6peNXzgDeAoKLH7U | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:07:47 | usd | cus_IHmGn2733l3GK6 | 403e2c77a9041c677cb45b09d65a2636 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDAVig6peNXzgDJXuKVLtD | e9e8ea6013cb5c982f71b5247c98be65 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
2 | ch_0IMD9Yig6peNXzgDUvMKMSla | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 4071 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0HfVlUig6peNXzgDvnqkgdRQ | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:06:48 | usd | cus_IEXWsmR0hA8iGL | d36f9f0f170bb3069a9b1d7055c8b412 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9Yig6peNXzgDtgkX3pjH | ab11bebc20a2f74af38dc1f84d33e759 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
3 | ch_0IMDGtig6peNXzgD1jdR6t7Y | 2021-02-18 20:21:08 | 197391 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0I3Nemig6peNXzgDdDSfZXb9 | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:14:23 | usd | cus_IegzSpQ6V9deOW | f794a8544921fbec51dd986d00a443f8 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDGtig6peNXzgDCuzBH6xK | 24a64fea88592b8a7bb9783eeb93f4c5 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
4 | ch_0IMDLjig6peNXzgDQ0WJ7OtY | 2021-02-18 20:21:09 | 15000 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hw4QGig6peNXzgDCwWwFnh0 | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:19:23 | usd | cus_IX8c0jeM4yuzDn | cda6649904149ac57765d9deac2263e6 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDLjig6peNXzgDppN3qSTF | eb27183b771710ba705cc3d1f10be3fd | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
5 | ch_0IMD9Wig6peNXzgDHxwWBPEZ | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 183000 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0HnC5mig6peNXzgDXSNeK1Bu | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:06:46 | usd | cus_INy1KScKAog1uS | 3944b9f788ae4e71b100786be80205de | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9Vig6peNXzgDQxQe1FHT | 6e05435f9bf429c0fb659a54fd7529b8 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
6 | ch_0IMDDQig6peNXzgDah11dNBN | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 243500 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0HnC5mig6peNXzgDXSNeK1Bu | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:10:48 | usd | cus_INy1KScKAog1uS | dd43606ef2262a592ebf62590c9d4df5 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDDQig6peNXzgDaC9Gjkx0 | 6e05435f9bf429c0fb659a54fd7529b8 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
7 | ch_0IMDDUig6peNXzgDyqDvLubr | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 2786 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0HfVlUig6peNXzgDvnqkgdRQ | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:10:52 | usd | cus_IEXWsmR0hA8iGL | 7ae43df98d8720a8f8fa6cc2d7987552 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDDUig6peNXzgDsuEhnuAl | ab11bebc20a2f74af38dc1f84d33e759 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
8 | ch_0IMDEuig6peNXzgDkP5uU3im | 2021-02-18 20:21:07 | 73650 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hpc71ig6peNXzgDy1i9s6en | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:12:20 | usd | cus_IQT24DskOLZ2yF | 95175f4654496b92456b626a93b7ac33 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDEuig6peNXzgDqEn5B1gv | 9cad6f0e0c1dff3dd27a98ee7fa4ff40 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
9 | ch_0IMDJ3ig6peNXzgD5HDCXZGY | 2021-02-18 20:21:08 | 25600 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0I6fuwig6peNXzgDpmJZOcbj | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | usd | cus_I5NJ6elPyrZHfj | a4a3c49803b2e7ab42c1f6de44197126 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDJ3ig6peNXzgDjJpHOesH | 5eb7cf4a91f5aadf5a52479989bc55ed | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
10 | ch_0IMD9pig6peNXzgD5E7v2nk3 | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 69750 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hpc71ig6peNXzgDy1i9s6en | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:07:05 | usd | cus_IQT24DskOLZ2yF | 0b3c44516e5462c35367b3bed49b4a4d | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9oig6peNXzgD8rGMNoRL | 9cad6f0e0c1dff3dd27a98ee7fa4ff40 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
11 | ch_0IMD9dig6peNXzgD3i6CTeP6 | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 160700 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hnu2tig6peNXzgDeQNHwzSV | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:06:53 | usd | cus_IOhGAHpVOsOV99 | d871ea4e3c6b57da4750add9e8da62ae | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9dig6peNXzgDSLNX3MAL | 9bd8e73d66d10af5cb18588b9e7c3872 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
12 | ch_0IMDH8ig6peNXzgDku6HtBcQ | 2021-02-18 20:21:08 | 24592 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0I3saBig6peNXzgDVgYNcLHV | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:14:38 | usd | cus_IfCy5uUXv2MDT0 | e1f0c035dbb83e796ffac9c71d94b138 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDH7ig6peNXzgD3IFw1Ss8 | a5548420ede4e57b3e2fe16a984f851d | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
13 | ch_0IMDA2ig6peNXzgDU9JZdY1J | 2021-02-18 14:21:50 | 109800 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hj3Mhig6peNXzgDeAoKLH7U | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:07:18 | usd | cus_IHmGn2733l3GK6 | ed23dd0d8e2a65a9980b08d23c73360d | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDA2ig6peNXzgDDcfY1N2L | e9e8ea6013cb5c982f71b5247c98be65 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
14 | ch_0IMDJyig6peNXzgDngzT0dAy | 2021-02-18 20:21:09 | 117100 | 0 | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | pm_0Hj3Mhig6peNXzgDeAoKLH7U | NaN | 2021-02-18 14:17:34 | usd | cus_IHmGn2733l3GK6 | 75b420f296d4874b1fd7c70eb3630cfa | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDJyig6peNXzgD4Ghvs0zF | e9e8ea6013cb5c982f71b5247c98be65 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
15 | ch_0IGmOVig6peNXzgDFYDv1XdZ | 2021-02-03 20:21:21 | 117524 | 0 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | card_Gti5RQklrpVVJ2 | NaN | 2021-02-03 14:31:47 | usd | cus_F4zOnlDjqyZKdP | 61721ad6e321cf891a91d20b397a4fd4 | NaN | card_declined | Your card was declined. | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | NaN | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | NaN | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IGmOVig6peNXzgDoFcKFzqx | bd6a239ac7909ad0fe72d99b6d464a24 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | failed | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb |
credit_note_data (first 100 rows)
id | amount | created | currency | discount_amount | subtotal | total | livemode | memo | metadata | number | reason | status | type | voided_at | customer_balance_transaction_id | invoice_id | refund_id | _fivetran_synced | ||
0 | cn_89hUNfs | 50 | 2021-06-30 10:04:03.000 | usd | 0 | 50 | 50 | True | NaN | {} | E89505E-0024-CN-01 | | NaN | issued | post_payment | NaN | NaN | in_1J7DINLdeVo | re_1J82INYKl7x | 2021-06-30 12:28:54 |
1 | cn_Jg3Jf0s | 100 | 2021-03-15 17:44:14.000 | usd | 0 | 100 | 100 | False | NaN | {} | 450DS21-0034-CN-01 | | NaN | issued | post_payment | NaN | NaN | in_1IPp7kCLA0Q | re_1IKhINvmkAi | 2021-04-12 17:18:50 |
credit_note_line_item_data (first 100 rows)
credit_note_id | id | amount | discount_amount | description | livemode | quantity | type | unit_amount | unit_amount_decimal | _fivetran_synced | |
0 | cn_89hUNfs | cnli_H7kCLAE | 50 | 0 | description_here | True | 10 | custom_line_item | 5 | 494 | 2021-04-12 17:18:50 |
1 | cn_Jg3Jf0s | cnli_1HuHLafV | 100 | 0 | description_here | False | 1 | invoice_line_item | 100 | 1000 | 2021-04-12 17:18:50 |
customer_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | account_balance | address_city | address_country | address_line_1 | address_line_2 | address_postal_code | address_state | balance | bank_account_id | created | currency | default_card_id | delinquent | description | invoice_prefix | invoice_settings_default_payment_method | invoice_settings_footer | is_deleted | livemode | name | phone | shipping_address_city | shipping_address_country | shipping_address_line_1 | shipping_address_line_2 | shipping_address_postal_code | shipping_address_state | shipping_carrier | shipping_name | shipping_phone | shipping_tracking_number | source_id | tax_exempt | tax_info_tax_id | tax_info_type | tax_info_verification_status | tax_info_verification_verified_name | ||
0 | cus_ImVzJQmSlYHjZL | 2021-01-24 20:21:16 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-01-18 12:35:30 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 8311D827 | NaN | NaN | False | True | a0d47e7c5acc1069de81fd0ac370d10f | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | cus_IzaB1l1LWzI6DZ | 2021-02-22 14:21:04 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-02-22 09:48:04 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 79EDFB49 | NaN | NaN | False | True | 0d080bf0b4e2e0cce69b285046962a7b | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | cus_J2eHEreSmx1eAe | 2021-03-02 20:21:09 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-03-02 14:13:25 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | B3530880 | NaN | NaN | False | True | fc48fc29ca836fb38f6d81a99fa4204e | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | cus_IxqxnofljLKmqa | 2021-02-17 20:21:10 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-02-17 18:59:27 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 612C196A | NaN | NaN | False | True | 37bac6dce4f46277d89bfa3003e2e39b | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | cus_J66nsZHMTFup1P | 2021-03-11 20:21:13 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-03-11 19:53:45 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 446D4207 | NaN | NaN | False | True | b65dc7a76139fc06725caccf229004c2 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 | cus_IvSD6mXKJ1pZeW | 2021-02-11 14:21:12 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-02-11 09:18:04 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 89291D20 | NaN | NaN | False | True | 6025a593946d5965fdf7c7365e25c33f | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
6 | cus_IrpAwGHpPSwzWv | 2021-02-01 20:21:17 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-02-01 16:45:09 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | F0F08B37 | NaN | NaN | False | True | dcddf44d3df6437334f3491ed8c52bf2 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
7 | cus_IpSJ4exzUAFTHX | 2021-01-26 14:21:03 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-01-26 08:59:52 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | B761C599 | NaN | NaN | False | True | 93f783b4d19fb35f9522de6fef236d98 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
8 | cus_IvcMWh1c3qNhie | 2021-02-11 20:22:51 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-02-11 19:46:48 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 08D6093C | NaN | NaN | False | True | c31eed413e5e7ea16023bcfa3a4e5e55 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
9 | cus_J2lfqeIO1HDfEy | 2021-03-03 08:21:17 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-03-02 21:51:56 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 934E47FE | NaN | NaN | False | True | e6fe1559d8fe8d56ec8e4b58bde4916e | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
10 | cus_J0nHRNKalyp1TX | 2021-02-25 20:21:08 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | None | 2021-02-25 15:23:42 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 3D83A36A | NaN | NaN | False | True | 6ff9f4444ac481652f4412b5e1623846 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
11 | cus_IuKuZJLG9mNRn2 | 2021-02-08 14:21:18 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | ab5568 | 2021-02-08 09:40:39 | NaN | NaN | False | NaN | NaN | 94FA9348 | NaN | NaN | True | True | 37a6259cc0c1dae299a7866489dff0bd | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | none | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
dispute_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | balance_transaction | charge_id | connected_account_id | created | currency | evidence_access_activity_log | evidence_billing_address | evidence_cancellation_policy | evidence_cancellation_policy_disclosure | evidence_cancellation_rebuttal | evidence_customer_communication | evidence_customer_email_address | evidence_customer_name | evidence_customer_purchase_ip | evidence_customer_signature | evidence_details_due_by | evidence_details_has_evidence | evidence_details_past_due | evidence_details_submission_count | evidence_duplicate_charge_documentation | evidence_duplicate_charge_explanation | evidence_duplicate_charge_id | evidence_product_description | evidence_receipt | evidence_refund_policy | evidence_refund_policy_disclosure | evidence_refund_refusal_explanation | evidence_service_date | evidence_service_documentation | evidence_shipping_address | evidence_shipping_carrier | evidence_shipping_date | evidence_shipping_documentation | evidence_shipping_tracking_number | evidence_uncategorized_file | evidence_uncategorized_text | is_charge_refundable | livemode | metadata | reason | status | |
0 | du_0MmTsrig6peNXzgD4bsS3XWF | 2023-06-02 08:23:57 | 1234 | txn_0MmTt4ig6peNXzgDDEp8wsKh | ch_2MZdKRig6peNXzgD0EygIk7l | NaN | 2023-03-17 03:23:13 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2023-04-26 23:59:59.000000 UTC | True | False | 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | True | "{"netsuite_credit_memo_id":"3324234","netsuite_credit_memo_link":"","netsuite_customer_refund_id":"3524872","netsuite_customer_refund_link":""}" | product_unacceptable | won |
1 | du_0Lvivfig6peNXzgD33SIekHq | 2022-12-21 20:19:05 | 3333 | txn_0LviwVig6peNXzgDkSPS1Y1C | ch_2LqbkJig6peNXzgD1jG4Xy7z | NaN | 2022-10-22 14:44:03 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-11-17 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | True | None | general | won |
2 | du_0KHowkig6peNXzgDyhndDHOe | 2022-09-23 00:00:24 | 3331 | txn_0KHoxcig6peNXzgDKWarDbF0 | ch_2JtdoJig6peNXzgD1lCAvXwG | NaN | 2022-01-14 12:31:58 | usd | NaN | 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | | Aldous Huxley | | NaN | 2022-02-09 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | file_0KHowoig6peNXzgDyeDmylk3 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | True | None | general | won |
3 | du_0M9SJTig6peNXzgD58OLM8Mz | 2022-12-12 20:19:03 | 1099 | txn_0M9SKaig6peNXzgDlb5cqlBg | ch_2M2d6mig6peNXzgD03nrNVYZ | NaN | 2022-11-29 11:49:23 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-12-25 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | True | None | subscription_canceled | lost |
4 | du_0LuGYgig6peNXzgDM8lPBTFC | 2022-11-14 14:21:25 | 1222 | txn_0LuGZyig6peNXzgDLgWzetHo | ch_2LUt28ig6peNXzgD0RdFu0qW | NaN | 2022-10-18 14:14:18 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-11-13 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | True | None | subscription_canceled | lost |
5 | du_0LyvFuig6peNXzgDyBMCjDi6 | 2022-11-27 14:20:24 | 221244 | txn_0LyvHhig6peNXzgDg5LanDAq | ch_2Lqdeuig6peNXzgD0sA3iBuH | NaN | 2022-10-31 10:30:10 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-11-26 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | True | None | subscription_canceled | lost |
6 | du_0LiAl6ig6peNXzgDEejs24CE | 2022-11-13 20:20:09 | 432532 | txn_0Lumheig6peNXzgDSp1KIXph | ch_2LVoJuig6peNXzgD1DvyohjD | NaN | 2022-09-15 05:37:08 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-11-12 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | True | None | general | lost |
7 | du_0M9ScVig6peNXzgDkfd7tUNb | 2022-12-12 20:19:03 | 1400 | txn_0M9SdPig6peNXzgDgpb4aJDQ | ch_2LqcRzig6peNXzgD06FImTqU | NaN | 2022-11-29 12:09:03 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-12-25 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | True | None | subscription_canceled | lost |
8 | du_0LuGd7ig6peNXzgDUxXx85wF | 2022-11-14 14:21:25 | 1400 | txn_0LuGe5ig6peNXzgD7PMfTzJ6 | ch_2LfkHjig6peNXzgD1e9ltqQt | NaN | 2022-10-18 14:18:53 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-11-13 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | True | None | subscription_canceled | lost |
9 | du_0LuGbbig6peNXzgDjHA4RfoT | 2022-11-14 14:21:25 | 700 | txn_0LuGcrig6peNXzgDKP5y95T9 | ch_2LLwgKig6peNXzgD0Sr5X6kL | NaN | 2022-10-18 14:17:19 | usd | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | 2022-11-13 23:59:59.000000 UTC | False | False | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | True | None | subscription_canceled | lost |
fee_data (first 100 rows)
balance_transaction_id | index_ | _fivetran_synced | amount | application | connected_account_id | currency | description | type | |
0 | txn_0IC7txig6peNXzgD0BI1c5fq | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 9281 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
1 | txn_0IC9dPig6peNXzgDaOTwBq8B | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 22215 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
2 | txn_0IC7bOig6peNXzgDE6EeCW6p | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 99 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
3 | txn_0ICQWOig6peNXzgD2Cn5HdMK | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 9456 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
4 | txn_0ICE3lig6peNXzgDvwFP6Cgz | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 10484 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
5 | txn_0IC5tfig6peNXzgDxCGsg0DR | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 10535 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
6 | txn_0IBsCcig6peNXzgDEDePzZOD | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 3117 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
7 | txn_0IBJOlig6peNXzgDgRlNX2UI | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 99480 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
8 | txn_0IBoyeig6peNXzgDkINDi0wS | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 88409 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
9 | txn_0IBT4Oig6peNXzgDWT3wbNp1 | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 25405 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
10 | txn_0IBm5Yig6peNXzgDk1LI4JCA | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 25405 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
11 | txn_0IBtOoig6peNXzgDbrhw4CcH | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 17430 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
12 | txn_0IBft3ig6peNXzgDoG5KpDGo | 0 | 2021-01-24 20:21:24 | 19605 | NaN | NaN | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
invoice_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | currency | customer_id | date_ | description | discountable | invoice_id | is_deleted | livemode | period_end | period_start | proration | quantity | subscription_id | subscription_item_id | unit_amount | |
0 | ab1111 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 45 | usd | sdgfs84854 | NaN | description_here | True | sdg545641 | False | True | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | True | 45 | sdkhg54645 | kdshg455 | 5 |
1 | si8jo54 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 22 | usd | dfd54654 | NaN | description_here | True | dgjksg6486 | False | False | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | False | 55 | dghisd165748 | sgdfs5464 | 6 |
invoice_line_item_data (first 100 rows)
id | invoice_id | _fivetran_synced | amount | currency | description | discountable | livemode | period_end | period_start | plan_id | proration | quantity | subscription_id | subscription_item_id | type | unique_id | metadata | |
0 | ad1111 | ab1111 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 21 | usd | description_here | False | True | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | sg555 | True | 5 | sg888 | sdm99 | NaN | gg665 | {} |
1 | ba222 | bd665 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 65 | usd | description_here | True | True | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | sdgf5575 | False | 4 | dfs8645 | sdgjk5489 | NaN | dsgjnik978 | {"external_id":"1111111-2222-3333-4444-55555555"} |
payment_intent_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | amount_capturable | amount_received | application | application_fee_amount | canceled_at | cancellation_reason | capture_method | confirmation_method | created | currency | customer_id | description | last_payment_error_charge_id | last_payment_error_code | last_payment_error_decline_code | last_payment_error_doc_url | last_payment_error_message | last_payment_error_param | last_payment_error_source_id | last_payment_error_type | livemode | on_behalf_of | payment_method_id | receipt_email | source_id | statement_descriptor | status | transfer_data_destination | transfer_group | |
0 | pi_0IEpzwig6peNXzgDxFY8plfJ | 2021-01-29 08:21:13 | 67845 | 0 | 67845 | None | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-01-29 05:58:24 | usd | cus_I0JJf8lbCaJBZS | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IEij1ig6peNXzgDQeigpAeH | None | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
1 | pi_0IEq0wig6peNXzgD0BPTgrg3 | 2021-01-29 08:21:13 | 14154 | 0 | 14154 | None | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-01-29 05:59:26 | usd | cus_I0JJf8lbCaJBZS | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IEij1ig6peNXzgDQeigpAeH | None | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
2 | pi_0IEq1qig6peNXzgDlfK6CSfM | 2021-01-29 08:21:13 | 11976 | 0 | 11976 | None | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-01-29 06:00:22 | usd | cus_I0JJf8lbCaJBZS | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IEij1ig6peNXzgDQeigpAeH | None | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
3 | pi_0IJbnkig6peNXzgD0yXQHZac | 2021-02-11 14:21:14 | 60000 | 0 | 60000 | None | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-02-11 09:49:32 | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
4 | pi_0IJboeig6peNXzgD2wQr6zRO | 2021-02-11 14:21:14 | 32300 | 0 | 32300 | None | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-02-11 09:50:28 | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
5 | pi_0IJbq9ig6peNXzgD66itql9S | 2021-02-11 14:21:14 | 2700 | 0 | 2700 | None | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-02-11 09:52:01 | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
6 | pi_0IJbpHig6peNXzgDIcI1DH9B | 2021-02-11 14:21:14 | 7600 | 0 | 7600 | None | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-02-11 09:51:07 | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
7 | pi_0IB5RYig6peNXzgDaRjzw1rZ | 2021-01-24 20:21:20 | 190800 | 0 | 190800 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-01-18 21:39:24 | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IB5RYig6peNXzgDEpJNTma5 | 222a0f40559271ab98c3046c9d03f2da | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
8 | pi_0IB5SCig6peNXzgDsyG4fPpk | 2021-01-24 20:21:20 | 148500 | 0 | 148500 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-01-18 21:40:04 | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IB5SCig6peNXzgDnoOeWOM2 | 222a0f40559271ab98c3046c9d03f2da | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
9 | pi_0IBJOjig6peNXzgDfdxPzsoh | 2021-01-24 20:21:20 | 2550000 | 0 | 2550000 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-01-19 12:33:25 | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IBJOjig6peNXzgDrwox8suf | 1d256ae8550cb70df1cf19978c900874 | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
10 | pi_0IBm5Xig6peNXzgDfbem16Ks | 2021-01-24 20:21:20 | 875000 | 0 | 875000 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | NaN | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | automatic | automatic | 2021-01-20 19:11:31 | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | NaN | pm_0IBm5Xig6peNXzgDkUtpXzZT | a665a3fbf734bdacfa4f6212f4ec2dcb | NaN | NaN | succeeded | NaN | NaN |
payment_method_card_data (first 100 rows)
payment_method_id | _fivetran_synced | brand | charge_id | description | fingerprint | funding | type | wallet_type | |
0 | pm_0ISrBXig6peNXzgD6hYaUH2Z | 2021-03-09 02:21:10 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | iVwXZtKtbkTtJpN0 | credit | NaN | NaN |
1 | pm_0IStqWig6peNXzgDEGg3esc8 | 2021-03-09 02:21:10 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | PBYmzFcBM1pwHfTQ | credit | NaN | NaN |
2 | pm_0ISornig6peNXzgDOeZ25NDW | 2021-03-08 20:21:08 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | fqtU9wYRQpmzlc4A | credit | NaN | NaN |
3 | pm_0ITGJgig6peNXzgDdqU3vem1 | 2021-03-10 02:21:09 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | t1Z14pQbLsAtxb3N | credit | NaN | NaN |
4 | pm_0ITo6Eig6peNXzgDSGO9wikO | 2021-03-11 14:21:21 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | k2VOC54Kv0y6ju1j | credit | NaN | NaN |
5 | pm_0ITpNsig6peNXzgD6eKsQGnb | 2021-03-11 20:21:11 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | Dd3yZ5fegTpHhPvk | credit | NaN | NaN |
6 | pm_0ITr6jig6peNXzgDA6dTn2KI | 2021-03-11 20:21:15 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | JEtovVIKPa7HmNlB | credit | NaN | NaN |
7 | card_0IUBw6ig6peNXzgDLOJ0s9oJ | 2021-03-12 20:21:05 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | GnaMObYOxVfGvuVC | credit | NaN | NaN |
8 | pm_0IUGRYig6peNXzgDeUWYzAZx | 2021-03-12 20:21:07 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | HkQVKOdMfx7OQGlz | credit | NaN | NaN |
9 | pm_0IHlxQig6peNXzgDPbBTz3wN | 2021-02-06 14:21:10 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | xt3IXBWUo94YvvyJ | credit | NaN | NaN |
10 | pm_0IQaNxig6peNXzgDjLiWdPq7 | 2021-03-02 20:21:11 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | NaN | NaN | 3okrxlVqFJe4eFLP | credit | NaN | NaN |
payment_method_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | billing_detail_address_city | billing_detail_address_country | billing_detail_address_line_1 | billing_detail_address_line_2 | billing_detail_address_postal_code | billing_detail_address_state | billing_detail_email | billing_detail_name | billing_detail_phone | created | customer_id | livemode | type | |
0 | pm_0IT7ufig6peNXzgDtFEUcWQq | 2021-03-09 20:21:14 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | fbed5cdfc14c8acab8bfc6fc608b57f3 | NaN | 29074c94bcd7496666c2516bdb84464a | 29074c94bcd7496666c2516bdb84464a | NaN | 2021-03-09 15:56:01 | None | True | card |
1 | card_0IDuzgig6peNXzgDiedW46Fs | 2021-01-26 20:22:37 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 61ee93b89af4fccf77f604ddbdbfc508 | NaN | None | 00b659ac6a3cdb5afc520be084f0810a | NaN | 2021-01-26 17:06:20 | cus_IITpWhRKEpP8oQ | True | card |
2 | card_0IC7trig6peNXzgDuVtbBvrq | 2021-01-24 20:21:14 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 37a6259cc0c1dae299a7866489dff0bd | NaN | None | af5da2c2d7e449fe0cff743e114893d9 | NaN | 2021-01-21 18:28:55 | cus_GrTE2lUSyzG85x | True | card |
3 | card_GQxHpPyKWUVsRS | 2021-03-06 20:21:06 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | f55e51631ea375b777ec380d7d6804b8 | NaN | None | 75b77af238c31ba9b1b89e29a3a81053 | NaN | 2021-03-06 17:46:13 | cus_GQxHnIOOpXDmHp | True | card |
4 | card_0IHGUUig6peNXzgD2fQWkF2H | 2021-02-05 02:21:07 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 8f84fb5cdc0dd814d6aeb4e78fc41845 | NaN | None | 00e1c9acc02a44880a725c24482a2bb9 | NaN | 2021-02-04 22:39:58 | cus_It2ZjcDAnrL4fN | True | card |
5 | card_0IO6DQig6peNXzgDzSyyQxed | 2021-02-23 20:21:15 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 94472fbf2a4233129e7eb05c77f3321e | NaN | None | 201636b0ecc8bf4962b2426d7b292c34 | NaN | 2021-02-23 19:06:36 | cus_J06QWm1jiY7XUw | True | card |
6 | card_0IO8mGig6peNXzgD05gU9Nea | 2021-02-24 02:21:09 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 37a6259cc0c1dae299a7866489dff0bd | NaN | None | 564048e93b6096f5cb8db8ed73d3dcab | NaN | 2021-02-23 21:50:44 | cus_J0940I34bEZxFW | True | card |
7 | card_HC20VgUIY5YKcR | 2021-02-05 20:21:13 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 489981404dd301a023c9f75abed505f3 | NaN | None | 845b3e75a0227dddd8e1f0e08c1c5aaf | NaN | 2021-02-05 17:22:10 | cus_HC20s92vymipWS | True | card |
8 | card_0IK2uDig6peNXzgDYgtvZhx1 | 2021-02-12 20:21:08 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 44fdc5ad1a08aace32d53264bc95a4b7 | NaN | None | 63b43b7208989dbc6450746a34160a0c | NaN | 2021-02-12 14:46:01 | cus_IvujSQV90Rsk6P | True | card |
9 | card_0IBT4Hig6peNXzgD2UDI98rg | 2021-01-24 20:21:11 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 65e512403849d438dc08889bf6461073 | NaN | None | a665a3fbf734bdacfa4f6212f4ec2dcb | NaN | 2021-01-19 22:52:57 | cus_In3AMjd2X4TLgj | True | card |
10 | card_0IUBw6ig6peNXzgDLOJ0s9oJ | 2021-03-12 20:21:05 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4674554ec907d598a620d5b131a9f685 | NaN | None | ae369c63d0f28eb65c99d8dccd3e5e6b | NaN | 2021-03-12 14:25:54 | cus_J6OjltyC6E9zos | True | card |
11 | pm_0HWPPYig6peNXzgDYaytTYRk | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4674554ec907d598a620d5b131a9f685 | NaN | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | NaN | 2020-09-28 16:41:12 | None | True | card |
12 | pm_0I1Bvcig6peNXzgDj0JyN58m | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | NaN | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | NaN | 2020-12-22 14:33:32 | None | True | card |
payout_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | arrival_date | automatic | balance_transaction_id | connected_account_id | created | currency | description | destination_bank_account_id | destination_card_id | failure_balance_transaction_id | failure_code | failure_message | livemode | metadata | method | source_type | statement_descriptor | status | type | |
0 | po_0IB8cXig6peNXzgDJWLvHBB7 | 2021-01-24 20:21:25 | 3029432 | 2021-01-20 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IB8cXig6peNXzgDppfO2tfk | NaN | 2021-01-19 01:02:57 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | paid | bank_account |
1 | po_0IBrZLig6peNXzgD7Q0he6QN | 2021-01-24 20:21:25 | 326282 | 2021-01-22 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IBrZLig6peNXzgDfFANob1M | NaN | 2021-01-21 01:02:39 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | paid | bank_account |
2 | po_0ICwzpig6peNXzgDqW5S9QbF | 2021-01-24 20:21:26 | 326007 | 2021-01-25 00:00:00 | True | txn_0ICwzpig6peNXzgDhkqfC7lv | NaN | 2021-01-24 01:02:29 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
3 | po_0IDJVZig6peNXzgDCa4dLDjL | 2021-01-25 02:21:53 | 3300115 | 2021-01-26 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IDJVZig6peNXzgD8oPNqfSe | NaN | 2021-01-25 01:04:45 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
4 | po_0IDfx4ig6peNXzgD2NiVJ5ld | 2021-01-26 02:21:12 | 4464139 | 2021-01-27 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IDfx4ig6peNXzgDOvqZCzzq | NaN | 2021-01-26 01:02:38 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
5 | po_0IE2QFig6peNXzgDCoJMX6xo | 2021-01-27 02:21:10 | -833651 | 2021-01-28 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IE2QFig6peNXzgDr5Rvjm1t | NaN | 2021-01-27 01:02:15 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
6 | po_0IEOwcig6peNXzgDLErzeeJU | 2021-01-28 02:21:11 | 174685 | 2021-01-29 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IEOwcig6peNXzgDQKcXjNLh | NaN | 2021-01-28 01:05:10 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
7 | po_0IFUKBig6peNXzgDZQM7WPAo | 2021-01-31 02:21:08 | 1980810 | 2021-02-01 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IFUKBig6peNXzgDrDgkiAOI | NaN | 2021-01-31 01:01:59 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
8 | po_0IFqn3ig6peNXzgDJ7KVXGLY | 2021-02-01 02:21:12 | 270636 | 2021-02-02 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IFqn3ig6peNXzgDgLPJeYJh | NaN | 2021-02-01 01:01:17 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
9 | po_0IGZkNig6peNXzgDKn9LrliN | 2021-02-03 02:21:15 | 1813268 | 2021-02-04 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IGZkNig6peNXzgDHrcegNwS | NaN | 2021-02-03 01:01:31 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
10 | po_0IGwErig6peNXzgDEGgZ8lu3 | 2021-02-04 02:21:10 | 39668 | 2021-02-05 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IGwErig6peNXzgDiZ6nFXFL | NaN | 2021-02-04 01:02:29 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
11 | po_0II1gGig6peNXzgD4BxKEJJJ | 2021-02-07 02:21:12 | 2849353 | 2021-02-08 00:00:00 | True | txn_0II1gGig6peNXzgDFFGOaKud | NaN | 2021-02-07 01:03:16 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
12 | po_0IIOASig6peNXzgDiKGtfbo9 | 2021-02-08 02:21:11 | 775006 | 2021-02-09 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IIOASig6peNXzgDk2yRKDOz | NaN | 2021-02-08 01:03:56 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
13 | po_0IIkbpig6peNXzgDs1u3xoyq | 2021-02-09 02:21:20 | 2593997 | 2021-02-10 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IIkbpig6peNXzgDPUQ4T1Hd | NaN | 2021-02-09 01:01:41 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
14 | po_0IJ74Lig6peNXzgD2WboJcUe | 2021-02-10 02:21:16 | 361777 | 2021-02-11 00:00:00 | True | txn_0IJ74Lig6peNXzgD4IuGp8d3 | NaN | 2021-02-10 01:00:37 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | standard | card | NaN | in_transit | bank_account |
plan_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | active | aggregate_usage | amount | billing_scheme | created | currency | interval_ | interval_count | is_deleted | livemode | nickname | product_id | tiers_mode | transform_usage_divide_by | transform_usage_round | trial_period_days | usage_type | |
0 | zb1 | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 150000 | per_unit | 2017-05-10 18:50:13 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BUZaPcD5jIhqAG | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
1 | ab2 | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 150000 | per_unit | 2017-05-05 16:56:44 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BUqcov3uJTssuQ | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
2 | 5gh | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 150000 | per_unit | 2017-05-15 18:53:55 | usd | month | 6 | False | True | NaN | prod_BTzAZ8EnmwNUqW | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
3 | 3gf | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 180000 | per_unit | 2017-06-15 16:01:06 | usd | month | 6 | False | True | NaN | prod_BUonomUNsdG3qx | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
4 | 214gfdg | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 264030 | per_unit | 2017-08-04 16:29:13 | usd | month | 3 | False | True | NaN | prod_BUo1nHP2vIrVtF | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
5 | fgds754 | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 45000 | per_unit | 2017-06-21 16:23:32 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BUBtgJBLlTGcy9 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
6 | dfgdw576 | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 20000 | per_unit | 2015-05-28 01:08:05 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BV5IFAOt2EwqSl | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
7 | rhsdr456 | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 100 | per_unit | 2015-05-28 01:10:13 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BU23UCziUM7ezw | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
8 | 3gds | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 50000 | per_unit | 2015-10-23 21:23:35 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BTXZakZKkKlf6g | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
9 | 234rtgh | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 40000 | per_unit | 2015-12-01 21:06:02 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BUrKq3BcaxvjkU | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
10 | 658jfgh | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 15000 | per_unit | 2015-11-16 22:42:15 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BUaE6AwT15sLSX | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
11 | hfdstrt345 | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 11500 | per_unit | 2016-01-06 16:58:21 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BTN1m9rU6ivOBN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
12 | 634mfh | 2021-03-15 14:21:13 | True | NaN | 89000 | per_unit | 2016-03-09 23:16:21 | usd | month | 1 | False | True | NaN | prod_BTNNlwDZ0nGHYp | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | licensed |
price_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | active | billing_scheme | created | currency | invoice_item_id | is_deleted | livemode | lookup_key | metadata | nickname | product_id | recurring_aggregate_usage | recurring_interval | recurring_interval_count | recurring_usage_type | tiers_mode | transform_quantity_divide_by | transform_quantity_round | type | unit_amount | unit_amount_decimal | |
0 | price_1 | 2022-09-22 23:49:02 | True | per_unit | 2020-05-02 19:21:44 | usd | ii_FYFJSuzUa5YRk | False | True | NaN | {} | NaN | prod_HCqb8lm6kfYk | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | one_time | 100000 | 100000 |
refund_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | balance_transaction_id | charge_id | created | currency | description | failure_balance_transaction_id | failure_reason | metadata | reason | receipt_number | status | |
0 | re_0IMJuLig6peNXzgDSLN6dNzl | 2021-03-03 02:21:03 | 675000 | txn_0IMJuMig6peNXzgD8geSKVTA | ch_0IBft2ig6peNXzgDv3vdM6nM | 2021-02-18 21:19:33 | usd | NaN | NaN | NaN | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | duplicate | 5555-555 | succeeded |
1 | re_0INhCiig6peNXzgDWw7VVan8 | 2021-02-22 20:21:22 | 13650 | txn_0INhCiig6peNXzgDZSsC5kGs | ch_0IMD9sig6peNXzgDoUawu0L1 | 2021-02-22 16:24:12 | usd | NaN | NaN | NaN | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | requested_by_customer | 5555-555 | succeeded |
2 | re_0IMKOqig6peNXzgDKcwfyQvJ | 2021-02-19 02:21:10 | 1541221 | txn_0IMKOqig6peNXzgDwl0qbnLD | ch_0IMDADig6peNXzgDLUgpgKRp | 2021-02-18 21:51:04 | usd | NaN | NaN | NaN | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | requested_by_customer | 5555-555 | succeeded |
3 | re_0ISmXVig6peNXzgDtw7Hev23 | 2021-03-08 20:21:10 | 161550 | txn_0ISmXVig6peNXzgDO3k6vo6d | ch_0IMDKoig6peNXzgDec7KCChy | 2021-03-08 17:06:41 | usd | NaN | NaN | NaN | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | requested_by_customer | 5555-555 | succeeded |
subscription_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | application_fee_percent | billing | billing_cycle_anchor | billing_threshold_amount_gte | billing_threshold_reset_billing_cycle_anchor | cancel_at | cancel_at_period_end | canceled_at | created | current_period_end | current_period_start | customer_id | days_until_due | default_source_id | ended_at | livemode | metadata | quantity | start_date | status | tax_percent | trial_end | trial_start | |
0 | sdgfs4536 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 5 | fdfjk | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 9 | False | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | sdf6547 | 4 | dfa543 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 4 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | active | 5 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
1 | sfjytkyu876 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 6 | fdsiew | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 5 | False | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 123fsdf | 5 | 764rhgf | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 5 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | active | 6 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
subscription_history_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | _fivetran_active | application_fee_percent | billing | billing_cycle_anchor | billing_threshold_amount_gte | billing_threshold_reset_billing_cycle_anchor | cancel_at | cancel_at_period_end | canceled_at | created | current_period_end | current_period_start | customer_id | days_until_due | default_source_id | ended_at | livemode | metadata | quantity | start_date | status | tax_percent | trial_end | trial_start | |
0 | sdgfs4536 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | True | 5 | fdfjk | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 9 | False | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | sdf6547 | 4 | dfa543 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 4 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | active | 5 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
1 | sfjytkyu876 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | False | 6 | fdsiew | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 5 | False | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 123fsdf | 5 | 764rhgf | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | True | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 5 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | active | 6 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
transfer_data (first 100 rows)
id | _fivetran_synced | amount | amount_reversed | balance_transaction_id | created | currency | description | destination | destination_payment | destination_payment_id | livemode | metadata | reversed | source_transaction | source_transaction_id | source_type | transfer_group | |
0 | po_0Njtvzig6peNXzgD6RPBasht | 2023-08-29 02:19:08 | 1447318 | 0 | txn_0Njtw0ig6peNXzgDXY3mJGwC | 2023-08-28 01:08:03 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | NaN | NaN | True | "{"netsuite_deposit_id":"3975560","netsuite_deposit_link":""}" | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
1 | po_0NjXKxig6peNXzgDgn8MqQuZ | 2023-08-28 08:20:02 | 2660278 | 0 | txn_0NjXKyig6peNXzgDbmNVE84K | 2023-08-27 01:00:19 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
2 | po_0NkGNTig6peNXzgDJWfkSimX | 2023-08-30 02:19:14 | 760313 | 0 | txn_0NkGNTig6peNXzgDTsXXisyE | 2023-08-29 01:05:55 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
3 | po_0NkcrHig6peNXzgDwoDFU4Yi | 2023-08-30 02:19:14 | 1944407 | 0 | txn_0NkcrHig6peNXzgD7eFO2jc7 | 2023-08-30 01:06:11 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
4 | po_0Mbvvvig6peNXzgDNH6Wf3ha | 2023-02-17 01:15:32 | 7251977 | 0 | txn_0Mbvvvig6peNXzgDJAGJCdpN | 2023-02-16 01:06:47 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
5 | po_0LunJvig6peNXzgD41QBrw1m | 2022-10-21 08:21:56 | -1426166 | 0 | txn_0LunJwig6peNXzgDCnBflWPl | 2022-10-20 01:13:15 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
6 | po_0MRQ1gig6peNXzgD138jhQS7 | 2023-01-19 02:19:35 | 7332491 | 0 | txn_0MRQ1gig6peNXzgDchKTwIPQ | 2023-01-18 01:01:16 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
7 | po_0MRmW1ig6peNXzgDUPQSnmYw | 2023-01-20 02:19:18 | 6108653 | 0 | txn_0MRmW1ig6peNXzgDFqR0yaFa | 2023-01-19 01:02:05 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
8 | po_0MJ5C6ig6peNXzgDyic22YlD | 2022-12-27 02:19:05 | 3456033 | 0 | txn_0MJ5C7ig6peNXzgDfWTszRUw | 2022-12-26 01:09:34 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
9 | po_0MDe3Sig6peNXzgDJHinDGmA | 2022-12-12 02:18:56 | 3330213 | 0 | txn_0MDe3Tig6peNXzgDSyxtRpRH | 2022-12-11 01:10:10 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | NaN | NaN | True | None | False | NaN | NaN | card | NaN |
stg_dispute_data (first 100 rows)
dispute_id | dispute_transaction_id | charge_id | currency | evidence_billing_address | evidence_customer_email | evidence_customer_name | evidence_purchase_ip | has_evidence | evidence_past_due | evidence_submission_count | evidence_receipt | is_refundable | is_live | dispute_reason | dispute_status | additional_data | connected_account_id | dispute_created_at | disputed_amount | evidence_access_log | evidence_cancellation_disclosure | evidence_cancellation_policy | evidence_cancellation_rebuttal | evidence_carrier | evidence_customer_signature | evidence_due_date | evidence_duplicate_charge_docs | evidence_duplicate_charge_explanation | evidence_duplicate_charge_id | evidence_ship_date | evidence_ship_docs | evidence_tracking | |
0 | du_0MmTsrig6peNXzgD4bsS3XWF | txn_0MmTt4ig6peNXzgDDEp8wsKh | ch_2MZdKRig6peNXzgD0EygIk7l | usd | None | None | None | None | True | False | 1 | None | True | True | product_unacceptable | won | {"netsuite_credit_memo_id":"3324234","netsuite_credit_memo_link":"","netsuite_customer_refund_id":"3524872","netsuite_customer_refund_link":""} | None | 2023-03-17 03:23:13 | 1234.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2023-04-26 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
1 | du_0Lvivfig6peNXzgD33SIekHq | txn_0LviwVig6peNXzgDkSPS1Y1C | ch_2LqbkJig6peNXzgD1jG4Xy7z | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 1 | None | True | True | general | won | None | None | 2022-10-22 14:44:03 | 3333.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-11-17 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
2 | du_0KHowkig6peNXzgDyhndDHOe | txn_0KHoxcig6peNXzgDKWarDbF0 | ch_2JtdoJig6peNXzgD1lCAvXwG | usd | 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 | | Aldous Huxley | | False | False | 1 | file_0KHowoig6peNXzgDyeDmylk3 | True | True | general | won | None | None | 2022-01-14 12:31:58 | 3331.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-02-09 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
3 | du_0M9SJTig6peNXzgD58OLM8Mz | txn_0M9SKaig6peNXzgDlb5cqlBg | ch_2M2d6mig6peNXzgD03nrNVYZ | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 0 | None | False | True | subscription_canceled | lost | None | None | 2022-11-29 11:49:23 | 1099.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-12-25 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
4 | du_0LuGYgig6peNXzgDM8lPBTFC | txn_0LuGZyig6peNXzgDLgWzetHo | ch_2LUt28ig6peNXzgD0RdFu0qW | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 0 | None | False | True | subscription_canceled | lost | None | None | 2022-10-18 14:14:18 | 1222.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-11-13 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
5 | du_0LyvFuig6peNXzgDyBMCjDi6 | txn_0LyvHhig6peNXzgDg5LanDAq | ch_2Lqdeuig6peNXzgD0sA3iBuH | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 0 | None | False | True | subscription_canceled | lost | None | None | 2022-10-31 10:30:10 | 221244.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-11-26 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
6 | du_0LiAl6ig6peNXzgDEejs24CE | txn_0Lumheig6peNXzgDSp1KIXph | ch_2LVoJuig6peNXzgD1DvyohjD | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 0 | None | False | True | general | lost | None | None | 2022-09-15 05:37:08 | 432532.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-11-12 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
7 | du_0M9ScVig6peNXzgDkfd7tUNb | txn_0M9SdPig6peNXzgDgpb4aJDQ | ch_2LqcRzig6peNXzgD06FImTqU | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 0 | None | False | True | subscription_canceled | lost | None | None | 2022-11-29 12:09:03 | 1400.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-12-25 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
8 | du_0LuGd7ig6peNXzgDUxXx85wF | txn_0LuGe5ig6peNXzgD7PMfTzJ6 | ch_2LfkHjig6peNXzgD1e9ltqQt | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 0 | None | False | True | subscription_canceled | lost | None | None | 2022-10-18 14:18:53 | 1400.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-11-13 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
9 | du_0LuGbbig6peNXzgDjHA4RfoT | txn_0LuGcrig6peNXzgDKP5y95T9 | ch_2LLwgKig6peNXzgD0Sr5X6kL | usd | None | None | None | None | False | False | 0 | None | False | True | subscription_canceled | lost | None | None | 2022-10-18 14:17:19 | 700.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 2022-11-13 23:59:59 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
stg_dispute_data.sql (clean the table)
"dispute_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 43 out of 44 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "dispute_data"
"dispute_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> dispute_id
-- amount -> disputed_amount
-- balance_transaction -> dispute_transaction_id
-- created -> dispute_created_at
-- evidence_access_activity_log -> evidence_access_log
-- evidence_cancellation_policy_disclosure -> evidence_cancellation_disclosure
-- evidence_customer_email_address -> evidence_customer_email
-- evidence_customer_purchase_ip -> evidence_purchase_ip
-- evidence_details_due_by -> evidence_due_date
-- evidence_details_has_evidence -> has_evidence
-- evidence_details_past_due -> evidence_past_due
-- evidence_details_submission_count -> evidence_submission_count
-- evidence_duplicate_charge_documentation -> evidence_duplicate_charge_docs
-- evidence_refund_policy_disclosure -> evidence_refund_disclosure
-- evidence_refund_refusal_explanation -> evidence_refund_refusal_reason
-- evidence_shipping_address -> evidence_address
-- evidence_shipping_carrier -> evidence_carrier
-- evidence_shipping_date -> evidence_ship_date
-- evidence_shipping_documentation -> evidence_ship_docs
-- evidence_shipping_tracking_number -> evidence_tracking
-- evidence_uncategorized_file -> evidence_misc_file
-- evidence_uncategorized_text -> evidence_misc_text
-- is_charge_refundable -> is_refundable
-- livemode -> is_live
-- metadata -> additional_data
-- reason -> dispute_reason
-- status -> dispute_status
"id" AS "dispute_id",
"amount" AS "disputed_amount",
"balance_transaction" AS "dispute_transaction_id",
"created" AS "dispute_created_at",
"evidence_access_activity_log" AS "evidence_access_log",
"evidence_cancellation_policy_disclosure" AS "evidence_cancellation_disclosure",
"evidence_customer_email_address" AS "evidence_customer_email",
"evidence_customer_purchase_ip" AS "evidence_purchase_ip",
"evidence_details_due_by" AS "evidence_due_date",
"evidence_details_has_evidence" AS "has_evidence",
"evidence_details_past_due" AS "evidence_past_due",
"evidence_details_submission_count" AS "evidence_submission_count",
"evidence_duplicate_charge_documentation" AS "evidence_duplicate_charge_docs",
"evidence_refund_policy_disclosure" AS "evidence_refund_disclosure",
"evidence_refund_refusal_explanation" AS "evidence_refund_refusal_reason",
"evidence_shipping_address" AS "evidence_address",
"evidence_shipping_carrier" AS "evidence_carrier",
"evidence_shipping_date" AS "evidence_ship_date",
"evidence_shipping_documentation" AS "evidence_ship_docs",
"evidence_shipping_tracking_number" AS "evidence_tracking",
"evidence_uncategorized_file" AS "evidence_misc_file",
"evidence_uncategorized_text" AS "evidence_misc_text",
"is_charge_refundable" AS "is_refundable",
"livemode" AS "is_live",
"metadata" AS "additional_data",
"reason" AS "dispute_reason",
"status" AS "dispute_status"
FROM "dispute_data_projected"
"dispute_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- evidence_purchase_ip: The problem is that the IP address is not a valid IPv4 address. In IPv4, each octet (the numbers between the dots) can only range from 0 to 255. The last octet in this IP address is 555, which exceeds this range. The correct value should have the last octet within the valid range.
WHEN "evidence_purchase_ip" = '''''' THEN ''''''
ELSE "evidence_purchase_ip"
END AS "evidence_purchase_ip",
FROM "dispute_data_projected_renamed"
"dispute_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- additional_data: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- connected_account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- dispute_created_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- disputed_amount: from INT to DECIMAL
-- evidence_access_log: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_address: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_cancellation_disclosure: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_cancellation_policy: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_cancellation_rebuttal: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_carrier: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_customer_communication: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_customer_signature: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_due_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- evidence_duplicate_charge_docs: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_duplicate_charge_explanation: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_duplicate_charge_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_misc_file: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_misc_text: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_product_description: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_refund_disclosure: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_refund_policy: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_refund_refusal_reason: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_service_date: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_service_documentation: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_ship_date: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_ship_docs: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- evidence_tracking: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST(TRIM("additional_data", '"') AS JSON) AS "additional_data",
CAST("connected_account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "connected_account_id",
CAST("dispute_created_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "dispute_created_at",
CAST("disputed_amount" AS DECIMAL) AS "disputed_amount",
CAST("evidence_access_log" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_access_log",
CAST("evidence_address" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_address",
CAST("evidence_cancellation_disclosure" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_cancellation_disclosure",
CAST("evidence_cancellation_policy" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_cancellation_policy",
CAST("evidence_cancellation_rebuttal" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_cancellation_rebuttal",
CAST("evidence_carrier" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_carrier",
CAST("evidence_customer_communication" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_customer_communication",
CAST("evidence_customer_signature" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_customer_signature",
CAST("evidence_due_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "evidence_due_date",
CAST("evidence_duplicate_charge_docs" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_duplicate_charge_docs",
CAST("evidence_duplicate_charge_explanation" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_duplicate_charge_explanation",
CAST("evidence_duplicate_charge_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_duplicate_charge_id",
CAST("evidence_misc_file" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_misc_file",
CAST("evidence_misc_text" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_misc_text",
CAST("evidence_product_description" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_product_description",
CAST("evidence_refund_disclosure" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_refund_disclosure",
CAST("evidence_refund_policy" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_refund_policy",
CAST("evidence_refund_refusal_reason" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_refund_refusal_reason",
CAST("evidence_service_date" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_service_date",
CAST("evidence_service_documentation" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_service_documentation",
CAST("evidence_ship_date" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_ship_date",
CAST("evidence_ship_docs" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_ship_docs",
CAST("evidence_tracking" AS VARCHAR) AS "evidence_tracking"
FROM "dispute_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
"dispute_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 16 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- additional_data has 90.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- evidence_address has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_billing_address has 90.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- evidence_customer_communication has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_customer_email has 90.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- evidence_customer_name has 90.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- evidence_misc_file has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_misc_text has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_product_description has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_purchase_ip has 90.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- evidence_receipt has 90.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- evidence_refund_disclosure has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_refund_policy has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_refund_refusal_reason has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_service_date has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- evidence_service_documentation has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "dispute_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted"
SELECT * FROM "dispute_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted_missing_handled"
stg_dispute_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_dispute_data
description: The table is about dispute data for charges. It includes details like
dispute ID, amount, charge ID, currency, and dispute status. Evidence fields store
information provided for the dispute. Metadata contains additional references.
Key fields are reason for dispute, status (won/lost), and whether the charge is
refundable. The table tracks dispute lifecycles from creation to resolution.
- name: dispute_id
description: Unique identifier for the dispute
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column is a unique identifier for each dispute. For this table,
each row represents a distinct dispute, and dispute_id is unique across rows.
- name: dispute_transaction_id
description: Transaction ID for the dispute
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the transaction ID for each dispute. It appears
to be unique for each dispute in the given sample, but it's possible that
multiple disputes could theoretically be related to the same transaction in
some cases.
- name: charge_id
description: Unique identifier for the disputed charge
- not_null
- name: currency
description: Currency of the disputed amount
- not_null
- name: evidence_billing_address
description: Billing address provided as evidence
- not_null
- name: evidence_customer_email
description: Customer email address provided as evidence
- not_null
- name: evidence_customer_name
description: Customer name provided as evidence
- not_null
- name: evidence_purchase_ip
description: Customer's IP address at purchase as evidence
- not_null
- name: has_evidence
description: Indicates if evidence has been submitted
- not_null
- name: evidence_past_due
description: Indicates if evidence submission is past due
- not_null
- name: evidence_submission_count
description: Number of evidence submissions
- not_null
- name: evidence_receipt
description: Receipt provided as evidence
- not_null
- name: is_refundable
description: Indicates if the charge can be refunded
- not_null
- name: is_live
description: Indicates if the dispute is in live mode
- not_null
- name: dispute_reason
description: Reason for the dispute
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- subscription_canceled
- general
- product_unacceptable
- fraudulent_charge
- duplicate_charge
- product_not_received
- incorrect_amount
- unauthorized_charge
- service_unsatisfactory
- refund_not_processed
- subscription_unwanted
- quality_issue
- shipping_issue
- name: dispute_status
description: Current status of the dispute
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- lost
- won
- pending
- settled
- withdrawn
- name: additional_data
description: Additional data related to the dispute
- not_null
- name: connected_account_id
description: ID of the connected account
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not involving connected accounts
- name: dispute_created_at
description: Date and time when the dispute was created
- not_null
- name: disputed_amount
description: Disputed charge amount
- not_null
- name: evidence_access_log
description: Access activity log provided as evidence
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no evidence access occurred
- name: evidence_cancellation_disclosure
description: Disclosure of cancellation policy as evidence
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not related to cancellations
- name: evidence_cancellation_policy
description: Cancellation policy provided as evidence
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not related to cancellations
- name: evidence_cancellation_rebuttal
description: Rebuttal to cancellation claim as evidence
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not related to cancellations
- name: evidence_carrier
description: Shipping carrier used for the order
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not involving shipping
- name: evidence_customer_signature
description: Customer signature provided as evidence
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if customer signature wasn't required
- name: evidence_due_date
description: Due date for submitting evidence
- not_null
- name: evidence_duplicate_charge_docs
description: Documentation for duplicate charge claim
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not about duplicate charges
- name: evidence_duplicate_charge_explanation
description: Explanation for duplicate charge claim
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not about duplicate charges
- name: evidence_duplicate_charge_id
description: ID of the duplicate charge
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not about duplicate charges
- name: evidence_ship_date
description: Date the order was shipped
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not involving shipping
- name: evidence_ship_docs
description: Documentation related to shipping
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not involving shipping
- name: evidence_tracking
description: Tracking number for the shipped order
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for disputes not involving shipping
stg_invoice_data (first 100 rows)
line_item_id | currency | customer_id | description | is_discountable | invoice_id | is_deleted | is_live_transaction | is_prorated | quantity | subscription_id | subscription_item_id | amount | billing_period_end | billing_period_start | transaction_date | unit_price | |
0 | ab1111 | usd | sdgfs84854 | description_here | True | sdg545641 | False | True | True | 45 | sdkhg54645 | kdshg455 | 45.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | NaT | 5.0 |
1 | si8jo54 | usd | dfd54654 | description_here | True | dgjksg6486 | False | False | False | 55 | dghisd165748 | sgdfs5464 | 22.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | NaT | 6.0 |
stg_invoice_data.sql (clean the table)
"invoice_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 17 out of 18 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "invoice_data"
"invoice_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> line_item_id
-- date_ -> transaction_date
-- discountable -> is_discountable
-- livemode -> is_live_transaction
-- period_end -> billing_period_end
-- period_start -> billing_period_start
-- proration -> is_prorated
-- unit_amount -> unit_price
"id" AS "line_item_id",
"date_" AS "transaction_date",
"discountable" AS "is_discountable",
"livemode" AS "is_live_transaction",
"period_end" AS "billing_period_end",
"period_start" AS "billing_period_start",
"proration" AS "is_prorated",
"unit_amount" AS "unit_price"
FROM "invoice_data_projected"
"invoice_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- description: The problem is that 'description_here' is a placeholder value and not actual descriptive content. It appears to be the only value present in the description column, which suggests that real descriptions are missing. The correct values should be actual, meaningful descriptions of the items or entities being described. However, since we don't have access to the real descriptions, we can't provide them.
WHEN "description" = '''description_here''' THEN ''''
ELSE "description"
END AS "description",
FROM "invoice_data_projected_renamed"
"invoice_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- amount: from INT to DECIMAL
-- billing_period_end: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- billing_period_start: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- transaction_date: from DECIMAL to DATE
-- unit_price: from INT to DECIMAL
CAST("amount" AS DECIMAL) AS "amount",
CAST("billing_period_end" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "billing_period_end",
CAST("billing_period_start" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "billing_period_start",
CAST("transaction_date" AS DATE) AS "transaction_date",
CAST("unit_price" AS DECIMAL) AS "unit_price"
FROM "invoice_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
SELECT * FROM "invoice_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted"
stg_invoice_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_invoice_data
description: The table is about invoice data. It contains details such as invoice
ID, amount, currency, customer ID, date, description, and subscription information.
The table includes fields for discounts, proration, quantity, and unit amount.
It also tracks whether the invoice is deleted or in livemode. The data seems to
represent individual line items on invoices, with information about the associated
subscription and billing period.
- name: line_item_id
description: Unique identifier for the line item
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each line item. For
this table, each row represents a single line item on an invoice. line_item_id
is likely to be unique across rows.
- name: currency
description: Currency of the amount charged
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- usd
- eur
- gbp
- jpy
- cad
- aud
- chf
- cny
- hkd
- nzd
- krw
- sgd
- inr
- mxn
- brl
- sek
- nok
- dkk
- pln
- zar
- thb
- rub
- try
- name: customer_id
description: Unique identifier for the customer
- not_null
- name: description
description: Description of the line item
- not_null
- name: is_discountable
description: Whether the item is eligible for discounts
- not_null
- name: invoice_id
description: Unique identifier for the invoice
- not_null
- name: is_deleted
description: Indicates if the item has been deleted
- not_null
- name: is_live_transaction
description: Indicates if the transaction is live or test
- not_null
- name: is_prorated
description: Indicates if the amount is prorated
- not_null
- name: quantity
description: Quantity of the item
- not_null
- name: subscription_id
description: Unique identifier for the subscription
- not_null
- name: subscription_item_id
description: Unique identifier for the subscription item
- not_null
- name: amount
description: Amount charged for the line item
- not_null
- name: billing_period_end
description: End date of the billing period
- not_null
- name: billing_period_start
description: Start date of the billing period
- not_null
- name: transaction_date
description: Date of the invoice or transaction
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for non-live transactions or future-dated
- name: unit_price
description: Price per unit of the item
- not_null
stg_charge_data (first 100 rows)
charge_id | amount_cents | refunded_cents | is_captured | card_id | currency | customer_id | description | failure_code | failure_message | is_live | network_status | outcome_reason | risk_level | seller_message | outcome_type | is_paid | payment_intent_id | hashed_receipt_email | is_refunded | charge_status | calculated_statement_descriptor | created_at | invoice_id | metadata | receipt_number | receipt_url | shipping_address_1 | shipping_address_2 | shipping_carrier | shipping_city | shipping_country | shipping_phone | shipping_postal_code | shipping_recipient_name | shipping_state | shipping_tracking_number | |
0 | ch_0IMDAfig6peNXzgDJYQKfT3B | 3293232 | 0 | False | pm_0Hr3Oyig6peNXzgDkOfs9Dqm | usd | cus_IRb688lkE0TnTM | 068dfcec35b4d2eb8e5655783b40608e | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDAfig6peNXzgDnE8UotlM | 32beaaeef4e37a5d19f8bafc1a1631c2 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:07:57 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
1 | ch_0IMDAVig6peNXzgDHlr1zyyW | 2040000 | 0 | False | pm_0Hj3Mhig6peNXzgDeAoKLH7U | usd | cus_IHmGn2733l3GK6 | 403e2c77a9041c677cb45b09d65a2636 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDAVig6peNXzgDJXuKVLtD | e9e8ea6013cb5c982f71b5247c98be65 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:07:47 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
2 | ch_0IMD9Yig6peNXzgDUvMKMSla | 4071 | 0 | False | pm_0HfVlUig6peNXzgDvnqkgdRQ | usd | cus_IEXWsmR0hA8iGL | d36f9f0f170bb3069a9b1d7055c8b412 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9Yig6peNXzgDtgkX3pjH | ab11bebc20a2f74af38dc1f84d33e759 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:06:48 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
3 | ch_0IMDGtig6peNXzgD1jdR6t7Y | 197391 | 0 | False | pm_0I3Nemig6peNXzgDdDSfZXb9 | usd | cus_IegzSpQ6V9deOW | f794a8544921fbec51dd986d00a443f8 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDGtig6peNXzgDCuzBH6xK | 24a64fea88592b8a7bb9783eeb93f4c5 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:14:23 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
4 | ch_0IMDLjig6peNXzgDQ0WJ7OtY | 15000 | 0 | False | pm_0Hw4QGig6peNXzgDCwWwFnh0 | usd | cus_IX8c0jeM4yuzDn | cda6649904149ac57765d9deac2263e6 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDLjig6peNXzgDppN3qSTF | eb27183b771710ba705cc3d1f10be3fd | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:19:23 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
5 | ch_0IMD9Wig6peNXzgDHxwWBPEZ | 183000 | 0 | False | pm_0HnC5mig6peNXzgDXSNeK1Bu | usd | cus_INy1KScKAog1uS | 3944b9f788ae4e71b100786be80205de | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9Vig6peNXzgDQxQe1FHT | 6e05435f9bf429c0fb659a54fd7529b8 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:06:46 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
6 | ch_0IMDDQig6peNXzgDah11dNBN | 243500 | 0 | False | pm_0HnC5mig6peNXzgDXSNeK1Bu | usd | cus_INy1KScKAog1uS | dd43606ef2262a592ebf62590c9d4df5 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDDQig6peNXzgDaC9Gjkx0 | 6e05435f9bf429c0fb659a54fd7529b8 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:10:48 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
7 | ch_0IMDDUig6peNXzgDyqDvLubr | 2786 | 0 | False | pm_0HfVlUig6peNXzgDvnqkgdRQ | usd | cus_IEXWsmR0hA8iGL | 7ae43df98d8720a8f8fa6cc2d7987552 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDDUig6peNXzgDsuEhnuAl | ab11bebc20a2f74af38dc1f84d33e759 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:10:52 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
8 | ch_0IMDEuig6peNXzgDkP5uU3im | 73650 | 0 | False | pm_0Hpc71ig6peNXzgDy1i9s6en | usd | cus_IQT24DskOLZ2yF | 95175f4654496b92456b626a93b7ac33 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDEuig6peNXzgDqEn5B1gv | 9cad6f0e0c1dff3dd27a98ee7fa4ff40 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:12:20 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
9 | ch_0IMDJ3ig6peNXzgD5HDCXZGY | 25600 | 0 | False | pm_0I6fuwig6peNXzgDpmJZOcbj | usd | cus_I5NJ6elPyrZHfj | a4a3c49803b2e7ab42c1f6de44197126 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDJ3ig6peNXzgDjJpHOesH | 5eb7cf4a91f5aadf5a52479989bc55ed | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
10 | ch_0IMD9pig6peNXzgD5E7v2nk3 | 69750 | 0 | False | pm_0Hpc71ig6peNXzgDy1i9s6en | usd | cus_IQT24DskOLZ2yF | 0b3c44516e5462c35367b3bed49b4a4d | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9oig6peNXzgD8rGMNoRL | 9cad6f0e0c1dff3dd27a98ee7fa4ff40 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:07:05 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
11 | ch_0IMD9dig6peNXzgD3i6CTeP6 | 160700 | 0 | False | pm_0Hnu2tig6peNXzgDeQNHwzSV | usd | cus_IOhGAHpVOsOV99 | d871ea4e3c6b57da4750add9e8da62ae | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMD9dig6peNXzgDSLNX3MAL | 9bd8e73d66d10af5cb18588b9e7c3872 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:06:53 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
12 | ch_0IMDH8ig6peNXzgDku6HtBcQ | 24592 | 0 | False | pm_0I3saBig6peNXzgDVgYNcLHV | usd | cus_IfCy5uUXv2MDT0 | e1f0c035dbb83e796ffac9c71d94b138 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDH7ig6peNXzgD3IFw1Ss8 | a5548420ede4e57b3e2fe16a984f851d | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:14:38 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
13 | ch_0IMDA2ig6peNXzgDU9JZdY1J | 109800 | 0 | False | pm_0Hj3Mhig6peNXzgDeAoKLH7U | usd | cus_IHmGn2733l3GK6 | ed23dd0d8e2a65a9980b08d23c73360d | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDA2ig6peNXzgDDcfY1N2L | e9e8ea6013cb5c982f71b5247c98be65 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:07:18 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
14 | ch_0IMDJyig6peNXzgDngzT0dAy | 117100 | 0 | False | pm_0Hj3Mhig6peNXzgDeAoKLH7U | usd | cus_IHmGn2733l3GK6 | 75b420f296d4874b1fd7c70eb3630cfa | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IMDJyig6peNXzgD4Ghvs0zF | e9e8ea6013cb5c982f71b5247c98be65 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-18 14:17:34 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
15 | ch_0IGmOVig6peNXzgDFYDv1XdZ | 117524 | 0 | False | card_Gti5RQklrpVVJ2 | usd | cus_F4zOnlDjqyZKdP | 61721ad6e321cf891a91d20b397a4fd4 | card_declined | Your card was declined. | True | declined_by_network | do_not_honor | normal | The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`. | issuer_declined | False | pi_0IGmOVig6peNXzgDoFcKFzqx | bd6a239ac7909ad0fe72d99b6d464a24 | False | failed | 6f867b34cbc9bf57509503b3123a2ecb | 2021-02-03 14:31:47 | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
stg_charge_data.sql (clean the table)
"charge_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 53 out of 54 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "charge_data"
"charge_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> charge_id
-- amount -> amount_cents
-- amount_refunded -> refunded_cents
-- application_fee_amount -> app_fee_amount
-- captured -> is_captured
-- created -> created_at
-- fraud_details_stripe_report -> stripe_fraud_report
-- fraud_details_user_report -> user_fraud_report
-- livemode -> is_live
-- outcome_network_status -> network_status
-- outcome_risk_level -> risk_level
-- outcome_risk_score -> risk_score
-- outcome_seller_message -> seller_message
-- paid -> is_paid
-- receipt_email -> hashed_receipt_email
-- refunded -> is_refunded
-- shipping_address_city -> shipping_city
-- shipping_address_country -> shipping_country
-- shipping_address_line_1 -> shipping_address_1
-- shipping_address_line_2 -> shipping_address_2
-- shipping_address_postal_code -> shipping_postal_code
-- shipping_address_state -> shipping_state
-- shipping_name -> shipping_recipient_name
-- status -> charge_status
-- transfer_data_destination -> transfer_destination
"id" AS "charge_id",
"amount" AS "amount_cents",
"amount_refunded" AS "refunded_cents",
"application_fee_amount" AS "app_fee_amount",
"captured" AS "is_captured",
"created" AS "created_at",
"fraud_details_stripe_report" AS "stripe_fraud_report",
"fraud_details_user_report" AS "user_fraud_report",
"livemode" AS "is_live",
"outcome_network_status" AS "network_status",
"outcome_risk_level" AS "risk_level",
"outcome_risk_score" AS "risk_score",
"outcome_seller_message" AS "seller_message",
"paid" AS "is_paid",
"receipt_email" AS "hashed_receipt_email",
"refunded" AS "is_refunded",
"shipping_address_city" AS "shipping_city",
"shipping_address_country" AS "shipping_country",
"shipping_address_line_1" AS "shipping_address_1",
"shipping_address_line_2" AS "shipping_address_2",
"shipping_address_postal_code" AS "shipping_postal_code",
"shipping_address_state" AS "shipping_state",
"shipping_name" AS "shipping_recipient_name",
"status" AS "charge_status",
"transfer_data_destination" AS "transfer_destination",
FROM "charge_data_projected"
"charge_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- app_fee_amount: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- balance_transaction_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- bank_account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- connected_account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- created_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- destination: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- invoice_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- on_behalf_of: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- receipt_number: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- receipt_url: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- risk_score: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_carrier: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_phone: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_postal_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_recipient_name: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_tracking_number: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- source_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- source_transfer: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- statement_descriptor: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- stripe_fraud_report: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- transfer_destination: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- transfer_group: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- transfer_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- user_fraud_report: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("app_fee_amount" AS VARCHAR) AS "app_fee_amount",
CAST("balance_transaction_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "balance_transaction_id",
CAST("bank_account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "bank_account_id",
CAST("connected_account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "connected_account_id",
CAST("created_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "created_at",
CAST("destination" AS VARCHAR) AS "destination",
CAST("invoice_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "invoice_id",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("on_behalf_of" AS VARCHAR) AS "on_behalf_of",
CAST("receipt_number" AS VARCHAR) AS "receipt_number",
CAST("receipt_url" AS VARCHAR) AS "receipt_url",
CAST("risk_score" AS VARCHAR) AS "risk_score",
CAST("shipping_address_1" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_1",
CAST("shipping_address_2" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_2",
CAST("shipping_carrier" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_carrier",
CAST("shipping_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_city",
CAST("shipping_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_country",
CAST("shipping_phone" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_phone",
CAST("shipping_postal_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_postal_code",
CAST("shipping_recipient_name" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_recipient_name",
CAST("shipping_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_state",
CAST("shipping_tracking_number" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_tracking_number",
CAST("source_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "source_id",
CAST("source_transfer" AS VARCHAR) AS "source_transfer",
CAST("statement_descriptor" AS VARCHAR) AS "statement_descriptor",
CAST("stripe_fraud_report" AS VARCHAR) AS "stripe_fraud_report",
CAST("transfer_destination" AS VARCHAR) AS "transfer_destination",
CAST("transfer_group" AS VARCHAR) AS "transfer_group",
CAST("transfer_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "transfer_id",
CAST("user_fraud_report" AS VARCHAR) AS "user_fraud_report"
FROM "charge_data_projected_renamed"
"charge_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 16 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- app_fee_amount has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- application has 93.75 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- balance_transaction_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- bank_account_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- connected_account_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- destination has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- on_behalf_of has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- risk_score has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- source_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- source_transfer has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- statement_descriptor has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- stripe_fraud_report has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- transfer_destination has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- transfer_group has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- transfer_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- user_fraud_report has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "charge_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "charge_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_charge_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_charge_data
description: The table is about charge transactions. It contains details like amount,
currency, customer ID, card details, and transaction status. Most charges failed
due to card declines. The table includes information on the reason for failure,
risk assessment, and metadata. All charges are in USD and were made on February
18, 2021.
- name: charge_id
description: Unique identifier for the charge
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each charge transaction.
For this table, each row represents a distinct charge transaction. The charge_id
is unique across rows.
- name: amount_cents
description: Transaction amount in cents
- not_null
- name: refunded_cents
description: Amount refunded in cents
- not_null
- name: is_captured
description: Whether the charge was captured
- not_null
- name: card_id
description: ID of the card used
- not_null
- name: currency
description: Currency of the charge
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- usd
- eur
- gbp
- jpy
- cad
- aud
- chf
- cny
- hkd
- nzd
- sek
- krw
- sgd
- nok
- mxn
- inr
- rub
- zar
- try
- brl
- twd
- dkk
- pln
- thb
- idr
- name: customer_id
description: ID of the customer
- not_null
- name: description
description: Description of the charge
- not_null
- name: failure_code
description: Code indicating reason for failure
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- card_declined
- insufficient_funds
- expired_card
- invalid_card_number
- invalid_cvc
- incorrect_cvc
- lost_card
- stolen_card
- fraudulent_card
- processing_error
- issuer_not_available
- do_not_honor
- card_not_supported
- currency_not_supported
- duplicate_transaction
- authentication_required
- blocked_card
- restricted_card
- card_velocity_exceeded
- withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded
- name: failure_message
description: Message describing the failure
- not_null
- name: is_live
description: Whether charge was in live mode
- not_null
- name: network_status
description: Network status of the charge outcome
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- declined_by_network
- approved
- declined_by_issuer
- network_error
- timeout
- invalid_card
- insufficient_funds
- lost_or_stolen_card
- suspected_fraud
- expired_card
- processing_error
- card_not_supported
- card_restricted
- do_not_honor
- pickup_card
- name: outcome_reason
description: Reason for the charge outcome
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- do_not_honor
- insufficient_funds
- lost_card
- stolen_card
- expired_card
- invalid_card_number
- invalid_cvc
- card_not_supported
- processing_error
- fraudulent
- generic_decline
- card_velocity_exceeded
- suspected_fraud
- card_restricted
- currency_not_supported
- approved
- partially_approved
- authentication_required
- incorrect_address
- transaction_not_allowed
- name: risk_level
description: Risk level of the charge outcome
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- low
- normal
- medium
- high
- critical
- name: seller_message
description: Seller message for the charge outcome
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- do_not_honor
- insufficient_funds
- lost_card
- stolen_card
- expired_card
- invalid_card_number
- invalid_cvc
- card_declined
- processing_error
- incorrect_pin
- incorrect_zip
- invalid_expiry_date
- card_not_supported
- fraudulent
- pickup_card
- restricted_card
- security_violation
- service_not_allowed
- transaction_not_allowed
- try_again_later
- The bank returned the decline code `do_not_honor`.
- name: outcome_type
description: Type of the charge outcome
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- issuer_declined
- approved
- blocked
- expired_card
- insufficient_funds
- lost_card
- stolen_card
- invalid_amount
- invalid_number
- fraud_suspect
- processor_declined
- authentication_required
- card_not_supported
- do_not_honor
- duplicate_transaction
- generic_decline
- name: is_paid
description: Indicates if the charge was successful
- not_null
- name: payment_intent_id
description: Unique identifier for the payment intent
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for the payment intent
associated with each charge. While it's likely to be unique for each transaction
in this table, it's possible that multiple charges could be associated with
the same payment intent in some cases.
- name: hashed_receipt_email
description: Hashed email address for receipt
- not_null
- name: is_refunded
description: Indicates if the charge was refunded
- not_null
- name: charge_status
description: Current status of the charge
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- failed
- succeeded
- pending
- refunded
- canceled
- disputed
- authorized
- captured
- expired
- requires_payment_method
- requires_confirmation
- requires_action
- processing
- name: calculated_statement_descriptor
description: ''
- not_null
- name: created_at
description: Timestamp of charge creation
- not_null
- name: invoice_id
description: ID of associated invoice
missing_acceptable: Failed transactions don't generate invoices
- name: metadata
description: Additional metadata for the charge
- not_null
- name: receipt_number
description: Receipt number if available
missing_acceptable: Failed transactions don't generate receipts
- name: receipt_url
description: URL to access the receipt
missing_acceptable: Failed transactions don't generate receipts
- name: shipping_address_1
description: First line of shipping address
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_address_2
description: Second line of shipping address
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_carrier
description: Name of shipping carrier
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_city
description: City in shipping address
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_country
description: Country in shipping address
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_phone
description: Phone number for shipping
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_postal_code
description: Postal code in shipping address
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_recipient_name
description: Name of recipient for shipping
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_state
description: State in shipping address
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
- name: shipping_tracking_number
description: Tracking number for shipment
missing_acceptable: No shipping involved in this transaction
stg_price_data (first 100 rows)
price_id | is_active | billing_scheme | currency_code | invoice_item_id | is_deleted | is_live_mode | product_id | price_type | unit_amount | creation_date | metadata | recurring_interval | recurring_interval_count | recurring_usage_aggregation | recurring_usage_type | tiers_mode | unit_amount_decimal | |
0 | price_1 | True | per_unit | usd | ii_FYFJSuzUa5YRk | False | True | prod_HCqb8lm6kfYk | one_time | 100000 | 2020-05-02 19:21:44 | {} | None | None | None | None | None | 100000.0 |
stg_price_data.sql (clean the table)
"price_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 22 out of 23 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "price_data"
"price_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> price_id
-- active -> is_active
-- created -> creation_date
-- currency -> currency_code
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- nickname -> friendly_name
-- recurring_aggregate_usage -> recurring_usage_aggregation
-- transform_quantity_divide_by -> quantity_divide_by
-- transform_quantity_round -> quantity_round
-- type -> price_type
"id" AS "price_id",
"active" AS "is_active",
"created" AS "creation_date",
"currency" AS "currency_code",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"nickname" AS "friendly_name",
"recurring_aggregate_usage" AS "recurring_usage_aggregation",
"transform_quantity_divide_by" AS "quantity_divide_by",
"transform_quantity_round" AS "quantity_round",
"type" AS "price_type",
FROM "price_data_projected"
"price_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- creation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- friendly_name: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- lookup_key: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- quantity_divide_by: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- quantity_round: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- recurring_interval: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- recurring_interval_count: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- recurring_usage_aggregation: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- recurring_usage_type: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tiers_mode: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- unit_amount_decimal: from INT to DECIMAL
CAST("creation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "creation_date",
CAST("friendly_name" AS VARCHAR) AS "friendly_name",
CAST("lookup_key" AS VARCHAR) AS "lookup_key",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("quantity_divide_by" AS VARCHAR) AS "quantity_divide_by",
CAST("quantity_round" AS VARCHAR) AS "quantity_round",
CAST("recurring_interval" AS VARCHAR) AS "recurring_interval",
CAST("recurring_interval_count" AS VARCHAR) AS "recurring_interval_count",
CAST("recurring_usage_aggregation" AS VARCHAR) AS "recurring_usage_aggregation",
CAST("recurring_usage_type" AS VARCHAR) AS "recurring_usage_type",
CAST("tiers_mode" AS VARCHAR) AS "tiers_mode",
CAST("unit_amount_decimal" AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS "unit_amount_decimal"
FROM "price_data_projected_renamed"
"price_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 4 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- friendly_name has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- lookup_key has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- quantity_divide_by has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- quantity_round has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "price_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "price_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_price_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_price_data
description: The table is about pricing information. It includes details like price
ID, active status, billing scheme, currency, and amount. The table also contains
fields related to recurring pricing, such as interval and usage type. Additional
information includes creation date, associated product ID, and metadata. The table
seems to store comprehensive pricing data for various products or services.
- name: price_id
description: Unique identifier for the price
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column is a unique identifier for each price. For this table,
each row represents a distinct price entry. price_id is unique across rows
as it's designed to be a primary identifier.
- name: is_active
description: Indicates if the price is currently active
- not_null
- name: billing_scheme
description: The pricing model for the product
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- per_unit
- tiered
- name: currency_code
description: The currency code for the price
- not_null
- name: invoice_item_id
description: Associated invoice item identifier
- not_null
- name: is_deleted
description: Indicates if the price has been deleted
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Whether the price is in live or test mode
- not_null
- name: product_id
description: Identifier of the associated product
- not_null
- name: price_type
description: The type of pricing (one-time or recurring)
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- one_time
- recurring
- name: unit_amount
description: Price amount in smallest currency unit
- not_null
- name: creation_date
description: Timestamp of when the price was created
- not_null
- name: metadata
description: Additional information about the price
- not_null
- name: recurring_interval
description: Billing frequency for recurring prices
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for one-time pricing
- name: recurring_interval_count
description: Number of intervals between billings
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for one-time pricing
- name: recurring_usage_aggregation
description: Usage aggregation for recurring prices
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for one-time pricing
- name: recurring_usage_type
description: Usage calculation for recurring prices
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for one-time pricing
- name: tiers_mode
description: Defines how tiers are handled
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for per_unit billing scheme
- name: unit_amount_decimal
description: Decimal representation of unit amount
- not_null
stg_fee_data (first 100 rows)
transaction_id | group_index | amount_cents | currency_code | category_hash | type_hash | |
0 | txn_0IC7txig6peNXzgD0BI1c5fq | 0 | 9281 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
1 | txn_0IC9dPig6peNXzgDaOTwBq8B | 0 | 22215 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
2 | txn_0IC7bOig6peNXzgDE6EeCW6p | 0 | 99 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
3 | txn_0ICQWOig6peNXzgD2Cn5HdMK | 0 | 9456 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
4 | txn_0ICE3lig6peNXzgDvwFP6Cgz | 0 | 10484 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
5 | txn_0IC5tfig6peNXzgDxCGsg0DR | 0 | 10535 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
6 | txn_0IBsCcig6peNXzgDEDePzZOD | 0 | 3117 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
7 | txn_0IBJOlig6peNXzgDgRlNX2UI | 0 | 99480 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
8 | txn_0IBoyeig6peNXzgDkINDi0wS | 0 | 88409 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
9 | txn_0IBT4Oig6peNXzgDWT3wbNp1 | 0 | 25405 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
10 | txn_0IBm5Yig6peNXzgDk1LI4JCA | 0 | 25405 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
11 | txn_0IBtOoig6peNXzgDbrhw4CcH | 0 | 17430 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
12 | txn_0IBft3ig6peNXzgDoG5KpDGo | 0 | 19605 | usd | 5648134d1ebad69e0037d22cb76a8a6a | a63a12921d2c16182f640ee7d2875ec4 |
stg_fee_data.sql (clean the table)
"fee_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 8 out of 9 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "fee_data"
"fee_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- balance_transaction_id -> transaction_id
-- index_ -> group_index
-- amount -> amount_cents
-- currency -> currency_code
-- description -> category_hash
-- type -> type_hash
"balance_transaction_id" AS "transaction_id",
"index_" AS "group_index",
"amount" AS "amount_cents",
"currency" AS "currency_code",
"description" AS "category_hash",
"type" AS "type_hash"
FROM "fee_data_projected"
"fee_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- application: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- connected_account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("application" AS VARCHAR) AS "application",
CAST("connected_account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "connected_account_id"
FROM "fee_data_projected_renamed"
"fee_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 2 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- application has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- connected_account_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "fee_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "fee_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_fee_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_fee_data
description: The table is about fee transactions. It includes details such as the
transaction ID, amount, currency, description, and type. All transactions are
in USD. The amounts vary significantly, from 99 to 22215. Each transaction has
a unique balance_transaction_id. The description and type fields contain consistent
values across all entries, suggesting they might be category identifiers.
- name: transaction_id
description: Unique identifier for the transaction
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each transaction.
For this table, each row represents a distinct fee transaction. The transaction_id
appears to be unique across rows, as each sample has a different value.
- name: group_index
description: Constant value, possibly for grouping
- not_null
- name: amount_cents
description: Transaction amount in cents
- not_null
- name: currency_code
description: Currency of the transaction
- not_null
- name: category_hash
description: Identifier or hash for transaction category
- not_null
- name: type_hash
description: Identifier or hash for transaction type
- not_null
stg_credit_note_line_item_data (first 100 rows)
credit_note_id | line_item_id | item_description | is_live_mode | quantity | line_item_type | unit_price_cents | discount_amount | total_amount | unit_price_precise | |
0 | cn_89hUNfs | cnli_H7kCLAE | description_here | True | 10 | custom_line_item | 5 | 0.0 | 50.0 | 494.0 |
1 | cn_Jg3Jf0s | cnli_1HuHLafV | description_here | False | 1 | invoice_line_item | 100 | 0.0 | 100.0 | 1000.0 |
stg_credit_note_line_item_data.sql (clean the table)
"credit_note_line_item_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 10 out of 11 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "credit_note_line_item_data"
"credit_note_line_item_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> line_item_id
-- amount -> total_amount
-- description -> item_description
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- type -> line_item_type
-- unit_amount -> unit_price_cents
-- unit_amount_decimal -> unit_price_precise
"id" AS "line_item_id",
"amount" AS "total_amount",
"description" AS "item_description",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"type" AS "line_item_type",
"unit_amount" AS "unit_price_cents",
"unit_amount_decimal" AS "unit_price_precise"
FROM "credit_note_line_item_data_projected"
"credit_note_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- item_description: The problem is that 'description_here' is a placeholder value and not a real item description. This is unusual because it doesn't provide any actual information about the item. The correct value should be an empty string, as we don't have the real description and leaving it blank is more appropriate than using a placeholder.
WHEN "item_description" = '''description_here''' THEN ''''
ELSE "item_description"
END AS "item_description",
FROM "credit_note_line_item_data_projected_renamed"
"credit_note_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- discount_amount: from INT to DECIMAL
-- total_amount: from INT to DECIMAL
-- unit_price_precise: from INT to DECIMAL
CAST("discount_amount" AS DECIMAL) AS "discount_amount",
CAST("total_amount" AS DECIMAL) AS "total_amount",
CAST("unit_price_precise" AS DECIMAL) AS "unit_price_precise"
FROM "credit_note_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
SELECT * FROM "credit_note_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted"
stg_credit_note_line_item_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_credit_note_line_item_data
description: The table is about credit note line items. It contains details of individual
items within a credit note. Each row represents a line item with information like
amount, quantity, unit price, and description. The credit_note_id links the line
item to its parent credit note. The table includes both custom line items and
invoice line items. It also tracks whether each item is in live mode or not.
- name: credit_note_id
description: Unique identifier of the parent credit note
- not_null
- name: line_item_id
description: Unique identifier for the line item
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the unique identifier for each line item.
For this table, each row is a distinct line item. line_item_id should be unique
across rows as it's designed to identify each specific line item.
- name: item_description
description: Brief description of the line item
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if the item is in live mode
- not_null
- name: quantity
description: Number of units for the line item
- not_null
- name: line_item_type
description: Type of line item (custom or invoice)
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- custom_line_item
- invoice_line_item
- name: unit_price_cents
description: Price per unit in cents
- not_null
- name: discount_amount
description: Amount of discount applied to the line item
- not_null
- name: total_amount
description: Total amount for the line item
- not_null
- name: unit_price_precise
description: Precise unit amount with decimal places
- not_null
stg_account_data (first 100 rows)
merchant_category_code | business_name | support_city | support_country | support_address_line1 | support_address_line2 | support_state | support_email | support_url | business_url | afterpay_clearpay_status | bancontact_status | card_payments_status | eps_status | giropay_status | ideal_status | p24_status | platform_payments_status | sepa_debit_payments_status | sofort_payments_status | charges_enabled | country | default_currency | details_submitted | account_email | is_deleted | payouts_enabled | branding_logo_file_id | branding_primary_color | dashboard_display_name | dashboard_timezone | payment_statement_descriptor | debit_negative_balances | payout_delay_days | payout_schedule_interval | account_type | account_id | au_becs_debit_status | bacs_debit_status | company_address_kana_city | company_address_kana_country | company_address_kana_line_1 | company_address_kana_line_2 | company_address_kana_postal_code | company_address_kana_state | company_address_kana_town | company_address_kanji_city | company_address_kanji_country | company_address_kanji_line_1 | company_address_kanji_line_2 | company_address_kanji_postal_code | company_address_kanji_state | company_address_kanji_town | company_name_kana | company_name_kanji | fpx_status | grabpay_status | jcb_status | oxxo_status | payment_statement_descriptor_kana | payment_statement_descriptor_kanji | payout_monthly_anchor | payout_weekly_anchor | support_postal_code | |
0 | 737 | Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry | Hogwarts | US | 123 Street | Apt 123 | CA | | | | active | active | active | active | active | active | active | active | active | active | True | US | usd | True | | False | True | file_asdfasgas | #0030ff | Hogwarts Inc. | America/Los_Angeles | | True | 7 | daily | standard | 1234 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | NaN | None | 12345 |
stg_account_data.sql (clean the table)
"account_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 110 out of 111 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "account_data"
"account_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> account_id
-- business_profile_mcc -> merchant_category_code
-- business_profile_name -> business_name
-- business_profile_product_description -> product_description
-- business_profile_support_address_city -> support_city
-- business_profile_support_address_country -> support_country
-- business_profile_support_address_line_1 -> support_address_line1
-- business_profile_support_address_line_2 -> support_address_line2
-- business_profile_support_address_postal_code -> support_postal_code
-- business_profile_support_address_state -> support_state
-- business_profile_support_email -> support_email
-- business_profile_support_phone -> support_phone
-- business_profile_support_url -> support_url
-- business_profile_url -> business_url
-- capabilities_afterpay_clearpay_payments -> afterpay_clearpay_status
-- capabilities_au_becs_debit_payments -> au_becs_debit_status
-- capabilities_bacs_debit_payments -> bacs_debit_status
-- capabilities_bancontact_payments -> bancontact_status
-- capabilities_card_issuing -> card_issuing_status
-- capabilities_card_payments -> card_payments_status
-- capabilities_cartes_bancaires_payments -> cartes_bancaires_status
-- capabilities_eps_payments -> eps_status
-- capabilities_fpx_payments -> fpx_status
-- capabilities_giropay_payments -> giropay_status
-- capabilities_grabpay_payments -> grabpay_status
-- capabilities_ideal_payments -> ideal_status
-- capabilities_jcb_payments -> jcb_status
-- capabilities_legacy_payments -> legacy_payments_status
-- capabilities_oxxo_payments -> oxxo_status
-- capabilities_p_24_payments -> p24_status
-- capabilities_platform_payments -> platform_payments_status
-- capabilities_sepa_debit_payments -> sepa_debit_payments_status
-- capabilities_sofort_payments -> sofort_payments_status
-- capabilities_tax_reporting_us_1099_k -> tax_reporting_1099k_status
-- capabilities_tax_reporting_us_1099_misc -> tax_reporting_1099misc_status
-- capabilities_transfers -> transfers_status
-- company_owners_provided -> owners_info_provided
-- company_phone -> business_phone
-- company_structure -> legal_structure
-- company_tax_id_provided -> tax_id_provided
-- company_tax_id_registrar -> tax_id_issuer
-- company_vat_id_provided -> vat_id_provided
-- company_verification_document_back -> verification_doc_back
-- company_verification_document_details -> verification_doc_details
-- company_verification_document_details_code -> verification_doc_code
-- company_verification_document_front -> verification_doc_front
-- created -> account_creation_date
-- email -> account_email
-- requirements_current_deadline -> current_requirements_deadline
-- requirements_currently_due -> current_requirements
-- requirements_errors -> requirement_errors
-- requirements_eventually_due -> future_requirements
-- requirements_past_due -> past_due_requirements
-- requirements_pending_verification -> pending_verification
-- settings_branding_icon -> branding_icon
-- settings_branding_logo -> branding_logo_file_id
-- settings_branding_primary_color -> branding_primary_color
-- settings_card_payments_decline_on_avs_failure -> decline_on_avs_failure
-- settings_card_payments_decline_on_cvc_failure -> decline_on_cvc_failure
-- settings_card_payments_statement_descriptor_prefix -> statement_descriptor_prefix
-- settings_dashboard_display_name -> dashboard_display_name
-- settings_dashboard_timezone -> dashboard_timezone
-- settings_payments_statement_descriptor -> payment_statement_descriptor
-- settings_payments_statement_descriptor_kana -> payment_statement_descriptor_kana
-- settings_payments_statement_descriptor_kanji -> payment_statement_descriptor_kanji
-- settings_payouts_debit_negative_balances -> debit_negative_balances
-- settings_payouts_schedule_delay_days -> payout_delay_days
-- settings_payouts_schedule_interval -> payout_schedule_interval
-- settings_payouts_schedule_monthly_anchor -> payout_monthly_anchor
-- settings_payouts_schedule_weekly_anchor -> payout_weekly_anchor
-- settings_payouts_statement_descriptor -> payout_statement_descriptor
-- type -> account_type
"id" AS "account_id",
"business_profile_mcc" AS "merchant_category_code",
"business_profile_name" AS "business_name",
"business_profile_product_description" AS "product_description",
"business_profile_support_address_city" AS "support_city",
"business_profile_support_address_country" AS "support_country",
"business_profile_support_address_line_1" AS "support_address_line1",
"business_profile_support_address_line_2" AS "support_address_line2",
"business_profile_support_address_postal_code" AS "support_postal_code",
"business_profile_support_address_state" AS "support_state",
"business_profile_support_email" AS "support_email",
"business_profile_support_phone" AS "support_phone",
"business_profile_support_url" AS "support_url",
"business_profile_url" AS "business_url",
"capabilities_afterpay_clearpay_payments" AS "afterpay_clearpay_status",
"capabilities_au_becs_debit_payments" AS "au_becs_debit_status",
"capabilities_bacs_debit_payments" AS "bacs_debit_status",
"capabilities_bancontact_payments" AS "bancontact_status",
"capabilities_card_issuing" AS "card_issuing_status",
"capabilities_card_payments" AS "card_payments_status",
"capabilities_cartes_bancaires_payments" AS "cartes_bancaires_status",
"capabilities_eps_payments" AS "eps_status",
"capabilities_fpx_payments" AS "fpx_status",
"capabilities_giropay_payments" AS "giropay_status",
"capabilities_grabpay_payments" AS "grabpay_status",
"capabilities_ideal_payments" AS "ideal_status",
"capabilities_jcb_payments" AS "jcb_status",
"capabilities_legacy_payments" AS "legacy_payments_status",
"capabilities_oxxo_payments" AS "oxxo_status",
"capabilities_p_24_payments" AS "p24_status",
"capabilities_platform_payments" AS "platform_payments_status",
"capabilities_sepa_debit_payments" AS "sepa_debit_payments_status",
"capabilities_sofort_payments" AS "sofort_payments_status",
"capabilities_tax_reporting_us_1099_k" AS "tax_reporting_1099k_status",
"capabilities_tax_reporting_us_1099_misc" AS "tax_reporting_1099misc_status",
"capabilities_transfers" AS "transfers_status",
"company_owners_provided" AS "owners_info_provided",
"company_phone" AS "business_phone",
"company_structure" AS "legal_structure",
"company_tax_id_provided" AS "tax_id_provided",
"company_tax_id_registrar" AS "tax_id_issuer",
"company_vat_id_provided" AS "vat_id_provided",
"company_verification_document_back" AS "verification_doc_back",
"company_verification_document_details" AS "verification_doc_details",
"company_verification_document_details_code" AS "verification_doc_code",
"company_verification_document_front" AS "verification_doc_front",
"created" AS "account_creation_date",
"email" AS "account_email",
"requirements_current_deadline" AS "current_requirements_deadline",
"requirements_currently_due" AS "current_requirements",
"requirements_errors" AS "requirement_errors",
"requirements_eventually_due" AS "future_requirements",
"requirements_past_due" AS "past_due_requirements",
"requirements_pending_verification" AS "pending_verification",
"settings_branding_icon" AS "branding_icon",
"settings_branding_logo" AS "branding_logo_file_id",
"settings_branding_primary_color" AS "branding_primary_color",
"settings_card_payments_decline_on_avs_failure" AS "decline_on_avs_failure",
"settings_card_payments_decline_on_cvc_failure" AS "decline_on_cvc_failure",
"settings_card_payments_statement_descriptor_prefix" AS "statement_descriptor_prefix",
"settings_dashboard_display_name" AS "dashboard_display_name",
"settings_dashboard_timezone" AS "dashboard_timezone",
"settings_payments_statement_descriptor" AS "payment_statement_descriptor",
"settings_payments_statement_descriptor_kana" AS "payment_statement_descriptor_kana",
"settings_payments_statement_descriptor_kanji" AS "payment_statement_descriptor_kanji",
"settings_payouts_debit_negative_balances" AS "debit_negative_balances",
"settings_payouts_schedule_delay_days" AS "payout_delay_days",
"settings_payouts_schedule_interval" AS "payout_schedule_interval",
"settings_payouts_schedule_monthly_anchor" AS "payout_monthly_anchor",
"settings_payouts_schedule_weekly_anchor" AS "payout_weekly_anchor",
"settings_payouts_statement_descriptor" AS "payout_statement_descriptor",
"type" AS "account_type"
FROM "account_data_projected"
"account_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- account_creation_date: from DECIMAL to DATE
-- account_id: from INT to VARCHAR
-- au_becs_debit_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- bacs_debit_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- branding_icon: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- business_phone: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- business_type: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- card_issuing_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- cartes_bancaires_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kana_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kana_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kana_line_1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kana_line_2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kana_postal_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kana_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kana_town: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kanji_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kanji_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kanji_line_1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kanji_line_2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kanji_postal_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kanji_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_kanji_town: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_line_1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_line_2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_postal_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_address_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_directors_provided: from DECIMAL to BOOLEAN
-- company_executives_provided: from DECIMAL to BOOLEAN
-- company_name: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_name_kana: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- company_name_kanji: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- current_requirements: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- current_requirements_deadline: from DECIMAL to DATE
-- decline_on_avs_failure: from DECIMAL to BOOLEAN
-- decline_on_cvc_failure: from DECIMAL to BOOLEAN
-- fpx_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- future_requirements: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- grabpay_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- individual_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- jcb_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- legacy_payments_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- legal_structure: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from DECIMAL to JSON
-- owners_info_provided: from DECIMAL to BOOLEAN
-- oxxo_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- past_due_requirements: from DECIMAL to ARRAY
-- payment_statement_descriptor_kana: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- payment_statement_descriptor_kanji: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- payout_monthly_anchor: from DECIMAL to INT
-- payout_statement_descriptor: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- payout_weekly_anchor: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- pending_verification: from DECIMAL to ARRAY
-- product_description: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- requirement_errors: from DECIMAL to ARRAY
-- requirements_disabled_reason: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- statement_descriptor_prefix: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- support_phone: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- support_postal_code: from INT to VARCHAR
-- tax_id_issuer: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tax_id_provided: from DECIMAL to BOOLEAN
-- tax_reporting_1099k_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tax_reporting_1099misc_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tos_acceptance_date: from DECIMAL to TIMESTAMP
-- tos_acceptance_ip: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tos_acceptance_user_agent: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- transfers_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- vat_id_provided: from DECIMAL to BOOLEAN
-- verification_doc_back: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- verification_doc_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- verification_doc_details: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- verification_doc_front: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("account_creation_date" AS DATE) AS "account_creation_date",
CAST("account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "account_id",
CAST("au_becs_debit_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "au_becs_debit_status",
CAST("bacs_debit_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "bacs_debit_status",
CAST("branding_icon" AS VARCHAR) AS "branding_icon",
CAST("business_phone" AS VARCHAR) AS "business_phone",
CAST("business_type" AS VARCHAR) AS "business_type",
CAST("card_issuing_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "card_issuing_status",
CAST("cartes_bancaires_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "cartes_bancaires_status",
CAST("company_address_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_city",
CAST("company_address_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_country",
CAST("company_address_kana_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kana_city",
CAST("company_address_kana_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kana_country",
CAST("company_address_kana_line_1" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kana_line_1",
CAST("company_address_kana_line_2" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kana_line_2",
CAST("company_address_kana_postal_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kana_postal_code",
CAST("company_address_kana_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kana_state",
CAST("company_address_kana_town" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kana_town",
CAST("company_address_kanji_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kanji_city",
CAST("company_address_kanji_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kanji_country",
CAST("company_address_kanji_line_1" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kanji_line_1",
CAST("company_address_kanji_line_2" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kanji_line_2",
CAST("company_address_kanji_postal_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kanji_postal_code",
CAST("company_address_kanji_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kanji_state",
CAST("company_address_kanji_town" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_kanji_town",
CAST("company_address_line_1" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_line_1",
CAST("company_address_line_2" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_line_2",
CAST("company_address_postal_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_postal_code",
CAST("company_address_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_address_state",
CAST("company_directors_provided" AS BOOLEAN) AS "company_directors_provided",
CAST("company_executives_provided" AS BOOLEAN) AS "company_executives_provided",
CAST("company_name" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_name",
CAST("company_name_kana" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_name_kana",
CAST("company_name_kanji" AS VARCHAR) AS "company_name_kanji",
CAST("current_requirements" AS VARCHAR) AS "current_requirements",
CAST("current_requirements_deadline" AS DATE) AS "current_requirements_deadline",
CAST("decline_on_avs_failure" AS BOOLEAN) AS "decline_on_avs_failure",
CAST("decline_on_cvc_failure" AS BOOLEAN) AS "decline_on_cvc_failure",
CAST("fpx_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "fpx_status",
CAST("future_requirements" AS VARCHAR) AS "future_requirements",
CAST("grabpay_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "grabpay_status",
CAST("individual_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "individual_id",
CAST("jcb_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "jcb_status",
CAST("legacy_payments_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "legacy_payments_status",
CAST("legal_structure" AS VARCHAR) AS "legal_structure",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("owners_info_provided" AS BOOLEAN) AS "owners_info_provided",
CAST("oxxo_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "oxxo_status",
"past_due_requirements" AS "past_due_requirements",
CAST("payment_statement_descriptor_kana" AS VARCHAR) AS "payment_statement_descriptor_kana",
CAST("payment_statement_descriptor_kanji" AS VARCHAR) AS "payment_statement_descriptor_kanji",
CAST("payout_monthly_anchor" AS INT) AS "payout_monthly_anchor",
CAST("payout_statement_descriptor" AS VARCHAR) AS "payout_statement_descriptor",
CAST("payout_weekly_anchor" AS VARCHAR) AS "payout_weekly_anchor",
"pending_verification" AS "pending_verification",
CAST("product_description" AS VARCHAR) AS "product_description",
string_split(CAST("requirement_errors" AS VARCHAR), ',') AS "requirement_errors",
CAST("requirements_disabled_reason" AS VARCHAR) AS "requirements_disabled_reason",
CAST("statement_descriptor_prefix" AS VARCHAR) AS "statement_descriptor_prefix",
CAST("support_phone" AS VARCHAR) AS "support_phone",
CAST("support_postal_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "support_postal_code",
CAST("tax_id_issuer" AS VARCHAR) AS "tax_id_issuer",
CAST("tax_id_provided" AS BOOLEAN) AS "tax_id_provided",
CAST("tax_reporting_1099k_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "tax_reporting_1099k_status",
CAST("tax_reporting_1099misc_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "tax_reporting_1099misc_status",
CAST("tos_acceptance_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "tos_acceptance_date",
CAST("tos_acceptance_ip" AS VARCHAR) AS "tos_acceptance_ip",
CAST("tos_acceptance_user_agent" AS VARCHAR) AS "tos_acceptance_user_agent",
CAST("transfers_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "transfers_status",
CAST("vat_id_provided" AS BOOLEAN) AS "vat_id_provided",
CAST("verification_doc_back" AS VARCHAR) AS "verification_doc_back",
CAST("verification_doc_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "verification_doc_code",
CAST("verification_doc_details" AS VARCHAR) AS "verification_doc_details",
CAST("verification_doc_front" AS VARCHAR) AS "verification_doc_front"
FROM "account_data_projected_renamed"
"account_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 46 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- account_creation_date has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- branding_icon has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- business_phone has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- business_type has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- card_issuing_status has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- cartes_bancaires_status has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_address_city has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_address_country has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_address_line_1 has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_address_line_2 has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_address_postal_code has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_address_state has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_directors_provided has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_executives_provided has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- company_name has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- current_requirements has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- current_requirements_deadline has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- decline_on_avs_failure has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- decline_on_cvc_failure has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- future_requirements has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- individual_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- legacy_payments_status has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- legal_structure has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- metadata has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- owners_info_provided has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- past_due_requirements has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- payout_statement_descriptor has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- pending_verification has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- product_description has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- requirement_errors has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- requirements_disabled_reason has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- statement_descriptor_prefix has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- support_phone has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_id_issuer has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_id_provided has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_reporting_1099k_status has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_reporting_1099misc_status has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tos_acceptance_date has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tos_acceptance_ip has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tos_acceptance_user_agent has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- transfers_status has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- vat_id_provided has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- verification_doc_back has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- verification_doc_code has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- verification_doc_details has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- verification_doc_front has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "account_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "account_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_account_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_account_data
description: The table is about a Stripe business account. It contains details like
business profile, capabilities, company information, settings, and compliance
requirements. Key fields include business name, address, supported payment methods,
payout settings, and legal acceptance details. The account belongs to Hogwarts
School, with education-related merchant category code and wizarding world URLs.
- name: merchant_category_code
description: Merchant Category Code for the business
- not_null
- name: business_name
description: Name of the business
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the name of the business. For this table,
each row is a unique business account. Business names are generally unique,
especially for a specific platform like Stripe.
- name: support_city
description: City of the business support address
- not_null
- name: support_country
description: Country of the business support address
- not_null
- name: support_address_line1
description: First line of the business support address
- not_null
- name: support_address_line2
description: Second line of the business support address
- not_null
- name: support_state
description: State of the business support address
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- AL
- AK
- AZ
- AR
- CA
- CO
- CT
- DE
- FL
- GA
- HI
- ID
- IL
- IN
- IA
- KS
- KY
- LA
- ME
- MD
- MA
- MI
- MN
- MS
- MO
- MT
- NE
- NV
- NH
- NJ
- NM
- NY
- NC
- ND
- OH
- OK
- OR
- PA
- RI
- SC
- SD
- TN
- TX
- UT
- VT
- VA
- WA
- WV
- WI
- WY
- DC
- AS
- GU
- MP
- PR
- VI
- name: support_email
description: Support email address for the business
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the support email address for the business.
For this table, each row is a unique business account. Email addresses are
generally unique for each business account on platforms like Stripe.
- name: support_url
description: Support website URL for the business
- not_null
- unique
- accepted_values:
uniqueness: This column represents the support website URL for the business.
For this table, each row is a unique business account. Support URLs are likely
to be unique for each business, especially on a platform like Stripe.
- name: business_url
description: Main website URL for the business
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the main website URL for the business. For
this table, each row is a unique business account. Business URLs are typically
unique for each business.
- name: afterpay_clearpay_status
description: Afterpay/Clearpay payment capability status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- rejected
- name: bancontact_status
description: Bancontact payment capability status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- name: card_payments_status
description: Card payment capability status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- suspended
- restricted
- blocked
- expired
- not_available
- name: eps_status
description: EPS payment capability status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- suspended
- pending
- blocked
- limited
- restricted
- unavailable
- maintenance
- error
- name: giropay_status
description: Giropay payment capability status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- name: ideal_status
description: iDEAL payment capability status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- suspended
- disabled
- unavailable
- name: p24_status
description: Przelewy24 payment capability status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- name: platform_payments_status
description: Status of platform payment capability
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- suspended
- disabled
- maintenance
- error
- name: sepa_debit_payments_status
description: Status of SEPA debit payment capability
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- suspended
- name: sofort_payments_status
description: Status of Sofort payment capability
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- suspended
- unavailable
- error
- name: charges_enabled
description: Whether charges are enabled for the account
- not_null
- name: country
description: Country where the company is registered
- not_null
- name: default_currency
description: Default currency for the account
- not_null
- name: details_submitted
description: Indicates if all required details were submitted
- not_null
- name: account_email
description: Primary email address for the account
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the primary email address for the account.
For this table, each row is a unique Stripe business account. Email addresses
are typically unique for each account in financial systems, making this a
good candidate for a unique identifier.
- name: is_deleted
description: Indicates if the account has been deleted
- not_null
- name: payouts_enabled
description: Indicates if payouts are enabled for account
- not_null
- name: branding_logo_file_id
description: File ID for the company's branding logo
- not_null
- name: branding_primary_color
description: Primary color for branding in hexadecimal format
- not_null
- name: dashboard_display_name
description: Display name for the Stripe dashboard
- not_null
- name: dashboard_timezone
description: Timezone setting for the Stripe dashboard
- not_null
- name: payment_statement_descriptor
description: Description appearing on customer's credit card statement
- not_null
- name: debit_negative_balances
description: Allow debiting account for negative balances
- not_null
- name: payout_delay_days
description: Number of days to delay scheduled payouts
- not_null
- name: payout_schedule_interval
description: Frequency of scheduled payouts
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- daily
- weekly
- biweekly
- monthly
- quarterly
- semi-annually
- annually
- name: account_type
description: Type of Stripe account
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- standard
- express
- custom
- name: account_id
description: Unique identifier for the Stripe account
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the unique identifier for the Stripe account.
For this table, each row is for a unique Stripe business account. This is
unique across rows as it's designed to be a unique identifier for each account.
- name: au_becs_debit_status
description: Australian BECS Direct Debit payment capability status
missing_acceptable: Australian payment system not applicable for US company
- name: bacs_debit_status
description: BACS Direct Debit payment capability status
missing_acceptable: UK payment system not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kana_city
description: City in Kana script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kana address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kana_country
description: Country in Kana script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kana address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kana_line_1
description: Address line 1 in Kana script
missing_acceptable: Kana address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kana_line_2
description: Address line 2 in Kana script
missing_acceptable: Kana address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kana_postal_code
description: Postal code in Kana script
missing_acceptable: Kana address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kana_state
description: State in Kana script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kana address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kana_town
description: Town in Kana script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kana address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kanji_city
description: City in Kanji script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kanji address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kanji_country
description: Country in Kanji script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kanji address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kanji_line_1
description: Address line 1 in Kanji script
missing_acceptable: Kanji address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kanji_line_2
description: Address line 2 in Kanji script
missing_acceptable: Kanji address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kanji_postal_code
description: Postal code in Kanji script
missing_acceptable: Kanji address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kanji_state
description: State in Kanji script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kanji address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_address_kanji_town
description: Town in Kanji script for Japanese addresses
missing_acceptable: Kanji address format not applicable for US company
- name: company_name_kana
description: Company name in Japanese kana characters
missing_acceptable: Kana company name not applicable for US company
- name: company_name_kanji
description: Company name in Japanese kanji characters
missing_acceptable: Kanji company name not applicable for US company
- name: fpx_status
description: FPX payment capability status
missing_acceptable: FPX is a Malaysian payment method, not used globally.
- name: grabpay_status
description: GrabPay payment capability status
missing_acceptable: GrabPay is a Southeast Asian payment method, not used globally.
- name: jcb_status
description: JCB payment capability status
missing_acceptable: JCB is a Japanese credit card, not used globally.
- name: oxxo_status
description: OXXO payment capability status
missing_acceptable: OXXO is a Mexican payment method, not used globally.
- name: payment_statement_descriptor_kana
description: Payment statement descriptor in Japanese kana
missing_acceptable: Kana script is only used for Japanese language.
- name: payment_statement_descriptor_kanji
description: Payment statement descriptor in Japanese kanji
missing_acceptable: Kanji script is only used for Japanese language.
- name: payout_monthly_anchor
description: Day of month for monthly payouts
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for daily payout schedule.
- name: payout_weekly_anchor
description: Day of week for weekly payouts
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for daily payout schedule.
- name: support_postal_code
description: Postal code of the business support address
- not_null
stg_balance_transaction_data (first 100 rows)
transaction_id | transaction_amount_cents | currency_code | transaction_description | fee_amount_cents | net_amount_cents | transaction_source_id | transaction_status | transaction_type | payout_id | connected_account_id | funds_available_date | transaction_created_at | |
0 | txn_0IV4rIig6peNXzgDK3XAFbaN | -18759 | usd | f39657a1847db73d9a2abb0bad3d31ae | 0 | -18759 | po_0IV4rIig6peNXzgD51VFKdaB | pending | payout | po_0IV4rIig6peNXzgD51VFKdaB | None | 2021-03-16 | 2021-03-15 01:04:36 |
1 | txn_0IDYgiig6peNXzgDuNvLeoLR | 2040000 | usd | d267c9d09a2d1e50f12635bd2b56ed29 | 59190 | 1980810 | ch_0IDYghig6peNXzgDhuOFKdTS | pending | charge | po_0IFUKBig6peNXzgDZQM7WPAo | None | 2021-02-01 | 2021-01-25 17:17:15 |
2 | txn_0IG5fvig6peNXzgD8jemrxAp | 117524 | usd | 0662d6089789e1fabd56c6d55e91ef09 | 3438 | 114086 | ch_0IG5fuig6peNXzgDzZkrO949 | pending | charge | po_0II1gGig6peNXzgD4BxKEJJJ | None | 2021-02-08 | 2021-02-01 16:54:54 |
3 | txn_0ILGCbig6peNXzgDqjp7xaaX | 7239375 | usd | 612942eb1230077a0b1d066de5aba0db | 209972 | 7029403 | ch_0ILGCZig6peNXzgDw4eVbq0v | pending | charge | po_0IN6L6ig6peNXzgDu7m6fhRI | None | 2021-02-22 | 2021-02-15 23:09:59 |
4 | txn_0IO6DWig6peNXzgDF8qNjZNX | 255360 | usd | b8de27e00022f92981c965125c15c22d | 7435 | 247925 | ch_0IO6DVig6peNXzgDgTOGtdeD | pending | charge | po_0IQ08Sig6peNXzgDC6UG0Oxc | None | 2021-03-02 | 2021-02-23 19:06:41 |
5 | txn_0IROZoig6peNXzgDRsBjph8K | 438750 | usd | d3c18c425369d3c6b26126b7f791cf3f | 12754 | 425996 | ch_0IROZmig6peNXzgDwohSYaPj | pending | charge | po_0ITGUHig6peNXzgD78pmjvio | None | 2021-03-11 | 2021-03-04 21:19:18 |
6 | txn_0IT7uhig6peNXzgDolTgmiUJ | 19350 | usd | a29cfd524867f29bd7eddcb21fdf6e3b | 591 | 18759 | ch_0IT7ugig6peNXzgDh9iGZed7 | pending | charge | po_0IV4rIig6peNXzgD51VFKdaB | None | 2021-03-16 | 2021-03-09 15:56:02 |
7 | txn_0IUBwDig6peNXzgDCYCHC7gd | 3519960 | usd | e8be2b872cd9d14ddf3b5cd89860d551 | 137308 | 3382652 | ch_0IUBwCig6peNXzgDTOTEw24B | pending | charge | None | None | 2021-03-19 | 2021-03-12 14:26:00 |
8 | txn_0IUIaVig6peNXzgDoGvsNC17 | 7499999 | usd | 9b8159d008204266ff7f2df19843d5b4 | 217530 | 7282469 | ch_0IUIaTig6peNXzgDhyoZBxWv | pending | charge | None | None | 2021-03-19 | 2021-03-12 21:32:01 |
stg_balance_transaction_data.sql (clean the table)
"balance_transaction_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 14 out of 15 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "balance_transaction_data"
"balance_transaction_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> transaction_id
-- amount -> transaction_amount_cents
-- available_on -> funds_available_date
-- created -> transaction_created_at
-- currency -> currency_code
-- description -> transaction_description
-- fee -> fee_amount_cents
-- net -> net_amount_cents
-- source -> transaction_source_id
-- status -> transaction_status
-- type -> transaction_type
"id" AS "transaction_id",
"amount" AS "transaction_amount_cents",
"available_on" AS "funds_available_date",
"created" AS "transaction_created_at",
"currency" AS "currency_code",
"description" AS "transaction_description",
"fee" AS "fee_amount_cents",
"net" AS "net_amount_cents",
"source" AS "transaction_source_id",
"status" AS "transaction_status",
"type" AS "transaction_type",
FROM "balance_transaction_data_projected"
"balance_transaction_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- connected_account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- funds_available_date: from VARCHAR to DATE
-- transaction_created_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
CAST("connected_account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "connected_account_id",
CAST("funds_available_date" AS DATE) AS "funds_available_date",
CAST("transaction_created_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "transaction_created_at"
FROM "balance_transaction_data_projected_renamed"
"balance_transaction_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 2 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- exchange_rate has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- payout_id has 22.22 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
FROM "balance_transaction_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "balance_transaction_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_balance_transaction_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_balance_transaction_data
description: The table is about balance transactions. It includes details such as
transaction ID, amount, date, currency, description, fees, net amount, source,
status, and type. Each row represents a financial transaction like a charge or
payout. The table tracks monetary movements, including both incoming (charges)
and outgoing (payouts) transactions, with associated fees and net amounts.
- name: transaction_id
description: Unique identifier for the transaction
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each transaction.
For this table, each row is for a single financial transaction, and transaction_id
is unique across rows.
- name: transaction_amount_cents
description: Transaction amount in cents
- not_null
- name: currency_code
description: Currency code of the transaction
- not_null
- name: transaction_description
description: Unique identifier or description of the transaction
- not_null
- name: fee_amount_cents
description: Fee amount in cents
- not_null
- name: net_amount_cents
description: Net amount after fees in cents
- not_null
- name: transaction_source_id
description: Source of the transaction (charge or payout ID)
- not_null
- name: transaction_status
description: Current status of the transaction
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- pending
- completed
- failed
- cancelled
- processing
- rejected
- on hold
- refunded
- partially refunded
- name: transaction_type
description: Type of transaction (charge or payout)
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- charge
- payout
- name: payout_id
description: Identifier for the associated payout
- not_null
- name: connected_account_id
description: ID of the connected account (empty in this data)
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for direct transactions without connected
- name: funds_available_date
description: Date when the funds become available
- not_null
- name: transaction_created_at
description: Date and time when the transaction was created
- not_null
stg_payment_method_card_data (first 100 rows)
payment_method_id | payment_provider_id | card_fingerprint | funding_type | digital_wallet_type | |
0 | pm_0ISrBXig6peNXzgD6hYaUH2Z | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | iVwXZtKtbkTtJpN0 | credit | None |
1 | pm_0IStqWig6peNXzgDEGg3esc8 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | PBYmzFcBM1pwHfTQ | credit | None |
2 | pm_0ISornig6peNXzgDOeZ25NDW | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | fqtU9wYRQpmzlc4A | credit | None |
3 | pm_0ITGJgig6peNXzgDdqU3vem1 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | t1Z14pQbLsAtxb3N | credit | None |
4 | pm_0ITo6Eig6peNXzgDSGO9wikO | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | k2VOC54Kv0y6ju1j | credit | None |
5 | pm_0ITpNsig6peNXzgD6eKsQGnb | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | Dd3yZ5fegTpHhPvk | credit | None |
6 | pm_0ITr6jig6peNXzgDA6dTn2KI | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | JEtovVIKPa7HmNlB | credit | None |
7 | card_0IUBw6ig6peNXzgDLOJ0s9oJ | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | GnaMObYOxVfGvuVC | credit | None |
8 | pm_0IUGRYig6peNXzgDeUWYzAZx | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | HkQVKOdMfx7OQGlz | credit | None |
9 | pm_0IHlxQig6peNXzgDPbBTz3wN | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | xt3IXBWUo94YvvyJ | credit | None |
10 | pm_0IQaNxig6peNXzgDjLiWdPq7 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | 3okrxlVqFJe4eFLP | credit | None |
stg_payment_method_card_data.sql (clean the table)
"payment_method_card_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 8 out of 9 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "payment_method_card_data"
"payment_method_card_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- brand -> payment_provider_id
-- fingerprint -> card_fingerprint
-- funding -> funding_type
-- type -> payment_method_type
-- wallet_type -> digital_wallet_type
"brand" AS "payment_provider_id",
"fingerprint" AS "card_fingerprint",
"funding" AS "funding_type",
"type" AS "payment_method_type",
"wallet_type" AS "digital_wallet_type"
FROM "payment_method_card_data_projected"
"payment_method_card_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- charge_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- description: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- digital_wallet_type: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- payment_method_type: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("charge_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "charge_id",
CAST("description" AS VARCHAR) AS "description",
CAST("digital_wallet_type" AS VARCHAR) AS "digital_wallet_type",
CAST("payment_method_type" AS VARCHAR) AS "payment_method_type"
FROM "payment_method_card_data_projected_renamed"
"payment_method_card_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 3 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- charge_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- description has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- payment_method_type has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "payment_method_card_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "payment_method_card_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_payment_method_card_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_payment_method_card_data
description: The table is about payment method card details. It includes unique
payment method IDs, a consistent brand identifier, and fingerprints for each card.
The funding type is specified as credit for all entries. Some fields like charge_id,
description, type, and wallet_type are empty. The table appears to store essential
information for credit card payment methods.
- name: payment_method_id
description: Unique identifier for the payment method
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each payment method.
For this table, each row represents a distinct payment method, and the payment_method_id
appears to be unique across rows.
- name: payment_provider_id
description: Identifier for the payment provider or card issuer
- not_null
- name: card_fingerprint
description: Unique identifier for the specific card
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each specific card.
For this table, each row represents a distinct payment method, and the card_fingerprint
appears to be unique across rows.
- name: funding_type
description: Type of funding source for the payment method
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- credit
- debit
- cash
- check
- wire transfer
- cryptocurrency
- gift card
- store credit
- loyalty points
- prepaid card
- mobile payment
- bank transfer
- name: digital_wallet_type
description: Specifies the digital wallet used, if applicable
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for non-digital wallet transactions.
stg_card_data (first 100 rows)
issuing_country | expiration_year | currency | payment_method_id | expiration_month | payment_network | funding_type | card_brand | is_deleted | cvc_verification | card_fingerprint | creation_datetime | last4_digits | metadata | |
0 | SG | 2024 | usd | pm_0IB5RYig6peNXzgDEpJNTma5 | 12 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | dBtxWQhL5E69vKaA | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 6002 | None |
1 | US | 2025 | usd | pm_0ICE3kig6peNXzgDaIknpelY | 6 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | 8zjMKolROJb2DOfU | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 1019 | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-55485215151"} |
2 | US | 2023 | usd | pm_0IBsCaig6peNXzgDJizDwm5N | 12 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | vPwaBFU1Wv1CQqVm | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 1101 | None |
3 | SG | 2024 | usd | pm_0IB5SCig6peNXzgDnoOeWOM2 | 12 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | dBtxWQhL5E69vKaA | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 6002 | None |
4 | US | 2022 | usd | pm_0ICQWNig6peNXzgDdRO1sgVD | 5 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | 4Z2iVx6VARCRpNa1 | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 1074 | None |
5 | US | 2021 | usd | pm_0IDYghig6peNXzgDayKTgvhk | 6 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | kfKa2SdMc7wknRvo | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 7029 | None |
6 | US | 2024 | usd | pm_0IEiyEig6peNXzgDQKMy0e9r | 11 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | 0RngWb400WEDhlk0 | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 1003 | None |
7 | US | 2025 | usd | pm_0IEj3Nig6peNXzgDca8CkzmS | 10 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | tfeM21vlpK28vge1 | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 7001 | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-44455582c"} |
8 | US | 2021 | usd | pm_0IOPFAig6peNXzgDe1tz420v | 3 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | SHqULdMTagzWt3dY | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 65 | None |
9 | SG | 2024 | usd | pm_0IOsAdig6peNXzgDvt1wyFWD | 12 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | dBtxWQhL5E69vKaA | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 6002 | None |
10 | AU | 2024 | usd | pm_0IRmpUig6peNXzgDiWmECRTW | 3 | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | credit | 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70 | False | pass | CbPvCaPZuJyEx9Fl | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | 1006 | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25554515"} |
stg_card_data.sql (clean the table)
"card_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 29 out of 30 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "card_data"
"card_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> payment_method_id
-- address_city -> billing_city
-- address_country -> billing_country
-- address_line_1 -> billing_address_line1
-- address_line_1_check -> address_line1_verification
-- address_line_2 -> billing_address_line2
-- address_state -> billing_state
-- address_zip -> billing_zip
-- address_zip_check -> zip_verification
-- brand -> card_brand
-- country -> issuing_country
-- created -> creation_datetime
-- cvc_check -> cvc_verification
-- dynamic_last_4 -> dynamic_last4_digits
-- exp_month -> expiration_month
-- exp_year -> expiration_year
-- fingerprint -> card_fingerprint
-- funding -> funding_type
-- last_4 -> last4_digits
-- name -> cardholder_name
-- network -> payment_network
-- recipient -> recipient_info
"id" AS "payment_method_id",
"address_city" AS "billing_city",
"address_country" AS "billing_country",
"address_line_1" AS "billing_address_line1",
"address_line_1_check" AS "address_line1_verification",
"address_line_2" AS "billing_address_line2",
"address_state" AS "billing_state",
"address_zip" AS "billing_zip",
"address_zip_check" AS "zip_verification",
"brand" AS "card_brand",
"country" AS "issuing_country",
"created" AS "creation_datetime",
"cvc_check" AS "cvc_verification",
"dynamic_last_4" AS "dynamic_last4_digits",
"exp_month" AS "expiration_month",
"exp_year" AS "expiration_year",
"fingerprint" AS "card_fingerprint",
"funding" AS "funding_type",
"last_4" AS "last4_digits",
"name" AS "cardholder_name",
"network" AS "payment_network",
"recipient" AS "recipient_info",
FROM "card_data_projected"
"card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- card_brand: The problem is that the card_brand column contains a value that appears to be a hash or encrypted string ('553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70') instead of an actual card brand name. This is unusual because card brands are typically recognizable names like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc. The hash-like value doesn't provide any meaningful information about the card brand. Since we don't have enough information to determine the actual card brand, and the current value is not useful, the most appropriate action is to map this unusual value to an empty string.
-- metadata: The problem is that there are empty JSON objects ('{}') in the metadata column, which are inconsistent with the other entries. The correct values should all follow the pattern of having an "external_id" key with a string value. The empty JSON objects are likely placeholder entries or errors that should be corrected.
WHEN "card_brand" = '''553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70''' THEN ''''
ELSE "card_brand"
END AS "card_brand",
WHEN "metadata" = '''{}''' THEN '{"external_id":""}'
ELSE "metadata"
END AS "metadata"
FROM "card_data_projected_renamed"
"card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null" AS (
-- NULL Imputation: Impute Null to Disguised Missing Values
-- metadata: ['{}']
WHEN "metadata" = '{}' THEN NULL
ELSE "metadata"
END AS "metadata",
FROM "card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
"card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- address_line1_verification: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_address_line1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_address_line2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_zip: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- cardholder_name: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- connected_account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- creation_datetime: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- customer_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- dynamic_last4_digits: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- last4_digits: from INT to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- recipient_info: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tokenization_method: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- zip_verification: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "account_id",
CAST("address_line1_verification" AS VARCHAR) AS "address_line1_verification",
CAST("billing_address_line1" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_address_line1",
CAST("billing_address_line2" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_address_line2",
CAST("billing_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_city",
CAST("billing_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_country",
CAST("billing_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_state",
CAST("billing_zip" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_zip",
CAST("cardholder_name" AS VARCHAR) AS "cardholder_name",
CAST("connected_account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "connected_account_id",
CAST("creation_datetime" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "creation_datetime",
CAST("customer_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "customer_id",
CAST("dynamic_last4_digits" AS VARCHAR) AS "dynamic_last4_digits",
CAST("last4_digits" AS VARCHAR) AS "last4_digits",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("recipient_info" AS VARCHAR) AS "recipient_info",
CAST("tokenization_method" AS VARCHAR) AS "tokenization_method",
CAST("zip_verification" AS VARCHAR) AS "zip_verification"
FROM "card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null"
"card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 15 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- account_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- address_line1_verification has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- billing_address_line1 has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- billing_address_line2 has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- billing_city has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- billing_country has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- billing_state has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- billing_zip has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- cardholder_name has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- connected_account_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- customer_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- dynamic_last4_digits has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- recipient_info has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tokenization_method has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- zip_verification has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null_casted"
SELECT * FROM "card_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null_casted_missing_handled"
stg_card_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_card_data
description: The table is about payment methods. It contains details such as card
ID, brand, country, currency, expiration date, last 4 digits, funding type, and
creation date. Each row represents a unique payment method with its associated
attributes. The table includes metadata and checks for address and CVC. Most fields
are related to card information and payment processing details.
- name: issuing_country
description: Country where the payment method was issued
- not_null
- name: expiration_year
description: Expiration year of the payment card
- not_null
- name: currency
description: Currency associated with the payment method
- not_null
- name: payment_method_id
description: Unique identifier for the payment method
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each payment method.
For this table, each row represents a distinct payment method, and the payment_method_id
appears to be unique across rows.
- name: expiration_month
description: Expiration month of the payment card
- not_null
- name: payment_network
description: Payment network processing the transaction
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Discover
- UnionPay
- Diners Club
- PayPal
- Stripe
- Square
- Alipay
- WeChat Pay
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Interac
- Klarna
- Affirm
- Afterpay
- Venmo
- 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70
- name: funding_type
description: Funding type of the payment method (e.g., credit, debit)
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- credit
- debit
- prepaid
- gift card
- bank transfer
- cash
- check
- cryptocurrency
- mobile payment
- wire transfer
- loyalty points
- store credit
- name: card_brand
description: Brand or network of the payment card
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Discover
- Diners Club
- UnionPay
- Maestro
- Visa Electron
- China T-Union
- RuPay
- InterPayment
- InstaPayment
- Dankort
- Mir
- Troy
- Elo
- Hipercard
- BC Card
- 553f65f270c86a4a05c964dc20e8cc70
- name: is_deleted
description: Indicates if the payment method has been deleted
- not_null
- name: cvc_verification
description: Status of the Card Verification Code check
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- pass
- fail
- not_checked
- name: card_fingerprint
description: Unique identifier for the card number
- not_null
- name: creation_datetime
description: Date and time when the payment method was created
- not_null
- name: last4_digits
description: Last 4 digits of the payment card number
- not_null
- name: metadata
description: Additional information stored as key-value pairs
missing_acceptable: Optional field for additional information, may not be needed.
stg_invoice_line_item_data (first 100 rows)
line_item_id | subscription_item_id | alternate_item_id | invoice_id | quantity | is_live_mode | currency | subscription_id | plan_id | is_prorated | description | is_discountable | amount | billing_period_end | billing_period_start | line_item_type | metadata | |
0 | ad1111 | sdm99 | gg665 | ab1111 | 5 | True | usd | sg888 | sg555 | True | description_here | False | 21.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | None | None |
1 | ba222 | sdgjk5489 | dsgjnik978 | bd665 | 4 | True | usd | dfs8645 | sdgf5575 | False | description_here | True | 65.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | None | {"external_id":"1111111-2222-3333-4444-55555555"} |
stg_invoice_line_item_data.sql (clean the table)
"invoice_line_item_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 17 out of 18 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "invoice_line_item_data"
"invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> line_item_id
-- discountable -> is_discountable
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- period_end -> billing_period_end
-- period_start -> billing_period_start
-- proration -> is_prorated
-- type -> line_item_type
-- unique_id -> alternate_item_id
"id" AS "line_item_id",
"discountable" AS "is_discountable",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"period_end" AS "billing_period_end",
"period_start" AS "billing_period_start",
"proration" AS "is_prorated",
"type" AS "line_item_type",
"unique_id" AS "alternate_item_id",
FROM "invoice_line_item_data_projected"
"invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- description: The problem is that 'description_here' is a placeholder value and not actual descriptive content. It appears to be the only value present in the description column, which suggests that real descriptions are missing. The correct values should be actual, meaningful descriptions of the items or entities being described. However, since we don't have access to the real descriptions, we can't provide them.
WHEN "description" = '''description_here''' THEN ''''
ELSE "description"
END AS "description",
FROM "invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed"
"invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null" AS (
-- NULL Imputation: Impute Null to Disguised Missing Values
-- metadata: ['{}']
WHEN "metadata" = '{}' THEN NULL
ELSE "metadata"
END AS "metadata",
FROM "invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
"invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- amount: from INT to DECIMAL
-- billing_period_end: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- billing_period_start: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- line_item_type: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
CAST("amount" AS DECIMAL) AS "amount",
CAST("billing_period_end" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "billing_period_end",
CAST("billing_period_start" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "billing_period_start",
CAST("line_item_type" AS VARCHAR) AS "line_item_type",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata"
FROM "invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null"
SELECT * FROM "invoice_line_item_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_null_casted"
stg_invoice_line_item_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_invoice_line_item_data
description: The table is about invoice line items. It contains details such as
the amount, currency, description, and time period for each item. It also includes
information about associated plans, subscriptions, and discounts. The table stores
metadata and unique identifiers for each line item. This data likely represents
individual charges or services on a customer's invoice.
- name: line_item_id
description: Unique identifier for the line item
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each line item on
an invoice. For this table, each row is a separate line item, and the line_item_id
should be unique across rows.
- name: subscription_item_id
description: ID of the specific subscription item
- not_null
- name: alternate_item_id
description: Another unique identifier for the item
- not_null
- name: invoice_id
description: ID of the associated invoice
- not_null
- name: quantity
description: Number of units for the line item
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if the item is in live mode
- not_null
- name: currency
description: Currency code for the amount
- not_null
- name: subscription_id
description: ID of the associated subscription
- not_null
- name: plan_id
description: ID of the associated plan
- not_null
- name: is_prorated
description: Indicates if the item is prorated
- not_null
- name: description
description: Brief description of the line item
- not_null
- name: is_discountable
description: Whether the item is eligible for discounts
- not_null
- name: amount
description: Monetary value of the line item
- not_null
- name: billing_period_end
description: End date of the billing period
- not_null
- name: billing_period_start
description: Start date of the billing period
- not_null
- name: line_item_type
description: Type of the line item
missing_acceptable: May not be applicable for all types of transactions.
- name: metadata
description: Additional custom data in JSON format
- not_null
stg_payment_intent_data (first 100 rows)
payment_intent_id | amount_in_cents | amount_capturable | amount_received | application | capture_method | confirmation_method | currency_code | customer_id | description | is_live | payment_method_id | receipt_email | status | canceled_at | cancellation_reason | created_at | decline_code | error_charge_id | error_code | error_doc_url | error_message | error_param | error_source_id | error_type | |
0 | pi_0IEpzwig6peNXzgDxFY8plfJ | 67845 | 0 | 67845 | None | automatic | automatic | usd | cus_I0JJf8lbCaJBZS | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | True | pm_0IEij1ig6peNXzgDQeigpAeH | None | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-01-29 05:58:24 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
1 | pi_0IEq0wig6peNXzgD0BPTgrg3 | 14154 | 0 | 14154 | None | automatic | automatic | usd | cus_I0JJf8lbCaJBZS | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | True | pm_0IEij1ig6peNXzgDQeigpAeH | None | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-01-29 05:59:26 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
2 | pi_0IEq1qig6peNXzgDlfK6CSfM | 11976 | 0 | 11976 | None | automatic | automatic | usd | cus_I0JJf8lbCaJBZS | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | True | pm_0IEij1ig6peNXzgDQeigpAeH | None | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-01-29 06:00:22 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
3 | pi_0IJbnkig6peNXzgD0yXQHZac | 60000 | 0 | 60000 | None | automatic | automatic | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | True | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-02-11 09:49:32 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
4 | pi_0IJboeig6peNXzgD2wQr6zRO | 32300 | 0 | 32300 | None | automatic | automatic | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | True | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-02-11 09:50:28 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
5 | pi_0IJbq9ig6peNXzgD66itql9S | 2700 | 0 | 2700 | None | automatic | automatic | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | True | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-02-11 09:52:01 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
6 | pi_0IJbpHig6peNXzgDIcI1DH9B | 7600 | 0 | 7600 | None | automatic | automatic | usd | cus_IrzdXtpzmRAOIT | f1df1d3d813e93b0093ada118723aa23 | True | pm_0IGFjsig6peNXzgDBI2hCfL5 | None | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-02-11 09:51:07 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
7 | pi_0IB5RYig6peNXzgDaRjzw1rZ | 190800 | 0 | 190800 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | automatic | automatic | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | True | pm_0IB5RYig6peNXzgDEpJNTma5 | 222a0f40559271ab98c3046c9d03f2da | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-01-18 21:39:24 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
8 | pi_0IB5SCig6peNXzgDsyG4fPpk | 148500 | 0 | 148500 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | automatic | automatic | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | True | pm_0IB5SCig6peNXzgDnoOeWOM2 | 222a0f40559271ab98c3046c9d03f2da | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-01-18 21:40:04 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
9 | pi_0IBJOjig6peNXzgDfdxPzsoh | 2550000 | 0 | 2550000 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | automatic | automatic | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | True | pm_0IBJOjig6peNXzgDrwox8suf | 1d256ae8550cb70df1cf19978c900874 | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-01-19 12:33:25 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
10 | pi_0IBm5Xig6peNXzgDfbem16Ks | 875000 | 0 | 875000 | ca_8Spi8Y6vQsJEmSegXeWoWPihihlqB3kC | automatic | automatic | usd | None | c76e09d8a163526a171f372fce170129 | True | pm_0IBm5Xig6peNXzgDkUtpXzZT | a665a3fbf734bdacfa4f6212f4ec2dcb | succeeded | 2021-02-12 02:21:07 | None | 2021-01-20 19:11:31 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
stg_payment_intent_data.sql (clean the table)
"payment_intent_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 31 out of 32 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "payment_intent_data"
"payment_intent_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> payment_intent_id
-- amount -> amount_in_cents
-- created -> created_at
-- currency -> currency_code
-- last_payment_error_charge_id -> error_charge_id
-- last_payment_error_code -> error_code
-- last_payment_error_decline_code -> decline_code
-- last_payment_error_doc_url -> error_doc_url
-- last_payment_error_message -> error_message
-- last_payment_error_param -> error_param
-- last_payment_error_source_id -> error_source_id
-- last_payment_error_type -> error_type
-- livemode -> is_live
-- transfer_data_destination -> transfer_destination
"id" AS "payment_intent_id",
"amount" AS "amount_in_cents",
"created" AS "created_at",
"currency" AS "currency_code",
"last_payment_error_charge_id" AS "error_charge_id",
"last_payment_error_code" AS "error_code",
"last_payment_error_decline_code" AS "decline_code",
"last_payment_error_doc_url" AS "error_doc_url",
"last_payment_error_message" AS "error_message",
"last_payment_error_param" AS "error_param",
"last_payment_error_source_id" AS "error_source_id",
"last_payment_error_type" AS "error_type",
"livemode" AS "is_live",
"transfer_data_destination" AS "transfer_destination",
FROM "payment_intent_data_projected"
"payment_intent_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- application_fee_amount: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- canceled_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- cancellation_reason: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- created_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- decline_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- error_charge_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- error_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- error_doc_url: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- error_message: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- error_param: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- error_source_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- error_type: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- on_behalf_of: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- source_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- statement_descriptor: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- transfer_destination: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- transfer_group: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("application_fee_amount" AS VARCHAR) AS "application_fee_amount",
CAST("canceled_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "canceled_at",
CAST("cancellation_reason" AS VARCHAR) AS "cancellation_reason",
CAST("created_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "created_at",
CAST("decline_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "decline_code",
CAST("error_charge_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "error_charge_id",
CAST("error_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "error_code",
CAST("error_doc_url" AS VARCHAR) AS "error_doc_url",
CAST("error_message" AS VARCHAR) AS "error_message",
CAST("error_param" AS VARCHAR) AS "error_param",
CAST("error_source_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "error_source_id",
CAST("error_type" AS VARCHAR) AS "error_type",
CAST("on_behalf_of" AS VARCHAR) AS "on_behalf_of",
CAST("source_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "source_id",
CAST("statement_descriptor" AS VARCHAR) AS "statement_descriptor",
CAST("transfer_destination" AS VARCHAR) AS "transfer_destination",
CAST("transfer_group" AS VARCHAR) AS "transfer_group"
FROM "payment_intent_data_projected_renamed"
"payment_intent_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 9 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- application has 63.64 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- application_fee_amount has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- customer_id has 36.36 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- on_behalf_of has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- receipt_email has 63.64 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- source_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- statement_descriptor has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- transfer_destination has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- transfer_group has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "payment_intent_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "payment_intent_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_payment_intent_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_payment_intent_data
description: The table is about payment intents. It includes details such as amount,
currency, customer ID, payment method ID, and status. Each row represents a single
payment intent with a unique ID. The table tracks information like creation date,
capture method, and whether the payment succeeded. It also includes fields for
errors and cancellations, though most are empty in these samples.
- name: payment_intent_id
description: Unique identifier for the payment intent
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each payment intent.
For this table, each row is for a single payment intent, and payment_intent_id
is unique across rows.
- name: amount_in_cents
description: Payment amount in the smallest currency unit
- not_null
- name: amount_capturable
description: Amount available for capture
- not_null
- name: amount_received
description: Amount actually received
- not_null
- name: application
description: Associated application for the payment
- not_null
- name: capture_method
description: Method used to capture payment
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- automatic
- manual
- card
- bank_transfer
- cash
- check
- paypal
- apple_pay
- google_pay
- cryptocurrency
- wire_transfer
- direct_debit
- invoice
- name: confirmation_method
description: Method used to confirm payment
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- automatic
- manual
- email
- sms
- phone call
- in-app notification
- bank statement
- receipt
- invoice
- credit card statement
- payment gateway confirmation
- third-party verification
- name: currency_code
description: Currency code for the payment
- not_null
- name: customer_id
description: Unique identifier for the customer
- not_null
- name: description
description: Description of the payment intent
- not_null
- name: is_live
description: Whether the payment is live or test
- not_null
- name: payment_method_id
description: ID of the payment method used
- not_null
- name: receipt_email
description: Email address for receipt
- not_null
- name: status
description: Current status of the payment intent
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- succeeded
- processing
- requires_payment_method
- requires_confirmation
- requires_action
- canceled
- requires_capture
- name: canceled_at
description: Timestamp of cancellation
- not_null
- name: cancellation_reason
description: Reason for cancellation if applicable
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions that weren't cancelled.
- name: created_at
description: Timestamp of payment intent creation
- not_null
- name: decline_code
description: Decline code if payment was declined
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for successful transactions.
- name: error_charge_id
description: ID of charge with last error
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions without errors.
- name: error_code
description: Error code of last failed attempt
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions without errors.
- name: error_doc_url
description: URL to error documentation
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions without errors.
- name: error_message
description: Error message for last failed attempt
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions without errors.
- name: error_param
description: Parameter that caused the error
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions without errors.
- name: error_source_id
description: ID of source causing the error
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions without errors.
- name: error_type
description: Type of the last error
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for transactions without errors.
stg_subscription_history_data (first 100 rows)
subscription_id | is_active | billing_method | billing_threshold | reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold | cancel_at_period_end | customer_id | payment_due_days | default_payment_source_id | is_live_mode | subscription_quantity | subscription_status | app_fee_percentage | billing_cycle_start | cancellation_date | creation_date | current_period_end | current_period_start | end_date | metadata | scheduled_cancellation_date | start_date | tax_percentage | trial_end_date | trial_start_date | |
0 | sdgfs4536 | True | fdfjk | 9 | False | True | sdf6547 | 4 | dfa543 | True | 4 | active | 5.0 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 5.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
1 | sfjytkyu876 | False | fdsiew | 5 | False | True | 123fsdf | 5 | 764rhgf | True | 5 | active | 6.0 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 6.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
stg_subscription_history_data.sql (clean the table)
"subscription_history_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 25 out of 26 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "subscription_history_data"
"subscription_history_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> subscription_id
-- _fivetran_active -> is_active
-- application_fee_percent -> app_fee_percentage
-- billing -> billing_method
-- billing_cycle_anchor -> billing_cycle_start
-- billing_threshold_amount_gte -> billing_threshold
-- billing_threshold_reset_billing_cycle_anchor -> reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold
-- cancel_at -> scheduled_cancellation_date
-- canceled_at -> cancellation_date
-- created -> creation_date
-- days_until_due -> payment_due_days
-- default_source_id -> default_payment_source_id
-- ended_at -> end_date
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- quantity -> subscription_quantity
-- status -> subscription_status
-- tax_percent -> tax_percentage
-- trial_end -> trial_end_date
-- trial_start -> trial_start_date
"id" AS "subscription_id",
"_fivetran_active" AS "is_active",
"application_fee_percent" AS "app_fee_percentage",
"billing" AS "billing_method",
"billing_cycle_anchor" AS "billing_cycle_start",
"billing_threshold_amount_gte" AS "billing_threshold",
"billing_threshold_reset_billing_cycle_anchor" AS "reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold",
"cancel_at" AS "scheduled_cancellation_date",
"canceled_at" AS "cancellation_date",
"created" AS "creation_date",
"days_until_due" AS "payment_due_days",
"default_source_id" AS "default_payment_source_id",
"ended_at" AS "end_date",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"quantity" AS "subscription_quantity",
"status" AS "subscription_status",
"tax_percent" AS "tax_percentage",
"trial_end" AS "trial_end_date",
"trial_start" AS "trial_start_date"
FROM "subscription_history_data_projected"
"subscription_history_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- billing_method: The problem is that both values 'fdfjk' and 'fdsiew' in the billing_method column are meaningless strings that do not represent valid billing methods. These appear to be random character combinations with no discernible meaning or pattern. The correct values for a billing method column should be actual payment methods like 'credit card', 'debit card', 'PayPal', 'bank transfer', etc. Since we don't have information about the correct billing methods, we'll map these meaningless strings to an empty string.
WHEN "billing_method" = '''fdfjk''' THEN ''''
WHEN "billing_method" = '''fdsiew''' THEN ''''
ELSE "billing_method"
END AS "billing_method",
FROM "subscription_history_data_projected_renamed"
"subscription_history_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- app_fee_percentage: from INT to DECIMAL
-- billing_cycle_start: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- cancellation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- creation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- current_period_end: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- current_period_start: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- end_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- scheduled_cancellation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- start_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- tax_percentage: from INT to DECIMAL
-- trial_end_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- trial_start_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
CAST("app_fee_percentage" AS DECIMAL) AS "app_fee_percentage",
CAST("billing_cycle_start" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "billing_cycle_start",
CAST("cancellation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "cancellation_date",
CAST("creation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "creation_date",
CAST("current_period_end" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "current_period_end",
CAST("current_period_start" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "current_period_start",
CAST("end_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "end_date",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("scheduled_cancellation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "scheduled_cancellation_date",
CAST("start_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "start_date",
CAST("tax_percentage" AS DECIMAL) AS "tax_percentage",
CAST("trial_end_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "trial_end_date",
CAST("trial_start_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "trial_start_date"
FROM "subscription_history_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
SELECT * FROM "subscription_history_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted"
stg_subscription_history_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_subscription_history_data
description: The table is about subscription history. It contains details of individual
subscriptions, including billing information, dates, status, and customer details.
Each row represents a unique subscription with its ID, customer ID, billing cycle,
trial period, cancellation details, and other relevant subscription attributes.
The table tracks the lifecycle of subscriptions from creation to cancellation
or expiration.
- name: subscription_id
description: Unique identifier for the subscription
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each subscription.
For this table, each row represents a unique subscription, and subscription_id
is designed to be unique across rows.
- name: is_active
description: Indicates if the subscription is currently active
- not_null
- name: billing_method
description: Billing method or frequency
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Annually
- Semi-annually
- Weekly
- Bi-weekly
- Daily
- One-time
- Pay-per-use
- Subscription
- Installment
- Prepaid
- Postpaid
- Metered
- Flat rate
- fdfjk
- fdsiew
- name: billing_threshold
description: Minimum amount to trigger billing
- not_null
- name: reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold
description: Resets billing cycle anchor when threshold reached
- not_null
- name: cancel_at_period_end
description: Indicates if subscription cancels at period end
- not_null
- name: customer_id
description: Unique identifier for the customer
- not_null
- name: payment_due_days
description: Number of days until payment is due
- not_null
- name: default_payment_source_id
description: ID of default payment source
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if subscription is in live mode
- not_null
- name: subscription_quantity
description: Number of units in the subscription
- not_null
- name: subscription_status
description: Current status of the subscription
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- cancelled
- expired
- suspended
- trialing
- past_due
- unpaid
- on_hold
- name: app_fee_percentage
description: Percentage of the subscription fee taken as application fee
- not_null
- name: billing_cycle_start
description: Date that anchors the billing cycle
- not_null
- name: cancellation_date
description: Date when subscription was canceled
- not_null
- name: creation_date
description: Date when subscription was created
- not_null
- name: current_period_end
description: End date of current billing period
- not_null
- name: current_period_start
description: Start date of current billing period
- not_null
- name: end_date
description: Date when subscription ended
- not_null
- name: metadata
description: Additional information about the subscription
- not_null
- name: scheduled_cancellation_date
description: Date when subscription is set to cancel
- not_null
- name: start_date
description: Date when subscription started
- not_null
- name: tax_percentage
description: Percentage of tax applied to subscription
- not_null
- name: trial_end_date
description: End date of trial period
- not_null
- name: trial_start_date
description: Start date of trial period
- not_null
stg_payment_method_data (first 100 rows)
billing_postal_code | payment_method_id | billing_name | payment_method_type | customer_id | billing_email | is_live | billing_address_1 | billing_address_2 | billing_city | billing_country | billing_state | created_at | |
0 | fbed5cdfc14c8acab8bfc6fc608b57f3 | pm_0IT7ufig6peNXzgDtFEUcWQq | 29074c94bcd7496666c2516bdb84464a | card | None | 29074c94bcd7496666c2516bdb84464a | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-03-09 15:56:01 |
1 | 61ee93b89af4fccf77f604ddbdbfc508 | card_0IDuzgig6peNXzgDiedW46Fs | 00b659ac6a3cdb5afc520be084f0810a | card | cus_IITpWhRKEpP8oQ | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-01-26 17:06:20 |
2 | 37a6259cc0c1dae299a7866489dff0bd | card_0IC7trig6peNXzgDuVtbBvrq | af5da2c2d7e449fe0cff743e114893d9 | card | cus_GrTE2lUSyzG85x | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-01-21 18:28:55 |
3 | f55e51631ea375b777ec380d7d6804b8 | card_GQxHpPyKWUVsRS | 75b77af238c31ba9b1b89e29a3a81053 | card | cus_GQxHnIOOpXDmHp | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-03-06 17:46:13 |
4 | 8f84fb5cdc0dd814d6aeb4e78fc41845 | card_0IHGUUig6peNXzgD2fQWkF2H | 00e1c9acc02a44880a725c24482a2bb9 | card | cus_It2ZjcDAnrL4fN | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-02-04 22:39:58 |
5 | 94472fbf2a4233129e7eb05c77f3321e | card_0IO6DQig6peNXzgDzSyyQxed | 201636b0ecc8bf4962b2426d7b292c34 | card | cus_J06QWm1jiY7XUw | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-02-23 19:06:36 |
6 | 37a6259cc0c1dae299a7866489dff0bd | card_0IO8mGig6peNXzgD05gU9Nea | 564048e93b6096f5cb8db8ed73d3dcab | card | cus_J0940I34bEZxFW | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-02-23 21:50:44 |
7 | 489981404dd301a023c9f75abed505f3 | card_HC20VgUIY5YKcR | 845b3e75a0227dddd8e1f0e08c1c5aaf | card | cus_HC20s92vymipWS | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-02-05 17:22:10 |
8 | 44fdc5ad1a08aace32d53264bc95a4b7 | card_0IK2uDig6peNXzgDYgtvZhx1 | 63b43b7208989dbc6450746a34160a0c | card | cus_IvujSQV90Rsk6P | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-02-12 14:46:01 |
9 | 65e512403849d438dc08889bf6461073 | card_0IBT4Hig6peNXzgD2UDI98rg | a665a3fbf734bdacfa4f6212f4ec2dcb | card | cus_In3AMjd2X4TLgj | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-01-19 22:52:57 |
10 | 4674554ec907d598a620d5b131a9f685 | card_0IUBw6ig6peNXzgDLOJ0s9oJ | ae369c63d0f28eb65c99d8dccd3e5e6b | card | cus_J6OjltyC6E9zos | None | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2021-03-12 14:25:54 |
11 | 4674554ec907d598a620d5b131a9f685 | pm_0HWPPYig6peNXzgDYaytTYRk | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | card | None | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2020-09-28 16:41:12 |
12 | None | pm_0I1Bvcig6peNXzgDj0JyN58m | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | card | None | 6601a62d87cfb0d57bad7610e7d3db63 | True | None | None | None | None | None | 2020-12-22 14:33:32 |
stg_payment_method_data.sql (clean the table)
"payment_method_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 14 out of 15 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "payment_method_data"
"payment_method_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> payment_method_id
-- billing_detail_address_city -> billing_city
-- billing_detail_address_country -> billing_country
-- billing_detail_address_line_1 -> billing_address_1
-- billing_detail_address_line_2 -> billing_address_2
-- billing_detail_address_postal_code -> billing_postal_code
-- billing_detail_address_state -> billing_state
-- billing_detail_email -> billing_email
-- billing_detail_name -> billing_name
-- billing_detail_phone -> billing_phone
-- created -> created_at
-- livemode -> is_live
-- type -> payment_method_type
"id" AS "payment_method_id",
"billing_detail_address_city" AS "billing_city",
"billing_detail_address_country" AS "billing_country",
"billing_detail_address_line_1" AS "billing_address_1",
"billing_detail_address_line_2" AS "billing_address_2",
"billing_detail_address_postal_code" AS "billing_postal_code",
"billing_detail_address_state" AS "billing_state",
"billing_detail_email" AS "billing_email",
"billing_detail_name" AS "billing_name",
"billing_detail_phone" AS "billing_phone",
"created" AS "created_at",
"livemode" AS "is_live",
"type" AS "payment_method_type"
FROM "payment_method_data_projected"
"payment_method_data_projected_renamed_null" AS (
-- NULL Imputation: Impute Null to Disguised Missing Values
-- billing_postal_code: ['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e']
WHEN "billing_postal_code" = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' THEN NULL
ELSE "billing_postal_code"
END AS "billing_postal_code",
FROM "payment_method_data_projected_renamed"
"payment_method_data_projected_renamed_null_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- billing_address_1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_address_2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_phone: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- billing_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- created_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
CAST("billing_address_1" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_address_1",
CAST("billing_address_2" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_address_2",
CAST("billing_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_city",
CAST("billing_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_country",
CAST("billing_phone" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_phone",
CAST("billing_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "billing_state",
CAST("created_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "created_at"
FROM "payment_method_data_projected_renamed_null"
"payment_method_data_projected_renamed_null_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 4 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- billing_email has 76.92 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- billing_phone has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- billing_postal_code has 7.69 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- customer_id has 23.08 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
FROM "payment_method_data_projected_renamed_null_casted"
SELECT * FROM "payment_method_data_projected_renamed_null_casted_missing_handled"
stg_payment_method_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_payment_method_data
description: The table is about payment method data. It contains details like ID,
billing information, customer ID, and payment type. Billing details include address,
email, name, and phone, but most fields are empty or encrypted. All entries are
for card payments in live mode. The table tracks payment methods associated with
customers, including creation date and unique identifiers.
- name: billing_postal_code
description: Postal code of the billing address (encrypted)
- not_null
- name: payment_method_id
description: Unique identifier for the payment method
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each payment method.
For this table, each row represents a distinct payment method, and payment_method_id
is unique across rows.
- name: billing_name
description: Name associated with the billing details (encrypted)
- not_null
- name: payment_method_type
description: Type of payment method (e.g., card)
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- card
- cash
- bank transfer
- check
- digital wallet
- cryptocurrency
- mobile payment
- wire transfer
- money order
- debit card
- credit card
- prepaid card
- PayPal
- Venmo
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- gift card
- store credit
- name: customer_id
description: Unique identifier for the customer
- not_null
- name: billing_email
description: Email address for billing (encrypted)
- not_null
- name: is_live
description: Indicates if the payment method is in live mode
- not_null
- name: billing_address_1
description: First line of the billing address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for digital or non-shipped products/services.
- name: billing_address_2
description: Second line of the billing address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for digital or non-shipped products/services.
- name: billing_city
description: City of the billing address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for digital or non-shipped products/services.
- name: billing_country
description: Country of the billing address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for digital or non-shipped products/services.
- name: billing_state
description: State of the billing address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for digital or non-shipped products/services.
- name: created_at
description: Date and time the payment method was created
- not_null
stg_refund_data (first 100 rows)
refund_id | refund_amount_cents | balance_transaction_id | charge_id | currency | refund_reason | receipt_number | refund_status | failure_balance_transaction_id | failure_reason | metadata | refund_created_at | |
0 | re_0IMJuLig6peNXzgDSLN6dNzl | 675000 | txn_0IMJuMig6peNXzgD8geSKVTA | ch_0IBft2ig6peNXzgDv3vdM6nM | usd | duplicate | 5555-555 | succeeded | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-02-18 21:19:33 |
1 | re_0INhCiig6peNXzgDWw7VVan8 | 13650 | txn_0INhCiig6peNXzgDZSsC5kGs | ch_0IMD9sig6peNXzgDoUawu0L1 | usd | requested_by_customer | 5555-555 | succeeded | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-02-22 16:24:12 |
2 | re_0IMKOqig6peNXzgDKcwfyQvJ | 1541221 | txn_0IMKOqig6peNXzgDwl0qbnLD | ch_0IMDADig6peNXzgDLUgpgKRp | usd | requested_by_customer | 5555-555 | succeeded | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-02-18 21:51:04 |
3 | re_0ISmXVig6peNXzgDtw7Hev23 | 161550 | txn_0ISmXVig6peNXzgDO3k6vo6d | ch_0IMDKoig6peNXzgDec7KCChy | usd | requested_by_customer | 5555-555 | succeeded | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-03-08 17:06:41 |
stg_refund_data.sql (clean the table)
"refund_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 13 out of 14 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "refund_data"
"refund_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> refund_id
-- amount -> refund_amount_cents
-- created -> refund_created_at
-- description -> refund_description
-- reason -> refund_reason
-- status -> refund_status
"id" AS "refund_id",
"amount" AS "refund_amount_cents",
"created" AS "refund_created_at",
"description" AS "refund_description",
"reason" AS "refund_reason",
"status" AS "refund_status"
FROM "refund_data_projected"
"refund_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- failure_balance_transaction_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- failure_reason: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- refund_created_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- refund_description: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("failure_balance_transaction_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "failure_balance_transaction_id",
CAST("failure_reason" AS VARCHAR) AS "failure_reason",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("refund_created_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "refund_created_at",
CAST("refund_description" AS VARCHAR) AS "refund_description"
FROM "refund_data_projected_renamed"
"refund_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 1 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- refund_description has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "refund_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "refund_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_refund_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_refund_data
description: The table is about refund data. It contains details of refund transactions.
Each row represents a refund with attributes like ID, amount, currency, and status.
It includes information on the associated charge, reason for refund, and timestamp.
The table also stores metadata and receipt numbers for each refund. All refunds
in the sample have succeeded status and are in USD currency.
- name: refund_id
description: Unique identifier for the refund
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each refund. For
this table, each row is for a single refund transaction. refund_id is unique
across rows as it's designed to be a unique identifier for each refund.
- name: refund_amount_cents
description: Refund amount in cents
- not_null
- name: balance_transaction_id
description: Unique identifier for the balance transaction
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each balance transaction
associated with the refund. For this table, each row is for a single refund
transaction. balance_transaction_id is likely unique across rows as each refund
would typically have its own balance transaction.
- name: charge_id
description: Unique identifier for the associated charge
- not_null
- name: currency
description: Currency of the refund
- not_null
- name: refund_reason
description: Reason for the refund
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- requested_by_customer
- duplicate
- item_not_received
- item_defective
- wrong_item_shipped
- arrived_too_late
- no_longer_needed
- better_price_found
- not_as_described
- changed_mind
- unauthorized_purchase
- damaged_in_transit
- quality_not_as_expected
- missing_parts
- incorrect_size
- allergic_reaction
- subscription_cancellation
- technical_issues
- pricing_error
- product_recall
- name: receipt_number
description: Receipt number for the refund
- not_null
- name: refund_status
description: Current status of the refund
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- succeeded
- pending
- failed
- cancelled
- processing
- reversed
- name: failure_balance_transaction_id
description: ID of failed balance transaction, if any
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for successful transactions without failures.
- name: failure_reason
description: Reason for refund failure, if any
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for successful transactions without failures.
- name: metadata
description: Additional information about the refund
- not_null
- name: refund_created_at
description: Timestamp of when the refund was created
- not_null
stg_subscription_data (first 100 rows)
subscription_id | billing_method | billing_threshold_amount | reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold | cancel_at_period_end | customer_id | days_until_due | default_payment_source_id | is_live_mode | subscription_quantity | subscription_status | application_fee_percentage | billing_cycle_start | cancellation_date | creation_date | current_period_end | current_period_start | end_date | metadata | scheduled_cancellation_date | subscription_start_date | tax_percentage | trial_end_date | trial_start_date | |
0 | sdgfs4536 | fdfjk | 9 | False | True | sdf6547 | 4 | dfa543 | True | 4 | active | 5.0 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 5.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
1 | sfjytkyu876 | fdsiew | 5 | False | True | 123fsdf | 5 | 764rhgf | True | 5 | active | 6.0 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 | 6.0 | 2021-02-19 14:16:37 | 2021-02-18 14:16:37 |
stg_subscription_data.sql (clean the table)
"subscription_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 24 out of 25 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "subscription_data"
"subscription_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> subscription_id
-- application_fee_percent -> application_fee_percentage
-- billing -> billing_method
-- billing_cycle_anchor -> billing_cycle_start
-- billing_threshold_amount_gte -> billing_threshold_amount
-- billing_threshold_reset_billing_cycle_anchor -> reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold
-- cancel_at -> scheduled_cancellation_date
-- canceled_at -> cancellation_date
-- created -> creation_date
-- default_source_id -> default_payment_source_id
-- ended_at -> end_date
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- quantity -> subscription_quantity
-- start_date -> subscription_start_date
-- status -> subscription_status
-- tax_percent -> tax_percentage
-- trial_end -> trial_end_date
-- trial_start -> trial_start_date
"id" AS "subscription_id",
"application_fee_percent" AS "application_fee_percentage",
"billing" AS "billing_method",
"billing_cycle_anchor" AS "billing_cycle_start",
"billing_threshold_amount_gte" AS "billing_threshold_amount",
"billing_threshold_reset_billing_cycle_anchor" AS "reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold",
"cancel_at" AS "scheduled_cancellation_date",
"canceled_at" AS "cancellation_date",
"created" AS "creation_date",
"default_source_id" AS "default_payment_source_id",
"ended_at" AS "end_date",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"quantity" AS "subscription_quantity",
"start_date" AS "subscription_start_date",
"status" AS "subscription_status",
"tax_percent" AS "tax_percentage",
"trial_end" AS "trial_end_date",
"trial_start" AS "trial_start_date"
FROM "subscription_data_projected"
"subscription_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- billing_method: The problem is that both values 'fdfjk' and 'fdsiew' in the billing_method column are meaningless strings that do not represent valid billing methods. These appear to be random character combinations with no discernible meaning or pattern. The correct values for a billing method column should be actual payment methods like 'credit card', 'debit card', 'PayPal', 'bank transfer', etc. Since we don't have information about the correct billing methods, we'll map these meaningless strings to an empty string.
WHEN "billing_method" = '''fdfjk''' THEN ''''
WHEN "billing_method" = '''fdsiew''' THEN ''''
ELSE "billing_method"
END AS "billing_method",
FROM "subscription_data_projected_renamed"
"subscription_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- application_fee_percentage: from INT to DECIMAL
-- billing_cycle_start: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- cancellation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- creation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- current_period_end: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- current_period_start: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- end_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- scheduled_cancellation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- subscription_start_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- tax_percentage: from INT to DECIMAL
-- trial_end_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- trial_start_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
CAST("application_fee_percentage" AS DECIMAL) AS "application_fee_percentage",
CAST("billing_cycle_start" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "billing_cycle_start",
CAST("cancellation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "cancellation_date",
CAST("creation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "creation_date",
CAST("current_period_end" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "current_period_end",
CAST("current_period_start" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "current_period_start",
CAST("end_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "end_date",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("scheduled_cancellation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "scheduled_cancellation_date",
CAST("subscription_start_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "subscription_start_date",
CAST("tax_percentage" AS DECIMAL) AS "tax_percentage",
CAST("trial_end_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "trial_end_date",
CAST("trial_start_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "trial_start_date"
FROM "subscription_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
SELECT * FROM "subscription_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted"
stg_subscription_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_subscription_data
description: The table is about subscription data. It contains details of individual
subscriptions, including billing information, subscription status, customer ID,
and pricing details. Key fields include subscription ID, billing cycle dates,
cancellation info, customer ID, subscription status, and trial period dates. The
metadata field stores additional custom information like external IDs.
- name: subscription_id
description: Unique identifier for the subscription
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each subscription.
For this table, each row represents a distinct subscription, and subscription_id
should be unique across rows.
- name: billing_method
description: Billing type or method for the subscription
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- Credit Card
- Debit Card
- PayPal
- Bank Transfer
- Cash
- Check
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- Cryptocurrency
- Invoice
- Direct Debit
- Wire Transfer
- fdfjk
- fdsiew
- name: billing_threshold_amount
description: Minimum amount to trigger a billing event
- not_null
- name: reset_billing_cycle_on_threshold
description: Indicates if billing cycle resets on threshold
- not_null
- name: cancel_at_period_end
description: Indicates if subscription cancels at period end
- not_null
- name: customer_id
description: Unique identifier for the customer
- not_null
- name: days_until_due
description: Number of days until payment is due
- not_null
- name: default_payment_source_id
description: ID of the default payment source
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if the subscription is in live mode
- not_null
- name: subscription_quantity
description: Quantity of the subscribed item or service
- not_null
- name: subscription_status
description: Current status of the subscription
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- active
- inactive
- pending
- cancelled
- expired
- suspended
- trialing
- past_due
- unpaid
- on_hold
- name: application_fee_percentage
description: Percentage of the application fee charged
- not_null
- name: billing_cycle_start
description: Date/time when the billing cycle starts
- not_null
- name: cancellation_date
description: Date/time when the subscription was canceled
- not_null
- name: creation_date
description: Date/time when the subscription was created
- not_null
- name: current_period_end
description: End date/time of the current billing period
- not_null
- name: current_period_start
description: Start date/time of the current billing period
- not_null
- name: end_date
description: Date/time when the subscription ended
- not_null
- name: metadata
description: Additional custom information about the subscription
- not_null
- name: scheduled_cancellation_date
description: Scheduled date/time for subscription cancellation
- not_null
- name: subscription_start_date
description: Date/time when the subscription started
- not_null
- name: tax_percentage
description: Percentage of tax applied to the subscription
- not_null
- name: trial_end_date
description: End date/time of the trial period
- not_null
- name: trial_start_date
description: Start date/time of the trial period
- not_null
stg_payout_data (first 100 rows)
payout_id | payout_amount_cents | is_automatic | balance_transaction_id | currency_code | description | destination_bank_account_id | is_live_mode | payout_method | source_type | payout_status | destination_type | connected_account_id | creation_timestamp | destination_card_id | estimated_arrival_date | failure_code | failure_message | failure_transaction_id | metadata | |
0 | po_0IB8cXig6peNXzgDJWLvHBB7 | 3029432 | True | txn_0IB8cXig6peNXzgDppfO2tfk | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | paid | bank_account | None | 2021-01-19 01:02:57 | None | 2021-01-20 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
1 | po_0IBrZLig6peNXzgD7Q0he6QN | 326282 | True | txn_0IBrZLig6peNXzgDfFANob1M | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | paid | bank_account | None | 2021-01-21 01:02:39 | None | 2021-01-22 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
2 | po_0ICwzpig6peNXzgDqW5S9QbF | 326007 | True | txn_0ICwzpig6peNXzgDhkqfC7lv | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-01-24 01:02:29 | None | 2021-01-25 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
3 | po_0IDJVZig6peNXzgDCa4dLDjL | 3300115 | True | txn_0IDJVZig6peNXzgD8oPNqfSe | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-01-25 01:04:45 | None | 2021-01-26 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
4 | po_0IDfx4ig6peNXzgD2NiVJ5ld | 4464139 | True | txn_0IDfx4ig6peNXzgDOvqZCzzq | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-01-26 01:02:38 | None | 2021-01-27 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
5 | po_0IE2QFig6peNXzgDCoJMX6xo | -833651 | True | txn_0IE2QFig6peNXzgDr5Rvjm1t | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-01-27 01:02:15 | None | 2021-01-28 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
6 | po_0IEOwcig6peNXzgDLErzeeJU | 174685 | True | txn_0IEOwcig6peNXzgDQKcXjNLh | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-01-28 01:05:10 | None | 2021-01-29 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
7 | po_0IFUKBig6peNXzgDZQM7WPAo | 1980810 | True | txn_0IFUKBig6peNXzgDrDgkiAOI | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-01-31 01:01:59 | None | 2021-02-01 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
8 | po_0IFqn3ig6peNXzgDJ7KVXGLY | 270636 | True | txn_0IFqn3ig6peNXzgDgLPJeYJh | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-02-01 01:01:17 | None | 2021-02-02 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
9 | po_0IGZkNig6peNXzgDKn9LrliN | 1813268 | True | txn_0IGZkNig6peNXzgDHrcegNwS | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-02-03 01:01:31 | None | 2021-02-04 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
10 | po_0IGwErig6peNXzgDEGgZ8lu3 | 39668 | True | txn_0IGwErig6peNXzgDiZ6nFXFL | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-02-04 01:02:29 | None | 2021-02-05 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
11 | po_0II1gGig6peNXzgD4BxKEJJJ | 2849353 | True | txn_0II1gGig6peNXzgDFFGOaKud | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-02-07 01:03:16 | None | 2021-02-08 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
12 | po_0IIOASig6peNXzgDiKGtfbo9 | 775006 | True | txn_0IIOASig6peNXzgDk2yRKDOz | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-02-08 01:03:56 | None | 2021-02-09 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
13 | po_0IIkbpig6peNXzgDs1u3xoyq | 2593997 | True | txn_0IIkbpig6peNXzgDPUQ4T1Hd | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-02-09 01:01:41 | None | 2021-02-10 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
14 | po_0IJ74Lig6peNXzgD2WboJcUe | 361777 | True | txn_0IJ74Lig6peNXzgD4IuGp8d3 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | standard | card | in_transit | bank_account | None | 2021-02-10 01:00:37 | None | 2021-02-11 | None | None | None | {"external_id":"80755622-45b3-40a6-9544-25af39e0e50c"} |
stg_payout_data.sql (clean the table)
"payout_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 21 out of 22 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "payout_data"
"payout_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> payout_id
-- amount -> payout_amount_cents
-- arrival_date -> estimated_arrival_date
-- automatic -> is_automatic
-- created -> creation_timestamp
-- currency -> currency_code
-- failure_balance_transaction_id -> failure_transaction_id
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- method -> payout_method
-- status -> payout_status
-- type -> destination_type
"id" AS "payout_id",
"amount" AS "payout_amount_cents",
"arrival_date" AS "estimated_arrival_date",
"automatic" AS "is_automatic",
"created" AS "creation_timestamp",
"currency" AS "currency_code",
"failure_balance_transaction_id" AS "failure_transaction_id",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"method" AS "payout_method",
"status" AS "payout_status",
"type" AS "destination_type"
FROM "payout_data_projected"
"payout_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- connected_account_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- creation_timestamp: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- destination_card_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- estimated_arrival_date: from VARCHAR to DATE
-- failure_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- failure_message: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- failure_transaction_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- statement_descriptor: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("connected_account_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "connected_account_id",
CAST("creation_timestamp" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "creation_timestamp",
CAST("destination_card_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "destination_card_id",
CAST("estimated_arrival_date" AS DATE) AS "estimated_arrival_date",
CAST("failure_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "failure_code",
CAST("failure_message" AS VARCHAR) AS "failure_message",
CAST("failure_transaction_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "failure_transaction_id",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("statement_descriptor" AS VARCHAR) AS "statement_descriptor"
FROM "payout_data_projected_renamed"
"payout_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 1 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- statement_descriptor has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "payout_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "payout_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_payout_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_payout_data
description: The table is about Stripe payouts. It contains details of individual
payout transactions. Each row represents a payout with attributes like amount,
currency, dates, status, and destination account. The table includes information
on payout methods, source types, and transaction IDs. It also stores metadata
and flags for automatic processing and live mode.
- name: payout_id
description: Unique identifier for the payout
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column is a unique identifier for each payout transaction.
For this table, each row represents a single payout, and payout_id is unique
across rows.
- name: payout_amount_cents
description: Payout amount in cents
- not_null
- name: is_automatic
description: Indicates if payout was automatically scheduled
- not_null
- name: balance_transaction_id
description: Unique identifier for the balance transaction
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column appears to be a unique identifier for each balance transaction
associated with a payout. For this table, each row represents a single payout,
and balance_transaction_id is unique across rows.
- name: currency_code
description: Currency code of the payout
- not_null
- name: description
description: Brief description of the payout
- not_null
- name: destination_bank_account_id
description: ID of the destination bank account
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if payout was in live mode
- not_null
- name: payout_method
description: Method used for the payout
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- standard
- express
- wire transfer
- check
- direct deposit
- paypal
- cryptocurrency
- prepaid card
- cash
- bank transfer
- name: source_type
description: Type of source for the payout
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- card
- bank_account
- cash
- check
- wire_transfer
- paypal
- venmo
- cryptocurrency
- other
- name: payout_status
description: Current status of the payout
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- in_transit
- paid
- pending
- failed
- canceled
- reversed
- completed
- name: destination_type
description: Type of payout destination
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- bank_account
- credit_card
- paypal
- venmo
- cash_app
- check
- wire_transfer
- prepaid_card
- cryptocurrency_wallet
- mobile_money
- name: connected_account_id
description: ID of the connected Stripe account
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for direct payouts without connected accounts.
- name: creation_timestamp
description: Timestamp of payout creation
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents the exact time when the payout was created.
While it's theoretically possible for two payouts to be created at the exact
same second, it's highly unlikely in practice. For this table, each row represents
a single payout, and creation_timestamp is likely to be unique across rows.
- name: destination_card_id
description: ID of the destination card (if applicable)
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for bank account payouts.
- name: estimated_arrival_date
description: Estimated date of payout arrival
- not_null
- name: failure_code
description: Code indicating reason for payout failure
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for successful transactions without failures.
- name: failure_message
description: Detailed message explaining payout failure
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for successful transactions without failures.
- name: failure_transaction_id
description: Transaction ID if payout failed
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for successful transactions without failures.
- name: metadata
description: Additional information in JSON format
- not_null
stg_credit_note_data (first 100 rows)
credit_note_id | currency | is_live | credit_note_number | pdf_url | status | credit_note_type | invoice_id | refund_id | creation_date | credit_note_amount | discount_amount | metadata | subtotal | total | void_date | |
0 | cn_89hUNfs | usd | True | E89505E-0024-CN-01 | | issued | post_payment | in_1J7DINLdeVo | re_1J82INYKl7x | 2021-06-30 10:04:03 | 50.0 | 0.0 | {} | 50.0 | 50.0 | NaT |
1 | cn_Jg3Jf0s | usd | False | 450DS21-0034-CN-01 | | issued | post_payment | in_1IPp7kCLA0Q | re_1IKhINvmkAi | 2021-03-15 17:44:14 | 100.0 | 0.0 | {} | 100.0 | 100.0 | NaT |
stg_credit_note_data.sql (clean the table)
"credit_note_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 19 out of 20 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "credit_note_data"
"credit_note_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> credit_note_id
-- amount -> credit_note_amount
-- created -> creation_date
-- livemode -> is_live
-- number -> credit_note_number
-- pdf -> pdf_url
-- type -> credit_note_type
-- voided_at -> void_date
-- customer_balance_transaction_id -> balance_transaction_id
"id" AS "credit_note_id",
"amount" AS "credit_note_amount",
"created" AS "creation_date",
"livemode" AS "is_live",
"number" AS "credit_note_number",
"pdf" AS "pdf_url",
"type" AS "credit_note_type",
"voided_at" AS "void_date",
"customer_balance_transaction_id" AS "balance_transaction_id",
FROM "credit_note_data_projected"
"credit_note_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- balance_transaction_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- creation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- credit_note_amount: from INT to DECIMAL
-- discount_amount: from INT to DECIMAL
-- memo: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- reason: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- subtotal: from INT to DECIMAL
-- total: from INT to DECIMAL
-- void_date: from DECIMAL to DATE
CAST("balance_transaction_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "balance_transaction_id",
CAST("creation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "creation_date",
CAST("credit_note_amount" AS DECIMAL) AS "credit_note_amount",
CAST("discount_amount" AS DECIMAL) AS "discount_amount",
CAST("memo" AS VARCHAR) AS "memo",
CAST("metadata" AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("reason" AS VARCHAR) AS "reason",
CAST("subtotal" AS DECIMAL) AS "subtotal",
CAST("total" AS DECIMAL) AS "total",
CAST("void_date" AS DATE) AS "void_date"
FROM "credit_note_data_projected_renamed"
"credit_note_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 3 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- balance_transaction_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- memo has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- reason has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "credit_note_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "credit_note_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_credit_note_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_credit_note_data
description: The table is about credit notes issued to customers. It contains details
like id, amount, currency, date created, discount, subtotal, total, status, and
type. Each credit note has a unique number and PDF link. It also includes references
to related invoice and refund ids. The table tracks whether the credit note is
live or in test mode, and includes optional fields for memo and metadata.
- name: credit_note_id
description: Unique identifier for the credit note
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column is a unique identifier for each credit note. For this
table, each row represents a distinct credit note, and credit_note_id is unique
across rows.
- name: currency
description: Currency code for the credit note
- not_null
- name: is_live
description: Indicates if the credit note is live or test
- not_null
- name: credit_note_number
description: Unique number assigned to the credit note
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique number assigned to each credit note.
For this table, each credit note has a distinct number, making it unique across
- name: pdf_url
description: URL link to the PDF version of the credit note
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column contains a unique URL for each credit note's PDF. As
each credit note would have its own PDF link, this is likely unique across
- name: status
description: Current status of the credit note
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- draft
- issued
- paid
- partially_paid
- voided
- cancelled
- overdue
- name: credit_note_type
description: Type of credit note (e.g., post_payment)
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- post_payment
- pre_payment
- refund
- price_adjustment
- goodwill
- product_return
- cancellation
- correction
- discount
- write_off
- name: invoice_id
description: ID of the related invoice
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column refers to the related invoice ID. While it's possible
that multiple credit notes could be issued for the same invoice, it's more
likely that each credit note corresponds to a unique invoice, making it potentially
unique across rows.
- name: refund_id
description: ID of the related refund
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column refers to the related refund ID. Similar to invoice_id,
it's likely that each credit note corresponds to a unique refund, making it
potentially unique across rows.
- name: creation_date
description: Date and time when the credit note was created
- not_null
- name: credit_note_amount
description: Total amount of the credit note
- not_null
- name: discount_amount
description: Amount of discount applied to the credit note
- not_null
- name: metadata
description: Additional metadata in JSON format
- not_null
- name: subtotal
description: Subtotal amount of the credit note
- not_null
- name: total
description: Total amount of the credit note after discounts
- not_null
- name: void_date
description: Date and time when the credit note was voided
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for credit notes that aren't voided.
stg_transfer_data (first 100 rows)
payout_id | payout_amount_cents | reversed_amount_cents | balance_transaction_id | currency | payout_description | destination_bank_account_id | is_live_mode | is_reversed | payment_source_type | destination_payment | destination_payment_id | metadata | payout_created_at | |
0 | po_0Njtvzig6peNXzgD6RPBasht | 1447318 | 0 | txn_0Njtw0ig6peNXzgDXY3mJGwC | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | True | False | card | None | None | {"netsuite_deposit_id":"3975560","netsuite_deposit_link":""} | 2023-08-28 01:08:03 |
1 | po_0NjXKxig6peNXzgDgn8MqQuZ | 2660278 | 0 | txn_0NjXKyig6peNXzgDbmNVE84K | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2023-08-27 01:00:19 |
2 | po_0NkGNTig6peNXzgDJWfkSimX | 760313 | 0 | txn_0NkGNTig6peNXzgDTsXXisyE | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2023-08-29 01:05:55 |
3 | po_0NkcrHig6peNXzgDwoDFU4Yi | 1944407 | 0 | txn_0NkcrHig6peNXzgD7eFO2jc7 | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_0MkB7Nig6peNXzgDBFL0SIgk | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2023-08-30 01:06:11 |
4 | po_0Mbvvvig6peNXzgDNH6Wf3ha | 7251977 | 0 | txn_0Mbvvvig6peNXzgDJAGJCdpN | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2023-02-16 01:06:47 |
5 | po_0LunJvig6peNXzgD41QBrw1m | -1426166 | 0 | txn_0LunJwig6peNXzgDCnBflWPl | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2022-10-20 01:13:15 |
6 | po_0MRQ1gig6peNXzgD138jhQS7 | 7332491 | 0 | txn_0MRQ1gig6peNXzgDchKTwIPQ | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2023-01-18 01:01:16 |
7 | po_0MRmW1ig6peNXzgDUPQSnmYw | 6108653 | 0 | txn_0MRmW1ig6peNXzgDFqR0yaFa | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2023-01-19 01:02:05 |
8 | po_0MJ5C6ig6peNXzgDyic22YlD | 3456033 | 0 | txn_0MJ5C7ig6peNXzgDfWTszRUw | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2022-12-26 01:09:34 |
9 | po_0MDe3Sig6peNXzgDJHinDGmA | 3330213 | 0 | txn_0MDe3Tig6peNXzgDSyxtRpRH | usd | STRIPE PAYOUT | ba_1S2vcDBpbM03IU | True | False | card | None | None | None | 2022-12-11 01:10:10 |
stg_transfer_data.sql (clean the table)
"transfer_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 17 out of 18 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "transfer_data"
"transfer_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> payout_id
-- amount -> payout_amount_cents
-- amount_reversed -> reversed_amount_cents
-- created -> payout_created_at
-- description -> payout_description
-- destination -> destination_bank_account_id
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- reversed -> is_reversed
-- source_type -> payment_source_type
"id" AS "payout_id",
"amount" AS "payout_amount_cents",
"amount_reversed" AS "reversed_amount_cents",
"created" AS "payout_created_at",
"description" AS "payout_description",
"destination" AS "destination_bank_account_id",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"reversed" AS "is_reversed",
"source_type" AS "payment_source_type",
FROM "transfer_data_projected"
"transfer_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- destination_payment: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- destination_payment_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- metadata: from VARCHAR to JSON
-- payout_created_at: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- source_transaction: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- source_transaction_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- transfer_group: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("destination_payment" AS VARCHAR) AS "destination_payment",
CAST("destination_payment_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "destination_payment_id",
CAST(TRIM("metadata", '"') AS JSON) AS "metadata",
CAST("payout_created_at" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "payout_created_at",
CAST("source_transaction" AS VARCHAR) AS "source_transaction",
CAST("source_transaction_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "source_transaction_id",
CAST("transfer_group" AS VARCHAR) AS "transfer_group"
FROM "transfer_data_projected_renamed"
"transfer_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 4 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- metadata has 90.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🔄 Unchanged
-- source_transaction has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- source_transaction_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- transfer_group has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "transfer_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "transfer_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_transfer_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_transfer_data
description: The table is about Stripe payouts. It includes details such as payout
amount, currency, creation date, destination bank account, and transaction IDs.
Each row represents a single payout. The table contains metadata fields, including
references to NetSuite deposit IDs and links. All payouts are in USD and have
not been reversed. The destination bank account is consistent across most entries.
- name: payout_id
description: Unique identifier for the payout
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each payout. For
this table, each row is for a single payout transaction. payout_id is unique
across rows as it's specifically designed to be a unique identifier for each
- name: payout_amount_cents
description: Payout amount in cents
- not_null
- name: reversed_amount_cents
description: Amount reversed in cents
- not_null
- name: balance_transaction_id
description: Unique identifier for the balance transaction
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each balance transaction
associated with a payout. For this table, each row is for a single payout
transaction. balance_transaction_id is unique across rows as it's specifically
designed to be a unique identifier for each transaction.
- name: currency
description: Currency of the payout
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- usd
- eur
- gbp
- jpy
- cny
- chf
- cad
- aud
- nzd
- inr
- krw
- sgd
- hkd
- mxn
- brl
- zar
- sek
- nok
- dkk
- rub
- name: payout_description
description: Brief description of the payout
- not_null
- name: destination_bank_account_id
description: Destination bank account identifier
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if the payout is live or test
- not_null
- name: is_reversed
description: Indicates if the payout was reversed
- not_null
- name: payment_source_type
description: Type of payment source
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- card
- cash
- bank transfer
- digital wallet
- cryptocurrency
- check
- money order
- gift card
- store credit
- mobile payment
- paypal
- wire transfer
- direct debit
- prepaid card
- name: destination_payment
description: Unused field for destination payment
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for direct bank account payouts.
- name: destination_payment_id
description: Unused field for destination payment ID
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for direct bank account payouts.
- name: metadata
description: Additional information in JSON format
- not_null
- name: payout_created_at
description: Date and time of payout creation
- not_null
stg_plan_data (first 100 rows)
plan_id | is_active | price_in_cents | billing_method | currency_code | billing_interval | billing_cycle_duration | is_deleted | is_live_mode | product_id | usage_type | creation_datetime | plan_nickname | pricing_tier_mode | trial_period_days | usage_aggregation_method | usage_transform_divisor | usage_transform_rounding | |
0 | zbc001 | True | 150000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BUZaPcD5jIhqAG | licensed | 2017-05-10 18:50:13 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
1 | abc002 | True | 150000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BUqcov3uJTssuQ | licensed | 2017-05-05 16:56:44 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
2 | ghg005 | True | 150000 | per_unit | usd | month | 6 | False | True | prod_BTzAZ8EnmwNUqW | licensed | 2017-05-15 18:53:55 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
3 | gfg003 | True | 180000 | per_unit | usd | month | 6 | False | True | prod_BUonomUNsdG3qx | licensed | 2017-06-15 16:01:06 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
4 | gfd214 | True | 264030 | per_unit | usd | month | 3 | False | True | prod_BUo1nHP2vIrVtF | licensed | 2017-08-04 16:29:13 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
5 | fgs754 | True | 45000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BUBtgJBLlTGcy9 | licensed | 2017-06-21 16:23:32 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
6 | dfw576 | True | 20000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BV5IFAOt2EwqSl | licensed | 2015-05-28 01:08:05 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
7 | rhs456 | True | 100 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BU23UCziUM7ezw | licensed | 2015-05-28 01:10:13 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
8 | gds003 | True | 50000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BTXZakZKkKlf6g | licensed | 2015-10-23 21:23:35 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
9 | rtg234 | True | 40000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BUrKq3BcaxvjkU | licensed | 2015-12-01 21:06:02 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
10 | jfg658 | True | 15000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BUaE6AwT15sLSX | licensed | 2015-11-16 22:42:15 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
11 | hft345 | True | 11500 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BTN1m9rU6ivOBN | licensed | 2016-01-06 16:58:21 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
12 | mfh634 | True | 89000 | per_unit | usd | month | 1 | False | True | prod_BTNNlwDZ0nGHYp | licensed | 2016-03-09 23:16:21 | None | None | NaN | None | NaN | None |
stg_plan_data.sql (clean the table)
"plan_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 18 out of 19 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "plan_data"
"plan_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> plan_id
-- active -> is_active
-- aggregate_usage -> usage_aggregation_method
-- amount -> price_in_cents
-- billing_scheme -> billing_method
-- created -> creation_datetime
-- currency -> currency_code
-- interval_ -> billing_interval
-- interval_count -> billing_cycle_duration
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- nickname -> plan_nickname
-- tiers_mode -> pricing_tier_mode
-- transform_usage_divide_by -> usage_transform_divisor
-- transform_usage_round -> usage_transform_rounding
"id" AS "plan_id",
"active" AS "is_active",
"aggregate_usage" AS "usage_aggregation_method",
"amount" AS "price_in_cents",
"billing_scheme" AS "billing_method",
"created" AS "creation_datetime",
"currency" AS "currency_code",
"interval_" AS "billing_interval",
"interval_count" AS "billing_cycle_duration",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"nickname" AS "plan_nickname",
"tiers_mode" AS "pricing_tier_mode",
"transform_usage_divide_by" AS "usage_transform_divisor",
"transform_usage_round" AS "usage_transform_rounding",
FROM "plan_data_projected"
"plan_data_projected_renamed_cleaned" AS (
-- Clean unusual string values:
-- plan_id: The problem is that the plan_id column contains inconsistent formats and lengths. Some values start with numbers, others with letters, and there's no consistent pattern. The correct format appears to be a combination of letters and numbers, with the most common pattern being three letters followed by three numbers (e.g., 'abc123'). Values that don't fit this pattern should be considered unusual and need to be corrected.
WHEN "plan_id" = '214gfdg' THEN 'gfd214'
WHEN "plan_id" = '234rtgh' THEN 'rtg234'
WHEN "plan_id" = '3gds' THEN 'gds003'
WHEN "plan_id" = '3gf' THEN 'gfg003'
WHEN "plan_id" = '5gh' THEN 'ghg005'
WHEN "plan_id" = '634mfh' THEN 'mfh634'
WHEN "plan_id" = '658jfgh' THEN 'jfg658'
WHEN "plan_id" = 'ab2' THEN 'abc002'
WHEN "plan_id" = 'dfgdw576' THEN 'dfw576'
WHEN "plan_id" = 'fgds754' THEN 'fgs754'
WHEN "plan_id" = 'hfdstrt345' THEN 'hft345'
WHEN "plan_id" = 'rhsdr456' THEN 'rhs456'
WHEN "plan_id" = 'zb1' THEN 'zbc001'
ELSE "plan_id"
END AS "plan_id",
FROM "plan_data_projected_renamed"
"plan_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- creation_datetime: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- plan_nickname: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- pricing_tier_mode: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- trial_period_days: from DECIMAL to INT
-- usage_aggregation_method: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- usage_transform_divisor: from DECIMAL to INT
-- usage_transform_rounding: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("creation_datetime" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "creation_datetime",
CAST("plan_nickname" AS VARCHAR) AS "plan_nickname",
CAST("pricing_tier_mode" AS VARCHAR) AS "pricing_tier_mode",
CAST("trial_period_days" AS INT) AS "trial_period_days",
CAST("usage_aggregation_method" AS VARCHAR) AS "usage_aggregation_method",
CAST("usage_transform_divisor" AS INT) AS "usage_transform_divisor",
CAST("usage_transform_rounding" AS VARCHAR) AS "usage_transform_rounding"
FROM "plan_data_projected_renamed_cleaned"
SELECT * FROM "plan_data_projected_renamed_cleaned_casted"
stg_plan_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_plan_data
description: The table is about subscription plans. It contains details like plan
ID, active status, pricing amount, currency, billing interval, created date, and
product ID. Each row represents a unique plan with its specific attributes. The
plans have different durations (monthly or multi-month) and prices. All plans
use USD currency and are set to "licensed" usage type.
- name: plan_id
description: Unique identifier for the plan
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each subscription
plan. For this table, each row represents a distinct subscription plan. The
plan_id appears to be unique across rows, as it uses a specific alphanumeric
format (e.g., zbc001, abc002) that is likely designed to be unique for each
- name: is_active
description: Indicates if the plan is currently active
- not_null
- name: price_in_cents
description: Price of the plan in cents
- not_null
- name: billing_method
description: Method used for billing calculation
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- per_unit
- flat_rate
- tiered
- usage_based
- subscription
- value_based
- time_and_materials
- milestone
- cost_plus
- percentage_of_completion
- name: currency_code
description: Currency used for the plan pricing
- not_null
- name: billing_interval
description: Billing frequency (e.g., month)
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- day
- week
- month
- quarter
- year
- name: billing_cycle_duration
description: Number of intervals between billings
- not_null
- name: is_deleted
description: Indicates if the plan has been deleted
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if the plan is in live or test mode
- not_null
- name: product_id
description: Unique identifier of the associated product
- not_null
- name: usage_type
description: Type of usage for the plan
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- licensed
- subscription
- pay-per-use
- freemium
- perpetual
- tiered
- metered
- floating
- site
- volume
- concurrent
- named-user
- enterprise
- academic
- trial
- name: creation_datetime
description: Date and time when the plan was created
- not_null
- name: plan_nickname
description: Optional nickname for the plan (empty in this case)
missing_acceptable: Optional friendly name for the plan, not always needed.
- name: pricing_tier_mode
description: Pricing tier structure (empty in this case)
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for plans without tiered pricing.
- name: trial_period_days
description: Number of trial days (empty in this case)
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for plans without a trial period.
- name: usage_aggregation_method
description: Aggregation method for metered usage (empty in this case)
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for licensed plans without usage-based billing.
- name: usage_transform_divisor
description: Usage transformation divisor (empty in this case)
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for licensed plans without usage transformations.
- name: usage_transform_rounding
description: Usage transformation rounding method (empty in this case)
missing_acceptable: Not applicable for licensed plans without usage transformations.
stg_customer_data (first 100 rows)
customer_id | is_delinquent | invoice_prefix | is_deleted | is_live_mode | hashed_customer_name | tax_exempt_status | account_balance | account_creation_date | balance | shipping_address_city | shipping_address_country | shipping_address_line_1 | shipping_address_line_2 | shipping_address_postal_code | shipping_address_state | shipping_carrier | shipping_name | shipping_phone | shipping_tracking_number | |
0 | cus_ImVzJQmSlYHjZL | False | 8311D827 | False | True | a0d47e7c5acc1069de81fd0ac370d10f | none | 0.0 | 2021-01-18 12:35:30 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
1 | cus_IzaB1l1LWzI6DZ | False | 79EDFB49 | False | True | 0d080bf0b4e2e0cce69b285046962a7b | none | 0.0 | 2021-02-22 09:48:04 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
2 | cus_J2eHEreSmx1eAe | False | B3530880 | False | True | fc48fc29ca836fb38f6d81a99fa4204e | none | 0.0 | 2021-03-02 14:13:25 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
3 | cus_IxqxnofljLKmqa | False | 612C196A | False | True | 37bac6dce4f46277d89bfa3003e2e39b | none | 0.0 | 2021-02-17 18:59:27 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
4 | cus_J66nsZHMTFup1P | False | 446D4207 | False | True | b65dc7a76139fc06725caccf229004c2 | none | 0.0 | 2021-03-11 19:53:45 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
5 | cus_IvSD6mXKJ1pZeW | False | 89291D20 | False | True | 6025a593946d5965fdf7c7365e25c33f | none | 0.0 | 2021-02-11 09:18:04 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
6 | cus_IrpAwGHpPSwzWv | False | F0F08B37 | False | True | dcddf44d3df6437334f3491ed8c52bf2 | none | 0.0 | 2021-02-01 16:45:09 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
7 | cus_IpSJ4exzUAFTHX | False | B761C599 | False | True | 93f783b4d19fb35f9522de6fef236d98 | none | 0.0 | 2021-01-26 08:59:52 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
8 | cus_IvcMWh1c3qNhie | False | 08D6093C | False | True | c31eed413e5e7ea16023bcfa3a4e5e55 | none | 0.0 | 2021-02-11 19:46:48 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
9 | cus_J2lfqeIO1HDfEy | False | 934E47FE | False | True | e6fe1559d8fe8d56ec8e4b58bde4916e | none | 0.0 | 2021-03-02 21:51:56 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
10 | cus_J0nHRNKalyp1TX | False | 3D83A36A | False | True | 6ff9f4444ac481652f4412b5e1623846 | none | 0.0 | 2021-02-25 15:23:42 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
11 | cus_IuKuZJLG9mNRn2 | False | 94FA9348 | True | True | 37a6259cc0c1dae299a7866489dff0bd | none | 0.0 | 2021-02-08 09:40:39 | 0.0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
stg_customer_data.sql (clean the table)
"customer_data_projected" AS (
-- Projection: Selecting 39 out of 40 columns
-- Columns projected out: ['_fivetran_synced']
FROM "customer_data"
"customer_data_projected_renamed" AS (
-- Rename: Renaming columns
-- id -> customer_id
-- created -> account_creation_date
-- delinquent -> is_delinquent
-- description -> customer_description
-- invoice_settings_default_payment_method -> default_invoice_payment_method
-- invoice_settings_footer -> invoice_footer
-- livemode -> is_live_mode
-- name -> hashed_customer_name
-- source_id -> customer_data_source_id
-- tax_exempt -> tax_exempt_status
-- tax_info_tax_id -> tax_id
-- tax_info_verification_status -> tax_verification_status
-- tax_info_verification_verified_name -> tax_verified_name
"id" AS "customer_id",
"created" AS "account_creation_date",
"delinquent" AS "is_delinquent",
"description" AS "customer_description",
"invoice_settings_default_payment_method" AS "default_invoice_payment_method",
"invoice_settings_footer" AS "invoice_footer",
"livemode" AS "is_live_mode",
"name" AS "hashed_customer_name",
"source_id" AS "customer_data_source_id",
"tax_exempt" AS "tax_exempt_status",
"tax_info_tax_id" AS "tax_id",
"tax_info_verification_status" AS "tax_verification_status",
"tax_info_verification_verified_name" AS "tax_verified_name"
FROM "customer_data_projected"
"customer_data_projected_renamed_casted" AS (
-- Column Type Casting:
-- account_balance: from INT to DECIMAL
-- account_creation_date: from VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP
-- address_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- address_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- address_line_1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- address_line_2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- address_postal_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- address_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- balance: from INT to DECIMAL
-- currency: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- customer_data_source_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- customer_description: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- default_card_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- default_invoice_payment_method: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- email: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- invoice_footer: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- phone: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_city: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_country: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_line_1: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_line_2: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_postal_code: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_address_state: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_carrier: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_name: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_phone: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- shipping_tracking_number: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tax_id: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tax_info_type: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tax_verification_status: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
-- tax_verified_name: from DECIMAL to VARCHAR
CAST("account_balance" AS DECIMAL) AS "account_balance",
CAST("account_creation_date" AS TIMESTAMP) AS "account_creation_date",
CAST("address_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "address_city",
CAST("address_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "address_country",
CAST("address_line_1" AS VARCHAR) AS "address_line_1",
CAST("address_line_2" AS VARCHAR) AS "address_line_2",
CAST("address_postal_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "address_postal_code",
CAST("address_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "address_state",
CAST("balance" AS DECIMAL) AS "balance",
CAST("currency" AS VARCHAR) AS "currency",
CAST("customer_data_source_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "customer_data_source_id",
CAST("customer_description" AS VARCHAR) AS "customer_description",
CAST("default_card_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "default_card_id",
CAST("default_invoice_payment_method" AS VARCHAR) AS "default_invoice_payment_method",
CAST("email" AS VARCHAR) AS "email",
CAST("invoice_footer" AS VARCHAR) AS "invoice_footer",
CAST("phone" AS VARCHAR) AS "phone",
CAST("shipping_address_city" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_city",
CAST("shipping_address_country" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_country",
CAST("shipping_address_line_1" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_line_1",
CAST("shipping_address_line_2" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_line_2",
CAST("shipping_address_postal_code" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_postal_code",
CAST("shipping_address_state" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_address_state",
CAST("shipping_carrier" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_carrier",
CAST("shipping_name" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_name",
CAST("shipping_phone" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_phone",
CAST("shipping_tracking_number" AS VARCHAR) AS "shipping_tracking_number",
CAST("tax_id" AS VARCHAR) AS "tax_id",
CAST("tax_info_type" AS VARCHAR) AS "tax_info_type",
CAST("tax_verification_status" AS VARCHAR) AS "tax_verification_status",
CAST("tax_verified_name" AS VARCHAR) AS "tax_verified_name"
FROM "customer_data_projected_renamed"
"customer_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled" AS (
-- Handling missing values: There are 19 columns with unacceptable missing values
-- address_city has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- address_country has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- address_line_1 has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- address_line_2 has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- address_postal_code has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- address_state has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- bank_account_id has 91.67 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- currency has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- customer_data_source_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- customer_description has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- default_card_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- default_invoice_payment_method has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- email has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- invoice_footer has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- phone has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_id has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_info_type has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_verification_status has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
-- tax_verified_name has 100.0 percent missing. Strategy: 🗑️ Drop Column
FROM "customer_data_projected_renamed_casted"
SELECT * FROM "customer_data_projected_renamed_casted_missing_handled"
stg_customer_data.yml (Document the table)
version: 2
- name: stg_customer_data
description: The table is about customer information. It contains details like customer
ID, account balance, address, email, name, phone, and shipping information. The
table also includes payment-related data such as currency, invoice settings, and
tax information. Each row represents a unique customer with various attributes,
but many fields are empty in the given samples.
- name: customer_id
description: Unique identifier for the customer
- not_null
- unique
uniqueness: This column represents a unique identifier for each customer. For
this table, each row represents a unique customer, and customer_id appears
to be unique across rows.
- name: is_delinquent
description: Indicates if customer's account is delinquent
- not_null
- name: invoice_prefix
description: Prefix used for customer's invoices
- not_null
- name: is_deleted
description: Indicates if customer account is deleted
- not_null
- name: is_live_mode
description: Indicates if account is in live mode
- not_null
- name: hashed_customer_name
description: Customer's name (hashed for privacy)
- not_null
- name: tax_exempt_status
description: Customer's tax exemption status
- not_null
- accepted_values:
- none
- exempt
- partial
- government
- non-profit
- educational
- religious
- charitable
- military
- diplomatic
- name: account_balance
description: Customer's current account balance
- not_null
- name: account_creation_date
description: Date and time when customer account was created
- not_null
- name: balance
description: Current balance of the customer's account
- not_null
- name: shipping_address_city
description: City of customer's shipping address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_address_country
description: Country of customer's shipping address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_address_line_1
description: First line of customer's shipping address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_address_line_2
description: Second line of customer's shipping address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_address_postal_code
description: Postal code of customer's shipping address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_address_state
description: State or province of shipping address
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_carrier
description: Preferred shipping carrier for customer
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_name
description: Customer's name for shipping purposes
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_phone
description: Customer's phone number for shipping
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
- name: shipping_tracking_number
description: Tracking number for customer's shipment
missing_acceptable: Not applicable if no shipment is involved
Join Graph (FK to PK)
cocoon_join.yml (Document the joins)
- table_name: stg_customer_data
primary_key: customer_id
foreign_keys: []
- table_name: stg_charge_data
- column: customer_id
table_name: stg_customer_data
column: customer_id
- column: payment_intent_id
table_name: stg_payment_intent_data
column: payment_intent_id
primary_key: charge_id
- table_name: stg_invoice_data
- column: customer_id
table_name: stg_customer_data
column: customer_id
- column: line_item_id
table_name: stg_invoice_line_item_data
column: line_item_id
- column: subscription_id
table_name: stg_subscription_data
column: subscription_id
- table_name: stg_payment_intent_data
- column: customer_id
table_name: stg_customer_data
column: customer_id
- column: error_charge_id
table_name: stg_charge_data
column: charge_id
- column: payment_method_id
table_name: stg_payment_method_data
column: payment_method_id
primary_key: payment_intent_id
- table_name: stg_payment_method_data
- column: customer_id
table_name: stg_customer_data
column: customer_id
primary_key: payment_method_id
- table_name: stg_subscription_history_data
- column: customer_id
table_name: stg_customer_data
column: customer_id
- column: subscription_id
table_name: stg_subscription_data
column: subscription_id
- column: default_payment_source_id
table_name: stg_payment_method_data
column: payment_method_id
- table_name: stg_subscription_data
- column: customer_id
table_name: stg_customer_data
column: customer_id
- column: default_payment_source_id
table_name: stg_payment_method_data
column: payment_method_id
primary_key: subscription_id
- table_name: stg_refund_data
primary_key: refund_id
- column: balance_transaction_id
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
column: transaction_id
- column: failure_balance_transaction_id
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
column: transaction_id
- column: charge_id
table_name: stg_charge_data
column: charge_id
- table_name: stg_credit_note_data
- column: refund_id
table_name: stg_refund_data
column: refund_id
primary_key: credit_note_id
- table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
primary_key: transaction_id
- column: transaction_source_id
table_name: stg_charge_data
column: charge_id
- column: connected_account_id
table_name: stg_account_data
column: account_id
- column: payout_id
table_name: stg_payout_data
column: payout_id
- table_name: stg_dispute_data
- column: dispute_transaction_id
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
column: transaction_id
- column: charge_id
table_name: stg_charge_data
column: charge_id
- column: connected_account_id
table_name: stg_account_data
column: account_id
- table_name: stg_payout_data
- column: balance_transaction_id
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
column: transaction_id
- column: failure_transaction_id
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
column: transaction_id
- column: connected_account_id
table_name: stg_account_data
column: account_id
primary_key: payout_id
- table_name: stg_transfer_data
- column: balance_transaction_id
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
column: transaction_id
- column: payout_id
table_name: stg_payout_data
column: payout_id
- table_name: stg_fee_data
- column: transaction_id
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
column: transaction_id
- table_name: stg_account_data
primary_key: account_id
foreign_keys: []
- table_name: stg_invoice_line_item_data
primary_key: line_item_id
- column: subscription_id
table_name: stg_subscription_data
column: subscription_id
- column: plan_id
table_name: stg_plan_data
column: plan_id
- table_name: stg_credit_note_line_item_data
- column: line_item_id
table_name: stg_invoice_line_item_data
column: line_item_id
- column: credit_note_id
table_name: stg_credit_note_data
column: credit_note_id
- table_name: stg_price_data
- column: invoice_item_id
table_name: stg_invoice_line_item_data
column: line_item_id
- table_name: stg_plan_data
primary_key: plan_id
foreign_keys: []
- table_name: stg_card_data
- column: payment_method_id
table_name: stg_payment_method_data
column: payment_method_id
- table_name: stg_payment_method_card_data
- column: payment_method_id
table_name: stg_payment_method_data
column: payment_method_id
cocoon_er.yml (Document the ER model)
- entity_name: Customers
entity_description: Represents individual customers with their personal and account
table_name: stg_customer_data
primary_key: customer_id
- entity_name: PaymentIntents
entity_description: Represents the intention to collect payment from a customer
table_name: stg_payment_intent_data
primary_key: payment_intent_id
- entity_name: Refunds
entity_description: Represents refund transactions issued to customers
table_name: stg_refund_data
primary_key: refund_id
- entity_name: BalanceTransactions
entity_description: Represents financial transactions affecting the account balance
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
primary_key: transaction_id
- entity_name: Charges
entity_description: Represents individual charge attempts on customer payment methods
table_name: stg_charge_data
primary_key: charge_id
- entity_name: Account
entity_description: Represents the Stripe business account and its settings
table_name: stg_account_data
primary_key: account_id
- entity_name: InvoiceLineItems
entity_description: Represents individual line items on customer invoices
table_name: stg_invoice_line_item_data
primary_key: line_item_id
- entity_name: Subscriptions
entity_description: Represents recurring payment agreements with customers
table_name: stg_subscription_data
primary_key: subscription_id
- entity_name: Plans
entity_description: Represents pricing plans available for subscriptions
table_name: stg_plan_data
primary_key: plan_id
- entity_name: CreditNotes
entity_description: Represents credit notes issued to customers for refunds or adjustments
table_name: stg_credit_note_data
primary_key: credit_note_id
- entity_name: PaymentMethods
entity_description: Represents payment methods associated with customers
table_name: stg_payment_method_data
primary_key: payment_method_id
- entity_name: Payouts
entity_description: Represents money transfers from Stripe to the connected bank
table_name: stg_payout_data
primary_key: payout_id
- relation_name: CustomerPaymentProcessing
relation_description: PaymentIntents are created for Customers using specific PaymentMethods,
potentially resulting in Charges upon successful processing.
table_name: stg_payment_intent_data
- PaymentIntents
- Customers
- Charges
- PaymentMethods
- relation_name: RefundChargeBalanceUpdate
relation_description: Refunds are issued against Charges and generate BalanceTransactions,
updating the account balance for the merchant.
table_name: stg_refund_data
- Refunds
- BalanceTransactions
- Charges
- relation_name: AccountFinancialTransactions
relation_description: BalanceTransactions record financial activities, including
Charges and Payouts, associated with an Account, tracking monetary movements and
table_name: stg_balance_transaction_data
- BalanceTransactions
- Charges
- Account
- Payouts
- relation_name: CustomerChargeAttempts
relation_description: Customers initiate Charges through PaymentIntents, representing
attempted transactions that may succeed or fail.
table_name: stg_charge_data
- Charges
- Customers
- PaymentIntents
- relation_name: SubscriptionInvoiceLineItems
relation_description: InvoiceLineItems represent individual charges associated with
Subscriptions, which are based on specific Plans.
table_name: stg_invoice_line_item_data
- InvoiceLineItems
- Subscriptions
- Plans
- relation_name: CustomerSubscriptionBilling
relation_description: Customers purchase Subscriptions, which are billed using specific
PaymentMethods associated with the customer's account.
table_name: stg_subscription_data
- Subscriptions
- Customers
- PaymentMethods
- relation_name: CreditNoteRefunds
relation_description: Credit Notes are issued to customers and may be associated
with Refunds for payments previously made.
table_name: stg_credit_note_data
- CreditNotes
- Refunds
- relation_name: CustomerPaymentMethods
relation_description: This stores the PaymentMethods associated with Customers,
including billing details and unique identifiers for each payment method.
table_name: stg_payment_method_data
- PaymentMethods
- Customers
- relation_name: AccountBalancePayouts
relation_description: Payouts are financial transfers from BalanceTransactions,
which are linked to an Account's available funds for withdrawal.
table_name: stg_payout_data
- Payouts
- BalanceTransactions
- Account
- relation_name: CustomerInvoiceSubscriptionItems
relation_description: Customers receive Invoices containing InvoiceLineItems, which
are associated with Subscriptions for specific services or products.
table_name: stg_invoice_data
- Customers
- InvoiceLineItems
- Subscriptions
- relation_name: CustomerSubscriptionBillingHistory
relation_description: Customers purchase Subscriptions, which are billed using specific
PaymentMethods, tracking the lifecycle from creation to cancellation.
table_name: stg_subscription_history_data
- Customers
- Subscriptions
- PaymentMethods
- relation_name: AccountChargeDisputeFlow
relation_description: Account initiates Charges, which generate BalanceTransactions.
Disputes on Charges affect BalanceTransactions and Account balance.
table_name: stg_dispute_data
- BalanceTransactions
- Charges
- Account
- relation_name: PayoutBalanceTransactions
relation_description: Payouts are processed transactions that transfer funds to
a bank account, each associated with a specific balance transaction.
table_name: stg_transfer_data
- BalanceTransactions
- Payouts
- relation_description: This table stores individual fee transactions, each representing
a unique balance transaction with specific monetary and categorical details.
table_name: stg_fee_data
- BalanceTransactions
- relation_name: CreditNoteLineItems
relation_description: CreditNotes contain multiple InvoiceLineItems, representing
individual items credited or refunded to customers.
table_name: stg_credit_note_line_item_data
- InvoiceLineItems
- CreditNotes
- relation_description: This table represents InvoiceLineItems, storing detailed pricing
information for products or services that can be billed to customers.
table_name: stg_price_data
- InvoiceLineItems
- relation_description: This table stores detailed information about various PaymentMethods
used for transactions, including card details and processing attributes.
table_name: stg_card_data
- PaymentMethods
- relation_description: This table stores credit card payment method details associated
with unique payment method IDs for processing transactions.
table_name: stg_payment_method_card_data
- PaymentMethods
- relation_name: CustomerPaymentMethods
story_line: Customers register various payment methods for future transactions.
- relation_name: CustomerSubscriptionBilling
story_line: Customers purchase subscriptions using their registered payment methods.
- relation_name: SubscriptionInvoiceLineItems
story_line: Subscriptions generate invoice line items based on plans.
- relation_name: CustomerInvoiceSubscriptionItems
story_line: Customers receive invoices detailing their subscription charges.
- relation_name: CustomerPaymentProcessing
story_line: Payment intents initiate charges using customer's payment methods.
- relation_name: CustomerChargeAttempts
story_line: Charges are attempted through payment intents for customers.
- relation_name: AccountFinancialTransactions
story_line: Successful charges create balance transactions in merchant's account.
- relation_name: CustomerSubscriptionBillingHistory
story_line: System tracks subscription lifecycle from creation to cancellation.
- relation_name: RefundChargeBalanceUpdate
story_line: Refunds reverse charges and update merchant's balance transactions.
- relation_name: CreditNoteRefunds
story_line: Credit notes are issued for refunds on previous payments.
- relation_name: CreditNoteLineItems
story_line: Credit notes itemize individual refunded or credited amounts.
- relation_name: AccountChargeDisputeFlow
story_line: Disputed charges affect merchant's balance transactions and account.
- relation_name: AccountBalancePayouts
story_line: Merchant initiates payouts from available account balance funds.
- relation_name: PayoutBalanceTransactions
story_line: Payouts transfer funds to merchant's bank account.